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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, February 1, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Divine Mother Healing with Connie Huebner, and What If Jesus Were a Coach with Michael Taylor

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Divine Mother Healing with Connie Huebner, and What If Jesus Were a Coach with Michael Taylor

Connie Huebner has been investigating the deeper reaches of consciousness, and in her explorations, she has developed a direct communication with the Divine Mother of the universe. She joins us to discuss messages of healing from Divine Mother. And Michael Taylor discusses the benefit and wisdom of connecting with a higher power and achieving your dreams.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

sometimes you feel so alone and overwhelmed you don't know where to turn these days it seems like there is no end to our problem we invite you to connect with silent Unity the 24 hour Prayer Ministry where someone is waiting to pray with you right now since 1890 silent Unity has always been there no judgment or Dogma just the one affirming the best for you call 816-969-2002 day you can also connect online at unity prayer vigils out of work you found the most positive place on the internet<br>thanks for listening to Unity online radio. Org<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday people with dr. dravon James<br> welcome to Everyday piece on Doctor Dre Bond James and I am super excited to be here with you today on the everyday piece show where we explore the concept of living a life of peace every day does that excite you the way it excites me I mean the world of chaos and so much going on and one thing after another just to have that deep exhale is a I am living in the space of peace peace to find is wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality it doesn't matter this is where I exist I'm super excited to bring that to share this face not just to bring it but the to bring it in to share this space with you during our time together on this program we talked about the philosophy of everyday piece this is a philosophy that I have spent the last I don't know 30 years of my life working<br> it is a system to help us achieve our next level of greatness and we use everything that has shown up in our lives The Good the Bad and everything in between we don't leave anything out we use everything that it showed up in our lives to move to our next level of greatness and on this show we bring the guests and the topics that highlight the opportunities for us to learn for us to grow and yes yes we are entertained are funny them they bring light to our lives so the last couple of weeks we have been talkin about goals that he been following us it's been our topic since 2021 since the end of 2021 how to set them how to make progress towards them and if you missed any of these episodes I strongly recommend that you go back and listen to them you can access our entire library of shows by subscribing to the doctor Trevon James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google Play<br> and Stitcher or you can listen to them on the unity online radio. Org website you can also access this show many other shows on our fabulous website I have to say that it's new and improved its fabulous is the doctor drayvon website there you're going to find words of wisdom and encouragement you got to find contact information thank you for all those who reach out to me and asked me how can you how you can sign up for our courses when we do our master classes when we do things of that nature you can find it all that information you can put in a send me notes and information they're all on the doctor dravon website you can also get free gifts if you're looking for ways to engage right now we have a wonderful free gift up there we got a lot of them but this one Pops in my mind improve your self-esteem and our self-confidence there's no time better than the present<br> to work on that because self-confidence is important as you move to your next level of greatness so I encourage you visit the website today book Market visit frequently because we put up all kinds of all the time so as you know it's 2022 and what is the theme of our program for 2022 it is it's time to improve my life another exciting statement for me I just love saying that I last week we talked about this thing we're going to continue to talk about this thing as we go along in 2022 because I honestly believe your next level of greatness is up to you only things that are really holding R Us back or the things that we are holding inside so we'll be dedicating our entire year to improving your life and proving my life will return next level of greatness<br> in doing that I want to tell you if you missed last week's show we had Susan Sellinger on there she discussed sidelined how women manage and Miss manage their health it's a if you are a woman if you know and love a woman I encourage you to go back and listen to that show we also had David here and and he is the author of the book in time Living End Time living riveting conversation about how despite the compass and hardships all is well on our journey and how to live in that space so I encourage you to go back and do that and listen to those shows from last week now it's time for our everyday peace moment and I got to tell you is we talked about improving Our Lives<br> did I mention there's no time like the present but there is a time and a season for everything we all know that this is our season of action I want to tell you how I know because in this moment if we spend our entire life trying to line up all the stars in the moon and the sun just in the right place before we take action before you take action our next idea will always be in the planning stage let me encourage you and today's everyday peace moment to take action to do something other than plan your next move take some sort of action on it you won't be sorry that you did action is momentum planning is not momentum action is action starts the ball in motion to you going to where you want to go to you achieving the goals that you want a cheating and we want to celebrate with you I want to celebrate with you as we quit when we close.<br> wake me to 2022 South write down what is my first action step and take it don't worry about being failure don't worry about not being perfect we'll talk about that and future everyday piece moments right now we're going to go to our Fabolous first guest up today our first guess is life coach Michael Taylor he has thrown all of us all those listeners and all his followers and a Lifeline for those looking to kick-start their spiritual journey and self-discovery he's with no Fabolous book on what if Jesus were a coach welcome to the show Michael call dr. James I'm slick back to be here I love your theme of everyday piece because I can remember a time in my life when my life was the opposite there was no peace so I'm really excited to be on your show go thank you excited to have you like I tell you I love this you know what if Jesus were coach right tell me just tell us a little bit about your journey and then I want to know<br> this concept at will have to develop this concept of what if Jesus were coach back by society's standards I was pretty successful and was in approximately six and a half your time frame that American Dream turned into the American Nightmare as I want your divorce bankruptcy of foreclosure a deep deep state of depression I would even homeless for 2 years living out of a car and I was and I was sitting at the edge of my bed looking across the room at my bookshelf when I happened to notice that every book on my bookshelf has something to do with getting rich or making money and if I looked up a book this question just popped in my head Michael what if you took all the energy and effort you use in trying to get rich and simply figure out how to be happy<br> and it wasn't asking that question that my wife is shifted I mean I can't put into words but all of a sudden my depression lifted and I had this amazing Clarity that was going to be able to rebuild my life and it was going to become extraordinary and as a result that question I stopped bleeding but I'm getting rich and making money I started reading books on personal development personal growth in Psychology and I went on a journey of transformation was during that time I was an atheist and has a kid actually divorced and I started my healing work I came to the belief that all of my problems could be solved through psychology because I started dealing with some childhood trauma issues and I start to heal that my start to feel better so my mind I thought it said well why do I need this thing called God because I'm feeling myself I'm feeling good so I wasn't late this for several years<br> then I received another miracle but I'll stop there first so if you want to interject that Miracle oh my goodness I love you said something and you know I believe in divine intervention and you know that there's no chaos in the universe I took a walk today while I was at work I work at a hospital and I thought about this concept made it had a chat with a friend and talked about happiness you know in the back that you mentioned about the pursuit of money right in and we all could name several people that we may not know intimately but we know through the media who have who have or had a lot of money but from what we know of their life Journey they are not happy right now and then so I I love that if what if I pursued happiness that just I hope that I will listen to this is picking up on that if you pursue happiness do you you've got a hundred percent of what you need right there and everything else I know you're in a<br> your energy will draw to you what you need from that point on so you go on this trip you go on this journey you you get that you have this divorce you lose everything and in the midst of that you happened to Jess in a in an airport look over and see that all these books point to this wealth building and it ignites something a message to you pursue happiness from there you go on and from your story you find the Unity Church<br> yeah and I've got it I've got to share that story because again I've gone through this this healing trance makes the process and I was actually in a workshop and at the time I was not quite as atheist thinking as I won I was more agnostic what is this woman in the in the workshop she says Michael have you ever heard of Unity Church and I said no and I have to sit in the Christian religion is she said yes I said well I'm not interested. I've had my share of Christy and I'm really not interested and she says Michael<br> I understand but just listen you're the most positive person I've ever met my life and she said they're just like that at Unity she says you just sometimes I don't even go because I can't handle all that saw the tivity she said but you would fit right in I just know it well as fate would have it the very next day I'm at home my phone ring and I've got a phone book sitting on the table tell you how long ago that was and I'm looking through the phone book and my phone right I got up and I'm not the phone book off the table I answer my call I came back I picked up the phone book and when I looked inside the pages they're at the top of the page with an advertisement for Unity Church<br> and I'm thinking that can't be a coincidence so I called him it just so happened that they were like five blocks from where I live now I never heard of you but based on those circumstances I just want to go check it out and I drove by at night before the Sunday service see what the church is like and I looked in the window and I noticed that this amazing book start with all of his office that I have been reading over the last few years like Deepak Chopra Mary Williamson wow a church that does this and read this so I was excited well the next Sunday<br> I wanted to go to church and I wish I could put into words but the moment I stepped foot in that church my phone screen my phone immediately knew that I was in the place that I've been looking for all of my life<br> and I go into the church service I sent out in the first thing that makes it doesn't do a meditation and I was like wait a minute I've been meditating for about five years prior to this but when I was in the bathroom I remember him saying that meditation was traffic in with the devil and I'm like wait I mean a Christian church and their meditated wow this is really amazing and so after that service I knew that it was the place that I was supposed to be I thought in Reading literature and I joined the church and it's been a miracle ever since wow again no Randomness in the world like in the in the universe the the the the book opens up and there it is on the patient to lead you on your life's journey so what if Jesus were a coach tell me about tell us about this book I know you're phenomenal life coach but where did the concept come from what can we expect from the book<br> will again have a former atheist I used to have a really negative connotation whenever I heard the word Jesus and after finding Unity after going on my own spiritual journey and finding and creating my connection to the barn and tell her I said you know what if<br> this is actually my test book I've actually written ten bucks and I said you know I want to share the lesson that I learned to my spiritual journey and so I said what if you removed all the religious dogma and Doctrine surrounding Jesus's wife and simply looked at him as a life coach that came to teach us some very valuable lesson in how to live an extraordinary life<br> until I wanted to meditation I started listening I said. Look like I just have this idea but I need you to guide me I need you to tell me what you want me to write so I started downloading this information and one of the things that I wrote in one of the chapters is I share my 10 favorite lessons from Jesus and how I have used them to apply to my life that has allowed me to overcome all the obstacles in my life so I share those to listen to give people a different perspective of what how Jesus coach because he in my opinion was the world's greatest life coach but we get so wrapped up into the religious dogma and doctrine that we sometimes missed the lesson so this whole intention of the book it's geared toward people who are on the fence about God and maybe 80s or maybe just wanted to deepen their relationship with God I create a new relationship with God it's a very powerful positive approach to religion and crew<br> so it's it's my gift to the world based on my experience of connecting with Divine intelligence is to help people who want to have a positive relationship with God and why in your opinion is that so important for navigating this life's journey why didn't you know you live for many years as an atheist rights and their men heap of course who who and I know you know that I certainly do you say yeah well you know if there was a God then why is this happening to me why is that happening to me or what why do you think it's so important that people read this book and they developed is positive relationship with God I think we're so hungry for connection for an intimacy with God but yet we live in a society has conditioned us to believe that happiness and peace<br> will come from acquiring stuff and so it is my belief again that there is this Divine intelligence that created and is still creating some Maze and universe that we live in and people are beginning to wake up I believe there's a shift in consciousness of occurring there's no waking up happy happening and people are hungry for authentic connection and you don't have to have organized religion to have that until the intention of the book was to provide a resource to support people in gaining that every day peace because when we in the face of every day peace on Wadsworth we have great relationship you have Dynamic Health we have Financial abundance all available to us if we're willing to connect to Divine intelligence and sold the intention once again is to provide a roadmap to support and Empower anyone who wants to create that everyday people by connecting to Divine intelligence<br> I love it I love it and you do we share that belief that at the end of the day at the end of every day we all want the same thing was just to know that they really are safe you know that my definition that I use for pieces holness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality so we want to know that no matter what is happening in our life and our in the world we are safe our loved ones are safe and I agree with you the pathway to that is through in a positive relationship with with with God there's a path way there and we can in that's open in the billable to every one of us it definitely is not you know in the seeking of old<br> if I could just get rid of this problem and I hope that we get rid of all of our problems we all know those of us who live long enough that the old adage if you're either in the middle of a problem coming out of a problem or heading into a problem is to I know it's something that I do not like to hear myself say it when my mom and my grandmother used to say that I would cringe right but but you know another thing needs to say is keep on living right so I kept on living and I've come to find out that that's what it is and I've also come to know that and it's quite okay it's quite okay if you know that you are anchored to the truth and the truth is<br> at the end of this whatever this is in your life<br> if you are if you have using this positive relationship with God as your guide<br> you'll be just fine<br> you will be just fine so I hope for all of our listeners and that they will go get a copy of this book I'm give us the name of the book again and where we are listeners can find it<br> it's called what if Jesus were a coach and if you'll go to Jesus was a you can gain access to a free chapter give you a taste of it if it resonates with you and then once you read that free chapter if it moves and then pick up copy of the bus absolutely absolute still talking about the Unity Church which of course I know I'm very familiar with what you believe that there is a connection science and spirituality go together tell us why that why why you believe that and what that's all about<br> well before I found Unity one of the things I really struggled with why religious people struggle with fine it just I couldn't understand why there was a disconnect well if we understand some basic scientific proof right and I'll take the simple principle come from outlines and Albert Einstein's that everything is in it that's just the way the master frequency of the reality that you want to create and there's no way you can create that reality and he said this isn't philosophy this is physics therefore there is a science behind spirituality I say that some people called The Law of Attraction that's what you choose to see it there is a scientific basis for what's happening and when we understand the basic and fundamental idea that everything is energy and life like attracts like<br> then we have the keys to the kingdom if you will do for me because I'm somewhat of a rational logical guy when I got involved with the New Age movement one of these are really like about it is that if we to question what I was taught about God and so when I was able to combine like Albert Einstein and some of the scientists like Joe dispenza and these guys outside in my in my mind cuz if that was a problem has a kid it just didn't fit I couldn't make it fit in my head because it didn't make sense and spirituality are just two sides of the same point it's like the head in the heart and they come they work together and thought we shouldn't separate the two as though in the book I share a lot of science behind why I believe what I believe and how to apply find the making shall I say your life more connected to the source<br> oh I love that I love that and that connection is there right and everything under the sun right I'll come from the same source so why is there a distinction between Jesus and Christ<br> and any time I did something bad and I always thought last night what my understanding is that Christ is the Divine energy that was really the moment the universe began if you imagine that there's absolutely nothing right so there's nothing and all of a sudden something came from nothing called it the Big Bang in the Bible it says he's our God said let there be light same thing but for me when I think about that nothing<br> bumping couldn't have come from nothing right before me that nothing is pure Consciousness it is God is the source of all things everything arrived from your current is it is it when we understand and can accept that that Consciousness is everything and everything comes from that then Christ is that Divine energy that Divine intelligence with least into the universe when the university can we all have access to that Christ energy Jesus came to teach us how active energy Jesus was simply the personality through which God demonstrated the price of Jesus with the pricing one but it was also said I did not come to be served but to serve the he knew that his father was the source of all things but for me making that distinction<br> a lot of difference in the world in my mind because now I could see Jesus was just like me making that distinction between Jesus and the Christ you can sort of use it from a scientific perspective that's the price is that Divine energy that was released when God created the universe<br> oh I absolutely love that so it's the energy<br> wow that makes sense it makes us back to your previous point which everything is energy<br> exact separation between science and I love it so this process of Christianity is a process like a Joseph Campbell Hero's to hero's journey you mentioned that and explain that a little bit more so if you're not coming with the hero's journey I'm sure most people will recognize the movie Star Wars Sol Star Wars was based on the hero's journey which basically there are 12 stages to the hero's journey and what I do in the book is I share house Jesus's wife actually went through those 12 stages but before I share how Jesus is like the way I talk about the 12 stages to give you an indication of how it applies to your life so what I believe is that Christianity is actually a process through which we become christ-like<br> and so it'll be called price like we'll go to this hero's journey and if you look at all the thing that Jesus experienced it just metaphor for what we go through in life or death for me<br> a part of me had to die and be resurrected for who I am the part of me that has a die with what some people might call my ego self my ego self was that part of me that focus on making money and material things than external tank so that ego-self have to die and be resurrected as my ankles are going to run out of time describe about this when we come back I want to give you a list ingredients one more opportunity to hear me say where they can get the book you've got to come back and talk about this more<br> We Are Spiritual Beings having a human experience this is Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back on Doctor Dre van James this is everyday piece if you are just joining us you missed a fabless conversation what if Jesus were a coach can you imagine night we all be on the winning team so our guess was Michael Taylor and I just want to tell you that that again you can find more information about that at ww.w. What if Jesus were overcoat and you can also find the book at Books-A-Million I'm super excited to welcome our second guess Connie Huebner Connie introduces people directly to Divine mother through her energy healings on her life teaching programs herself healing Coke courses and the Divine mother Church which she founded her new book Divine mother healing vibrational healing tattoos for your body your mind and your spirit welcome to the show Connie<br> thank you it's a pleasure to be here it is a pleasure to have you here I am so enthusiastic for the topic I Want to Jump Right In And for those who may not know we'll start here and then we'll backtrack a little bit but I think this is so important for and what what is who is the Divine mother<br> So Divine mother is part of that Unity of the mother father God principal she is the mother part of the mother father God and truly the mother father God are one but at this time on our planet the mother aspect is coming forth very powerfully she's always been activate active and busy in fact in every every spiritual tradition you'll find a reference even a name for the Divine mother that people honor and worship so at this time our planet needs and the human race particularly need<br> they are qualities of The Mother We Become separated conflicted fighting with one another very imbalance and so the mother is coming forth to bring her family together that's what mothers do and they bring their family together with love though the Divine mother is here now and she has taught me many things I've put them in this book I can tell you if you're interested how I met Divine mother it was a beautiful experience and she put me on this road to helping other other people by using her energy to heal people<br> you want me to do that I'll just go ahead am I on<br> oh I'm not disconnected MI<br> okay I'm just going to assume that I'm I'm on I don't hear you so all about 25 years ago I was meditating and I in in my inner sight I saw<br> a beautiful wave of light Rise Up from the pure field of<br> unbounded presence in meditation we dip in and experienced that Pure Source of Life so I have been meditating and then as I was<br> sitting there I noticed this beautiful way of gold and light come up and that light divided into two ways and then the two ways divided into four ways and then the four ways kept dividing and they all were interacting with one another and then slows of light would occur<br> particles of light would develop and I got the distinct idea that if the process of light expanding and interact in an expanding again and creating were to be continued that eventually those light particles would become Adam and the atoms would become molecules molecules become cell and you would see the creation of the material world a whole thing and at one point I said to this beautiful light who are you<br> and I distinctly heard within myself I am the Divine mother I am birthing the universe<br> and then she continues to demonstrate the creation process let there be light and she was letting there be light and allowing it to build and form and connect with itself in a myriad of different ways to create the universe<br> so at that time I was very odd and dumbfounded really and I said to myself I'm signing on with the Divine mother I want to learn from her so I started<br> working with her by going into myself everyday and asking to be shown what I needed to know and I would just go into the silence and settle down and allow something to come and what came at first were Sparkles of light<br> and I intuited that these Sparkles of light were there to unblock blocked in my system to feel confused areas so I created them what I had that phone call to prayer called divide the Divine Light and I started pouring light into me and I know that not only did I feel fantastic when I would pour in the light but if I poured it into other people they would also change and shift<br> and this became my first vibrational tool this<br> Divine Light. The Divine Light tool and since then I have developed with the help of the Divine mother many different methods for healing they all have to do with Divine qualities light is a Divine quality love is a Divine quality so I have the Divine love the Divine love prayer to Grace is a Divine quality so I use these Divine qualities to heal people issues there are blocks in our Energy System<br> that are preventing us from having that flew Dynamic experience of our divine self and I have learned how to find those blocks and dissolve them<br> some of the design tools I use are<br> call the go come and if I find something that's extremely stubborn and doesn't want to let go if you call wakanda Divine mother and say help me mother let's tell this energy to go and you said go into the light go go go go into the light you can actually send this cord into the light for transformation<br> another one of my healing tools that I learned from Divine mother I called the brakes command and when there are<br> grids our problem heavy density beer when you're overwhelmed with some so much that you can barely reach out to other people in a state of depression if you use the break command and say break break break break it breaks up that dense<br> and that's also one of these vibrational healing tool<br> so in my own process of learning about the Divine mother<br> I'm connecting to the Divine mother I had to heal myself and it's through with myself that these feeling tools a rose<br> and so now I use them all the time I'm at basically I'm an energy healer and I feel people who come to me and I teach classes to others on how to heal<br> but not only that I have learned how to communicate with the Divine mother and I'm I also teach people how to do that and it's a very simple process really<br> if you're clear in your heart it's much easier so I always tell people to breathe into their hearts soft and in the heart and then notice if there's a heaviness or construction there use some some of these vibrational healing tools to clear that heaviness in construction<br> and then just in word lease a Divine mother come for<br> and then pause and look for a<br> look for a shift in the energy<br> because Divine mother is an energy she is a vibration and when you call her forth she does come for<br> and you just have to notice that we're used to looking for something with her mind or intellect your ego and the Divine comes forth in your heart<br> call Forrest Divine mother and then wait a moment or two to see what is shifted maybe they'll be a space maybe a warp maybe a deepening<br> or an opening somewhere when you notice that say to that<br> are you divine mother and then you want to look for another vibrational Q<br> you want to see if the energy expands or contracts<br> and if it expand that's an energy yes in the language of vibration<br> is it contracted to know the energy closing down shutting down<br> and if nothing happened<br> I also consider that to be a no<br> and then I use the vibrational tools to clear up whatever is whatever is blocking my<br> communication with Divine mother<br> is that when she was that when you were seems like a lot of this and I thank you for taking such detail time to explain so much of it to us because I know that this is a topic that's getting a lot of attention as it should but it is that when if you were to have a client for example and they are not sure whether or not they're expanding or Contracting that's something that they would have to tell you that I feel the energy means expanding our self contracted is that true that there's something that the how to talk to Divine mother is our first I'll first use the healing tools to get their energy field very clear so there aren't a lot of disruptive worrisome energies bothering them at that moment so I spend the time whatever it takes 30 40 minutes to clear them<br> and then then I'll say breathing to the heart to let your attention settle in the heart<br> and I'll say quietly inwardly they Divine mother come for<br> or you can say Divine mother reveal yourself<br> and then I say now notice what happened<br> and we have a few moments of Silence<br> where they're noticing inside what's going on in response to that invitation of divine mother coming for<br> how many people will notice something like a warm or they'll notice and expansion<br> they might notice light<br> sometimes they get just more silent<br> and then I'll I'll say<br> when I tell me what they've noticed I'll say now ask inwardly<br> are you divine mother<br> and then you wait again for the response<br> and your we're working with energy so you're watching it's not even a watching your sensing what the energy does<br> and they'll kill me and they'll usually everybody has a different experience some people will even hear hear the words I'm here or I love you<br> and other people will instead just noticed like a feeling like there's an arm around their shoulders each person is very individual and what they experience so that's why I need to work with each individual you know all alone focused in the NFL gets dry and then if they get an expansion which is a vibrational yes answer<br> then out this is an important question I'll say ask if they come in the name of divine truth<br> or another good either that or do you come in the name of the infinite God<br> so then they look they asked that and they noticed whether expands or contracts<br> if it expands that's a considered a yes if it can track you say go into the light go into the light because we don't want to communicate with anything less than the highest present the highest Divine being in the universe<br> go anything that the can't say I come in the name of divine truth or I come in the name of God we say let go go into the light<br> and then wait until it's silent and settled and ask again<br> but most people I mean I'm patient and I'll keep clearing and healing the energy until a person gets that yes answer<br> so I'm going on teaching people how to communicate with with the Divine to an energy language at 1st and as they communicate at first and learn but learn how to respond and interpret the energy in the end in the very beginning it's either a yes or no<br> and the last question I asked if you get a yes is what is your message<br> because the Divine always have a message<br> even if I love you which is a huge wonderful beautiful message and look and a very powerful message. So anyway you have to when you get to the horde is your message question you have to wait again and watch what the energy is doing because the energy is is talking to you<br> and then in the beginning you need to you have to kind of into it what it means<br> but as you get used to doing selfie the person how would you doubt they might say something like I'm stealing this beautiful golden energy<br> and noticing that and then I'll say what does that mean to you<br> and then they will come out with whatever it is I'm protected I'm loved<br> and or something else do they talk a lot about what I would I know to be the truth but I'm wondering for people who you know this your patient in your working with them it must take a lot in the very beginning to get them to you know we live in such a rush no microwave Society with this process is delivered and it is relationship-building know in your book you said Divine mother wants a personal relationship with everyone of us how much I give patients does a person how much does it take to get person to a place where they can be self-aware have the patients develop the software in the in the wherewithal to to steal them self to do the process<br> that's an excellent question because it does takes<br> a significant amount of clearing and healing your energy field to be able to do this you have to be able to listen to your heart from inside a month many people are caught up in their heads they're agitated in their thinking and so that's why I have developed with Mother Divine mother all these dumb energy tools to help clear our Energy System so that we can receive the Divine messages but also so that we can consciously become aware of our of our Unity with the Divine of our Oneness with the Divine because when the the discard is in the way it truly is becoming aware of our divine now<br> and when I go on we're not noticing that we just feel frustrated and angry and upset so it does take a significant amount of clearing and that's why I I wrote this book so that people can connect to the Divine mother and learn how they just applying these healing tools the name of the book kind of glad I think that I'll let you know this would so benefit from going through the practices the name of the book and where they can buy the book<br> it's called Divine mother healing<br> and you can buy it on Amazon you can buy it at Barnes & Noble you can purchase it on my website which is divine mother<br> and I do have a lots of classes many of them free some of them with a minimal charge that people can take to have this experience of the Divine mother and I can connect you into that depth of fullness by by simply using these tools to clear the the Discord thrush vibrations away and then teach them move into that silent presence which truly is your Divine self<br> friends at 7 presents that I got to ask this question because it's right up the out this the topic you know there's no gas in the universe I truly believe that and this topic is right in line with something accomplished with a friend today and so will these by bracelet to help an individual become happier will they help them become more with their world with problems like job money relationship will working this healing and reading this book helping to improve their physical life in those ways are whole and the life forces and vibration it flowing through us and everything we do is based on having a clear flow of energy is the energy isn't clear if the if it's blocked we get sick physically sick we have financial problems relationship problems<br> other problems even spiritual problem and when you clear the energy then and the flow of Life Energy is flowing through you on your you know what to do your happy your joyful the answers come to you people have had that experience I know and everything is going well in life what life is smooth that's when the energy is Flowing without obstruction but when the obstructions come in from various experiences we have in life things kind of breakdown and that's relationship gets difficult or the health problems does the Manifest<br> so yes this is truly very practical and<br> I'm offering I've seen so many people's lives improve and actually just start to be sore as a result of using the vibrational tool<br> when you're clear inner answers start to come and you know what to do and how to how to bring yourself back into balance<br> Ali talked a lot about energies and we haven't used the word chakra but what comes to mind to me or auras and and knowing your book you talk about closing holes in your or why do you recommend suppose he's holding their oars negative energy in the world and her Aura is wide open or is the space around the body the energy field around the body that is designed to protect you but too often the if the aura gets open it's broken and hold hold come in when a person is 50 or a becomes a week and then the negativity from the world and other people around you can come in and impact you adversely so<br> I'm sure people have experienced that you're with a friend and they start complaining or they you know they tell you or even you watch the news and you hear about the terrible things happening in the world and you start to feel depressed and upset so either the friend or I or World situation can impact you if your aura is open and actually even we can do and make you feel sad and depressed so I have a way to close the aura so that it maintains your vibrational integrity and when negative thought forms of energy from the outside come in are in the environment and tried to stop you right there because you're going to have to have to go cuz I don't want to order you to miss the opportunity to hear one more time where they can get this a fabulous book let's give us the name and the and the<br> website address<br> okay so the book is divine mother healing on or Balboa Balboa press or Barnes & Noble but come to my website and you'll learn a lot more there's a lot of knowledge on the website it's divine mother and its Aura closing to Liz on the website for free downloaded at no charge to protect yourself from the negative X thank you for being a Fabolous guess I got to drive on James I absolutely love you until next time be peaceful<br> you've been listening to Everyday peaks with Dr Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that lead you to your next level of greatness and I would love to walk with you on your journey here's the ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let dr. Dre Ron James. Calm enrolling my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the brilliant life 9-week online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at the Grapevine purchase my book feed him is your first break from Amazon thank you for being an everyday Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> times you feel so alone and overwhelmed you don't know where to turn these days it seems like there is no end to our problems we invite you to connect with silent Unity the 24 hour Prayer Ministry where someone is waiting to pray with you right now since 1890 silent Unity has always been there no judgment or Dogma just the one affirming the best for you call 816-969-2002 day you can also connect online at unity prayer vigils out of work<br>

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