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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, March 29, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Using Quantum Energy with Tom Paladino, and Healthy Eating with Christine Hronec

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Using Quantum Energy with Tom Paladino, and Healthy Eating with Christine Hronec

Tom Paladino discusses how scalar energy can cure people of harmful and deadly diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoans. And Christine Hronec, three-time champion fitness competitor and author, discusses the spiritual benefits of eating healthy.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

at The Listener to Unity online radio you might be curious to learn more about Unity you might already be well-versed in its teachings and History either way. Org website it's arranged to help you find what you need about healing relationships Prosperity guidance and prayer full of interesting articles video meditations and ways for you to discover and experience spend time of the unity website it's<br> discover the power within Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm dr. Dre Von James and this is everyday piece I'm super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday piece to find assholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality I hope that excites you as much as it excites me on this program we talked about the philosophy of everyday peace as a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness will also bring you the guest in the topics at highlight opportunities for us to learn and to grow and even to be entertained as we do what get to our next level of greatness and here's the beautiful thing about your next level of greatness you define what that is it's not pretty described by anybody else you get to decide hey this is what I say<br> my next level of greatness has so that's what we do on the show and we have amazing guest this week last week we had two amazing guests as well we talked to dr. Jacob Teitelbaum and if you remember if you didn't join us you got to go back and listen to the show you really do he's a medical doctor and the author of from fatigue to Fantastic we talked about the impact of covid on your health as they relate to chronic fatigue syndrome and even if you never had covid you still may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome if you have insomnia it may be due to chronic fatigue syndrome so you got to go back to have to listen to this show you know somebody I assure you who would benefit from this knowledge we also have dr. Tiffany Tatum or she is the guru of all Google's up for the power of resilience<br> if anything is ever happened in your life that you feel you can't bounce back from you got to listen to the show she's a medical doctor who had a severe injury who could no longer practice medicine anymore and her trials and tribulations are great for her resilience is even better so she'll help to encourage you and get you started again so you can see if you miss that show or any of our past shows I strongly recommend that you go back and listen you can access our entire library of shows by subscribing to dr. Dre Bond James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google Play and Stitcher or you can listen on the unity online radio. Org website you can also get tremendous growth opportunities entertainment you name it we have it for you on the Doctor dravon James website it's new and improved there's experts from my book there are ways to contact me<br> a huge thank you to those of you who contacted me after last week's show you can contact me asking you the questions about the show find out how to get in touch with the gas if you miss that information asked me about our coaching business and yes leaders in high heels is on Facebook that was a question last week it's an absolutely free Facebook Community for women who are looking to Next Level their lives in the areas of health wealth or relationship so check us out as leaders and high heels on Facebook absolutely free so as you know our theme in 2022 is it's time to improve my life who doesn't want to improve their like I don't know anybody who doesn't improve your life right we all want to improve our lives and then prove somebody else's life by them seeing the example in us I just love saying that because when I think of that I think that if it's going to be<br> is up to me there are no such things as obstacles that are blocking you from your next level of greatness you really need to get with the team with the other day peace team learned how to move forward no matter what because that's what we do so our everyday peace moment for today is how often do you celebrate you<br> and I'll give you a minute and I'll ask you again<br> how often do you celebrate you I know right A lot of times we don't do that we think of Celebration with a call I got to go cook I got to hire a caterer I got to get the house clean and it's just overwhelming but they're small things that you could do and should be doing every day to help you overcome fear that's all in our mind and move on to your next level of greatness in one of those things is celebrating you and anyways you can do that you can use words of affirmation let's congratulate yourself for doing even the smallest thing congratulations you drink a glass of water today things like that you can smile a lot and smile after you do difficult tasks smile smiling is a way to trick the brain that says I am pleased even though you it was kind of hard and you really didn't want to do it but it was beneficial and you did it anyway when you smile it tells the brain that we just did something to celebrate and it looks for more ways for you to overcome<br> beers and celebrate your success has so smiling and celebrating our secret keys to overcoming fear celebrate yourself often so with that being said we're going to bring in our first guess our guest today at first guess today is Tom Paladino he is inspired by Nikola Tesla and he is is you know Nikola Tesla is the genius who invented alternating current but Tom Paladino is the genius who invented Square energy and we're going to learn how he has invented<br> instruments where he can perform healing for many diseases remotely so using Quantum energy to heal your body and I want you to get a pen and paper I want you to text people because he's giving away free 15 days of free healing with his Quantum energy healing process Tom welcome to the show<br> pleasure thank you for the invite doctor I am super excited anyting Nikola Tesla is probably over my head but it really really interest me Quantum energy quantum physics is really interests me and when I read that you are healing diseases<br> and you're doing it remotely it piqued my interest so what is square energy<br> everybody's an expert in this topic I can guarantee I'm working with sunlight or Starlight that's the initial energy of the universe<br> scalar energy<br> and that's what I've made a career out of pursuing this new technology that's scanner energy now this is not electricity this is different this is an energy from the Sun in the star I consider it the initial energy of the universe and I've developed instruments that control skittering and in so doing on the count of fact that I can control skittering I can do incredible things with this technology so I have to get her energy instruments that control this Primal Force unlike her Starlight<br> I'm I'm just mesmerized first of all I know that there's so much power and energy if you will in sunlight and starlight we all know that we're even feel it right when you walk out in the sun you can feel the energy from there so the fact that you have been able to harness this energy and be able to utilize it to heal our bodies is fascinating to us so I'm how did you come to be so driven to unlock the secrets of your energy<br> God revealed this to me and the reason I say that first and foremost this is a subject that is not taught my Academia there is no definitive scanner energy textbook oh my God gave me this wisdom but I have the great benefit to spend it supposed to pick with Tesla and also other researchers such as Hieronymus American researcher by name of killing Hieronymus the these two men test on Hieronymus they were the the Trailblazers and they were the initial scientist who developed get her in some respects I've copied their work I don't I don't want to have to start from ground zero so I copied their works I give credit to test on Hieronymus they were great men now we move forward and we realize that we're going to be able to change the world with this new technology and I mean that changed the world<br> in what ways do we change the world with this new technology<br> scalar energy gets free energy free energy what do I mean by that is it's from the Sun and the Stars my instrument controls this free energy tapped into a energy Paradigm and what you don't have to create energy there there is no generator for scatter energy there's no power plant I freaking do you speak to people the power plant is the Stars so I've already tapped into scalar energy the free energy of the universe that's what we're going with this we're going to be able to end the energy crisis that the scanner energy instrument<br> it's not that you have to drill for oil it's not a motor you something happen to the Star Energy Star Energy is everywhere in the universe but this is so important scalar energy free energy will solve so many problems<br> in as you're talkin I mentioned that I just recently listened to some information about Nikola Tesla and I think that was one of the things that he was talking about you how energy was free and there were so many opponents saying you know what shouldn't be free and I have you come up against any opposition as you<br> alright release. Nothing nothing is that I would consider meaningful opposition in the reason I say that is because this subject is so poorly understood that even those in a position of power and prominence don't know what to make of this. So you cannot speak out against something that you're ignorant. Frankly so I don't I don't have any backlash that's from from the powers-that-be nor do I really forecast any any backlash because it's it's a subject that's so poorly understood that my work this is protected by God and I just move forward<br> and so a few just trying to join us we're talking with Tom Paladino who has discovered how to use the power harness the power of the sun and the stars is called scalar energy to cure people of harmful and deadly diseases caused by viruses bacteria fungi protozoans and you do it remotely and I'm at risk of not understanding how did how does it work remotely<br> that's that's the Paradigm that were working in soap scanner energy is able<br> to work with anybody around the world by waves are photograph what do I mean by that scalar energy allows us to access a Quantum field by way of a person's phone so if you keep that in mind you scared or energy instrument<br> can pick up a force field on a photograph so I work with people around the world exclusively by way of their photographs this is so promising to me why because we finally have overcome distance or time and space and which we can work with anybody in the world through the quantum Dimension that's what's so important we no longer are bound to brick-and-mortar we are no longer bound to some physicality this is non physical action it's a perfect information system and I access any person or animal by their Quantum field on a photograph<br> I'm just I got to tell you my heart is going pitter-patter because I am excited like like a kid on Christmas Eve that this is a trick I'm actually talking to you in this is actually happy happening that you're able to use this you know he'll want them filled and<br> began experiencing here on this universe you know why we're still alive or still moving and talking and talk to me a little bit about what type of diseases you've healed with this when we're working with this instrument we can easy to text for instance micro but Jermon a photograph<br> remember them the photographs represent you represent your Quantum field so we can detect say a bacterium in the quantum field and we can break apart or around that bacterium in your Quantum field but that's that's fascinating to me the ability to detect and eradicate<br> microbes viruses bacteria fungi we do this all through the connection all through the interface of a photograph so people from around the world send us photographs we detect if you will microbes germs in the quantum field and we eradicate them<br> wow I'm just thinking of the huge impact that this would have on society and just being able to one not have to travel for your for your healing but how many lives could be saved how many use of dangerous antibiotics could be avoided to restore someone to a greater quality of life to this again but if you're just joining us were talking to Tom Paladino we're talkin about splitter energy in the use of square energy remotely to heal diseases so<br> people send you photographs are just getting an image here and I want to say before we are going to this question you are giving away absolutely free to every listener today 15 days of free treatment talk to us a little bit about that and tell us how they can retrieve that free gift and thank you by the way<br> you're welcome so what am I doing I want to introduce this new technology to the road sell in order to do so I make it free to the general public anybody in the world can visit our website you're going to email us your photograph and through the quantum field we're going to eradicate microbes terms we're going to assemble we can actually create a stubble nutrients and then were also able to get this energy to balance your brain waves are what some people might call your psyche we do all of that all of that by way of the quantum field and all we need is an email to photograph just a photograph of your face and we can do that so in order to prove the efficacy of this Quantum field we have a free trial anybody in the world can sign up for 15 days our website is scalar scalar scalar you can visit<br> you can upload free sessions 15 days of recession and in so doing you feel yourself you will be able to experience first-hand the efficacy of the quantum healing<br> hi too but now the individual the free to all of the individuals from the everyday please show who are going to take advantage of this absolutely marvelous offer are going to send you their photographs through the internet via email and are they are from your website excuse me do they also include like what you do viruses are diseases this he's in the body that they've currently experiencing do they give you the information we have a standardized process with everybody photograph from the same fashion so don't I don't want you to diagnose the disease that I don't want you to reveal anything intimate to us just send us your photographs and Let The Healing begin over the next 15 days you will feel better<br> and so after the 15 days of doing that 15 days do they make any additional contact with you you or your company or is there any contact made how does that work so you'd like they can write to us we have a chat support on our website you can chat with us and we'll have one of us the support desk Personnel will reach out to you in and explain to you the process and if that's the case but what really is pertinent is that you experience this without any coercion that you are free to try this and you decide how you feel that's the state of the science right now we want to prove this to people this is all groundbreaking research so we need people to speak about this we need people to say yes this is a merit I don't think this is ever been done before so with that in mind we want people to feel comfortable moving forward we're going to continue to offer 15 days of free stuff<br> and I love you you answered my next question I was going to ask you about you know emotional and mental well-being but you said even it can detect that as well and do the proper Readjustment in that area as well so this is amazing it is really getting to some very relevant sources with in today's society that really need to be healed now I want to get to some success stories but before we get there I know that someone's probably asking themselves what is the difference between Square energy and electromagnetic energy could you talk briefly about that I believe all energy initiate is scalar energy scalar energy and I believe frankly electromagnetic energy electricity and magnetism or simply a derivative of scattering so the primary energy source energy is scalar energy<br> diamond mine I'm working with the primary the life force energy electricity is a poor substitute frankly<br> right okay awesome awesome side effects any side effects from this type of healing<br> none none it's divine energies from God God cannot harm and most importantly as far as people look at this as cause and effect keep in mind that this is like chemical this is non-physical its life pure light so it cannot produce a chemical reaction there cannot be a chemical detox there are no chemicals we're working with pure light so we never have any type of chemical detox<br> right it is important to say for those of you who are right now going in the website to sign up for your 15 day free offer is important to say that not only do you not<br> have to have any information on the other patients you also don't have to have them you're just doing all of this healing remotely via a photograph so right exactly the quantum field is all knowing it's God's information it's it's if you will but I consider the mystical Body of Christ so you don't have to tell this energy what to do God is the Healer God will heal<br> I'm super this just really Jazz's me and I love to hear and bring to our listening audience alternative ways to get to their desired goal let's hear a few of those success stories of which I'm sure you have many about people who have tried this product this process and been healed of various diseases and disorders in the past three months I've been receiving reports from Tanzania we've been working with an HIV AIDS clinic in Tanzania and everybody who said in their photographs from Tanzania is telling us that they no longer are hiv-positive most of those people feel very well and they return to work and all of those people say that in some measure their health has improved some of these people want as far as to get a PCR test and the PCR test is not detectable after being positive with HIV for years<br> these people are no longer have any indication of the HIV infection so this is the mounting evidence that we see that something indeed is happening something very positive is happening<br> yeah and that leads me to another question how many sessions do you draw Lee recommend that a person received<br> when they sending their photographs how do you know what the recommendations should be I know you said you work with most you started working with everybody exactly the same but do some people need more than 15 days of sessions people feel so great that they may go on and become and paying client yes but I think within 15 days you should have a clear indication whether this is helping you or not whether this is correct for you that's the key 15 days in two weeks time most people feel the difference there after it's up to the individual and there are many variables at stake but 15 days of Greater majority of people after the free session say yes I feel better<br> oh that's wonderful and so are there things that patients should do is I feel like I feel God calling them patience when you don't have to go anywhere they have to send the picture to you and they're getting these miraculous results but for lack of a better term I'm going to call them patience is there anything they should do prior to receiving this the square light therapy energy therapy or anyting after they should after that they should do to continue with the well-being<br> that's simply respect the energy and accepting him it's God's healing they don't have to observe any type of specific protocol they don't have nobody has to change their diet or they're helping regiment just accept the healing<br> wow I love it this loud you'll get your teaching so many different things here they're coming for healing but we are also what I also hear and you've used it several times today that you know this is from God there's a part of me that saying that it's also involved the individual letting go<br> letting go of the disease or disorder letting go of the understanding it's not necessary letting go of the this for that mentality that you have to give to receive just really letting go and letting this process do its work trusting in the cysts that I hear a lot of trust in here<br> yes and I concur with you I concur in the back letting go why do people feel comfortable doing that this is God's energy I have to underscore I'm not the Healer God's the Healer class do I know the energy at the prime mover is the energy which is a Divine energy so I keep it all in the hands of God that's why this works once again where they are only as can access their free gift and what the free gift is<br> the website to Avail yourself of the 15 days of free session is scalar scalar scalar lights on, you visit that website anybody including family members you can share this on social media to want family members can include your pets I always tell people remember to conclude your pets your dogs or cats and you will see the difference she will see how you feel after the obsession I would say include your entire household anybody who's there your pets include include everybody cuz who couldn't do with a tune-up we all could I'm Doctor Trevon James I guess this for this half of the show has been Tom Paladino will be back after this message<br> thanks for joining us this is Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back I'm dr. Dre Bond James this is everyday peace and guess what we have Tom Paladino who's agreed to stay on for the second half or so because this is a big topic I know you feel the way that I do this is huge we've all heard about Quantum energy in some form or fashion our entire life it's always seemed so out there in the exciting to me and to be able to have someone here who has the saying it in my own terms guys harness the energy from the Sun I love it harness the energy from the stars I love it because I know that much like many of you I've been marveling at the sun and the Stars my entire life I cast my gaze upward and I'm mesmerized by this Uninvited by the Stars into and I know like many of you do I know that there is energy there I know if you have the energy to warm the entire<br> earth right to light up the sky and now what that the time is figured out how to harness that energy through the square energy to do remote healing I ask myself what is there to lose you need a photograph and that's it and and you're getting results so we're back to this behalf of our show we're going to focus a lot on those testimonials because I know you want to hear those but I want to offer you the opportunity to open your hearts you know someone who you probably should be texting right now to say hey get on the everyday piece show dr. Dre Bond James on the unity online radio. Org fight you're not going to believe it so Tom let's go let's start with talking about some of the testimonials you seen from using this Quantum energy to heal the body<br> okay so let's let's think about something that's quite comments the herpes virus many people have herpes now there are different types of herpes virus but let's concentrate say on oral herpes you know how people will have a fever blisters on their lips are or blisters on their cheeks with their fur on their gums what am I getting it's a common virus the herpes virus most of the frankly most of the adult population of Roadhouse has herpes virus I might be dormant for thing people have it so what's the point are scalar energy instruments can detect that we can detect<br> the herpes virus on your photograph what do I mean a photograph is your body located version a photograph tells us what you as an individual are experiencing so your phone is always in real-time so to speak so when we're working with your photograph or able to ascertain whether you have the herpes virus because you're photographing will contain that signature of the herpes virus so working through your photograph were able to detect the herpes virus and then send a signal into your photograph that will destroy that will break down the herpes virus imagine what I'm saying now you're photographed contains the signature for the herpes virus and we break down or we eradicate that signal on your photograph that's all we need to do to have a successful session by wave your photograph.<br> put this into motion people from around the world they want a Quantum healing Quantum means non-physical or not working with electricity and magnetism so-and-so doing what do we do with a photograph people will email it says photograph and we will if you will eradicate the herpes virus found in that Quantum Dimension fascinating fastening this transcends time and space you no longer are dealing with the physical world you're dealing with the non-physical world or the informational wrote scaler<br> and I love this because I do and I love the fact that you use for herpes virus and I've been a pharmacist for 30 years and you're right it is so comment most adults have that the oral type would not talk about genital herpes but I'm sure that your system you could kill that as well but if you look at something that is so prevalent that we in the Healthcare Community have just accepted that you'll be on the antiviral whenever you have a break out and that's just going to be your life forever or you'll just ride out the breakout without using anything or you use herbal remedy to reduce the symptoms and that's going to be your life forever but here you are saying that someone just mailed you a photograph you use the square energy energy from the sun energy from the stars and the herpes virus is eradicated no more antivirals when you have a break out no more herbal remedies to soothe the symptoms of a breakout no more<br> herpes<br> just God<br> exactly now let me give you this analogy everybody know has the salsa what's that all about Melissa cell phone is Wireless transmission you remembered 20-30 years ago everybody had a landline now for a few people have a landline so what are we getting to be finally have the meats to work the People by way of a wireless transmission for in the non-physical capacity so what the cell phone is to communication scalar energy will be to Healing<br> don't have to be physically present to be healed we do this in the quantum realm just as with a cell phone you don't need a physical location anymore a landline a wire to transmit your signal or your telephone can now be used in a wireless capacity well if you can receive a signal on the cell phone then your photograph receives the signal and Quantum healing<br> and I love that because we all can remember at least let me say not all of us when do we have blisters from all different age groups but I def think I remember when there was not even a concept of a cell phone and we were you know using our finger to dial in a little hole around you know the rotary phone and here we are you know it's so many years later in my lifetime using a cell phone and it it's even remotely don't have to put the cell phone to your ear anymore you put these earbuds that are not connected to anything in your ears and we all know this is energy in so if we're using this type of energy to communicate right to me and you can let me know your thoughts on this time but to me this is also communication this is the body communicating have a son in the Stars communicating with the body and using the vehicle is the photograph to do that it is just as plausible as the cell phone if you had heard about<br> the cell phone in 1967 you would have been what I don't believe it but this type this energy has always been and now we are figuring out Tom and his team and and as you said you had those who came before you Tesla was one of them I don't want to mess up the name Hieronymus and I said that wrong who also was doing this work in his time and you picked up where they left off<br> and here we are today being able to remotely heal a you mention HIV you've mentioned herpes both of which by the way the individuals could go and get lab results to support the healing that took place what else do you see in forms of testimonies and what's his Quantum energy that there Comer a many people has gone as far to say that they no longer are depressed or or this Quantum healing remember this is a Divine energy this Quantum this in some fashion reduce their anxiety or or if they're able to overcome depression<br> I've considered that working for your photograph the quantum field for able to address your psychic Behavior your emotional Behavior to the point that some people say that they're no longer depressed and or they have a greater outlook on life, how did that happen the other energies of this prime mover that I work with this this fundamental energy has to be balancing the brain waves it has to be balancing the psyche the emotional emotional present its I believe it balances it corrects the seven chakras everybody has seven Meridian seven chakras and if this is all true to form then this is the tool in the future for mental health that scalar energy will be used for mental health moving forward<br> oh I can see that I really can't see that the benefit of using this type of energy to heal that which we have not always been that successful healing it's sort of a hit or miss with Pharmaceuticals and we definitely improved chances if you have therapy with that but having this option having this as an option or as an additive even right cuz no one's saying I'm not hearing you say all you have to forego whatever you're currently doing this could supplement and then you find that you no longer need to do what you're currently doing going to ask you a question a lot of things that I'm seeing in my practice things such as the<br> working with autoimmune disorders have you had any success with that<br> just sometimes we do I can say some people with lupus do not have the severe condition of Lupus as they once did it by the tribute that too well I would have to say that this energy in some fashion was able to correct their autoimmune signaling how many times will keep having on Indian disease the body cannot distinguish between self and non-stop so antibodies will attack healthy tissue so I presume that scalar energy is sending the right information so that we don't have that problem never asked energy is instructing the body not attack itself<br> that's the autoimmune condition for autoimmune disease but I have to make this very clear to the audience my experience in my Laboratories with a photograph and I have to rely upon people's testimony because I don't work with people I work with their Quantum energy or their energy field so the key element moving forward in this new science is people on their testimonies and is there a correlation between photograph a person feel like you're right there is but we still are in the infancy of this right now but the King on the testimonies and how people feel<br> yes I love that I love that that is King and isn't that the king anyway and we even if you're getting lab results in your and you've been diagnosed and you using traditional medicine if you walk into your doctor's office and you say hey I feel horrible in the doctor says when your lab results so you're perfectly healthy you're going to walk away from that office that I got to get a second opinion I feel help I feel I feel horrible right and you could off the reverse is true as well you can walk into the doctor's office in the doctor says all you got this the laps they all this and you see how I feel healthy as a horse what's going on you're going to get a second opinion I think that how you feel is King you want to be responsible of course do your due diligence get your lab work but how you feel is King I love that phrase and let's talk a little bit about something I see a lot of my practice to is which is thyroid either by the hypo or hyper and I know sometimes it's associated with autoimmune but a lot of times I see this women who are really suffering with your thyroid as they<br> older and they're suffering from the hypothyroidism would they benefit from sitting in and letting you work with their photographs using Square energy on your photograph to help me regulate their thyroid function and they have dysregulation of the other thyroid gland well it's been proven through other lab reports that people shared with us that our energy is showing to have a track record to eradicate the Epstein-Barr virus the Epstein-Barr virus the Epstein-Barr virus is considered to be the trigger or at least a major component behind<br> any type of Hashimoto's or any type of thyroid autoimmune disease meaning what the Epstein-Barr virus attacks the thyroid gland and because of that you have a hyperactive thyroid gland you have what is known as Hashimoto's or if you can eradicate get rid of so to speak of the Epstein-Barr virus then you no longer have that pronounced reaction you don't have that that occasion of Hashimoto's because there is no longer the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus and there are no longer if you will a superfluity of antibodies attacking<br> the Epstein-Barr virus and if you can at any way you can leak in that response that autoimmune response and not so many antibodies are called out to Marshall defense against the Epstein-Barr virus and you reduce the occasion for Hashimoto's disease comfortable in and healthy thyroid gland and you won't have these Wings you won't have hypo or hyperthyroidism if you can eradicate the Epstein-Barr virus<br> right into it and you know that I've done some reading about this I absolutely concur if you can do that and it sounds like your system can I know that this speaking with Hashimoto's is on the rise so I know we have a listener who's impacted on today and maybe more than one so again tell us about the free offer the 15-day session how they can a child they can receive that<br> our website is scalar scalar to 15 days of free session what do I mean by that you're going to email us your photographs are scalar energy technology only works in the quantum field we only work with people's photographs and it's so doing when we work with your photograph we access your spirit body or your non physical Dimension this is pure scalar energy healing this has nothing to do with a physical healing this is quantum or energy healing<br> and it said remember working with your Quantum field what we have great results in the quantum field and we access your Quantum field through instruments do custom built scalar energy instruments that I've developed so if you put all of this together you put this into context we are going to have great success working with people around the world through your photograph you're going to email us your photograph at scammer and this is how a session takes place there is no physical office there's no physicality and scalar energy so you're going to send us if you will your photograph and we're going to work on your Quantum field found on your photograph and in so doing were able to eradicate microbes in the quantum field balance your chakras are even create nutrients we can even create a I dine in the quantum field all of that all of that is done through the quantum field<br> by where your photographs this is the new science informational science and which were able to work with people remotely you work with her spirit body we work with the quantum field by where the email for the gram<br> I am so excited about the possibilities and I got a couple questions about that photograph let me hit those first I want to say people texting me and asking me this and so one question is coming through again if you just want to repeat Thomas what's the cost after the 15 days and I think we talked about that and someone just text me and said ask him what is the cost after the 15-day we have a month-by-month sessions for 30 days to cost us $89 now once you sign up for the free trial we will introduce to you that offer of $89 a month and then we leave it up to you we don't never call you on the phone we we don't do anything except you and send out an email offer we're always sending out offers reduced prices by ways email so get on a newsletter and then we will introduce this program to you step-by-step Lie by the way we have other programs ancillary<br> hormones and a Endo dwarf and other programs such as digestive enzymes we have fat metabolism program so as you start your journey we want you to be comfortable with the 15-day trial and after that 15-day trial you and only you will make that decision if you want to go on<br> okay so the questions are I always promote amongst My Tribe to get on the questions are coming texting and to me so quickly I can hardly get to the mall but I do want to get to this one here question is do you have to have it does it matter how current the photograph is quantum field is the same every moment of your life so when you send us a photograph you don't have to send us an updated phone about some people send a photograph that's 20 years old that's fine we will work with us this photograph is 20-30 years old because your Quantum field is always the same so send me any photographs of your face age of the photograph does not matter and energy Paradigm it's the I am moment another is everything is always in the present moment you do not have to sign<br> a current photograph okay great the next question and we have about 6 minutes or for our listeners that you can also call straight into the unity online radio. Or can ask your questions a huge thank you for those people who are putting questions on my website in on my cell phone I'm trying to get to these as fast as they're coming in and it says here I need digestive enzymes you mentioned something about digestive enzymes call our support desk and ask for free session will give you a 30 day free session of digestive enzymes so start with are standardized 15 Day program and after that will allow you to try at least once a 30-day trial on the digestive enzymes and I have a question about the wait a minute are the digestive enzymes same question I was going to ask are the digestive enzymes<br> through the light and sun energy star and sun energy or is that actually a pill or something you have to take only work with scanner energy which is non-physical so all of my hundred percent of the time it's non-physical Brook I never work with any physical that I never worked with pills or surgery or anything this is the new science of information so all of my work is with the scanner energy instrument and I'm just I think I have a lot of questions here so I'm going to try to power through these at question here is can you send in a picture of your baby<br> Pikachu be able to do work on Suboxone<br> yes parents will send in photographs of their children even infants I've treated in fences is youngest two months old so yes parents I encourage parents to include the photographs of children now if you are of the Age of Reason you should make your decision on your own but parents should should be able to speak for their children be allowed at and by the way I'm going to also tell people to include photographs of your pets your tongue in your cat will experience this the salubrious effects to include photographs of your animals for pets<br> okay and next question is how about skin disorders they said specifically asks, but I know there's probably other questions about skin disorders as well<br> judging from our testimonies over the years we have good success with psoriasis and eczema now it really depends upon the person I cannot give a guarantee so try the 15-day session see how you feel I'm very very much in the woods here with these questions are coming in I do want to say I'm excited about the open-mindedness of our listening audience which I'm not surprised about but I am very excited because we all know that it's being open and letting go of our barriers to try new things as the first step to move into our John next level of greatness just being open letting go of that fear so this is exciting to be able to talk about this most of us have heard of quantum energy but we don't really understand it Tom's been studying this is entire life picked up where Tesla left off and you've got to say the other signs his name cuz I don't want to I don't want to butcher it was the other Hieronymus<br> man in. He hasn't received this to yet but someday you'll go get the proper attention that he deserves why I feel that time you're going to help to put his name's up there somewhere so okay someone's just never question that we have about two minutes left is what about for use with weight loss<br> some people have a benefit we haven't program known as fat metabolism and is the name implies we can metabolize fat that does not guarantee weight loss so try the fat metabolism program it's a 30-day program I would only sign up for 30 days and then see how you feel it really boils down to the individual why do I say that this is a new science I can't underscore that enough this is a new science The Diamond Mine needs to be back from people that's to keep you need people to say yes this is us married or no that did not help me any any answer any feedback is ballast I keep in mind and I mean every word of this as a new science it's the people that are cute it's your testimony that is King there is no protocol for this<br> so with that said sign up send us your testimony and if it's if it resonates with you mow it worked if not well you had a pre-trial we we don't begrudge anything we wish we could have helped you but if it wasn't for you so bad we're not going to in any way I can ask you to continue so no side effects is he's not you're not being touchy sure photograph again give us that website one more time we're at least put audience members are going to call and go on the website can you give us that information again we have about live less than a minute 15 days of free sessions all you have to do is email us your photographs visit the website Kahler scalar<br> killer all we need is your photograph and we view the work all we ask is that you pray and ask that God heals you<br> undoctored Rayvon James this is everyday piece I'm super excited for your next level of greatness we've been talking to Tom Paladino this week we'll talk to you next week right here on dr. Dre Bond James the everyday piece<br> you've been listening to Everyday piece for dr. Avon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that lead you to your next level of greatness and I would love to hear some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me and info at Dr Graber on enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the headlights 9-week online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon purchase my book Freedom is your Birthright from Amazon thank you for being at every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> Listen to Unity online radio you might be curious to learn more about unity and its teachings and History either way it's arranged to help you find what you need about healing relationships Prosperity guidance and prayer full of interesting articles video meditations and ways for you to discover Crow and experience spend time of the unity website<br>

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