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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, December 14, 2021

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Avoiding Colds This Season with Joyce Dales and Twin Flames Exposed with Elle Hari

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Avoiding Colds This Season with Joyce Dales and Twin Flames Exposed with Elle Hari

Dr. Dravon James talks to Joyce Dales, CEO of Buzzagogo and the maker of Cold Bee Gone and Allergy Bee Gone, about avoiding the common cold. And Elle Hari reveals insights from her book Twin Flames Exposed.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

celebrating our soul a news conference by people of African descent will be August 11th the 14th 2022 at Unity Village Missouri this event will celebrate the contributions people of African descent have made the new thought movement join us as we hear from Reverend dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith Bishop Yvette flunder and rev Dr celebrities in early bird registration is open now through March 15th midday p a d a n t g. Org for more information<br>where did you find us<br> Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm Dr.Dre Bond James and this is everyday piece I am super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of peace every day you know I say this week after week and every time I say that the concept of living a life of peace every day I just get all excited and so I'm hearing it for the first time piece Define is wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality how amazing is that I want you for just one moment to reflect on your life<br> and know this that everything up into this very moment that has occurred was meant to occur it's part of the wholeness that were talking about it makes up the peace the whole you the totality right now in this moment I want you to go ahead and just inhale that concept that you are in this moment<br> a piece whole complete nothing missing nothing broken totality no matter what it looks like in hell that completely through the nose hold it for just a second and a complete exhale through the mouth<br> and I want to tell you that yes<br> everyday peace is possible yes you deserve every day peace and yes you can have every day peace we work together on this show to bring you the guest apartment with you is you purposely create your life of Peace everyday and as we wind down 2021 it's good to remind us that our anthem for 2021 was and it is what are we waiting for and by now you of course know the answer is nothing we are not waiting for anything we have everything we need right here and right now to be our best selves<br> we don't need to waste another second before we decide to activate our best selves in 2021 this show the everyday please show dr. Dre Von James has brought you the topics in the guest telpa's do just that and it's been closed out this year this is a great time to go back and we listen to some of our some of your favorite episodes or Define episodes that you may have missed you can access our entire Library shows by subscribing to the doctor drayvon James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google Play and Stitcher or you can listen to them on the unity online radio. Org website you can also access pass shows and other useful information on my new and improved website Dr.Dre Von the website includes words of wisdom and encouragement excerpts from my book Freedom is your Birthright contact information<br> holiday free gifts are on there so great ways to continue to develop and grow and back there is a couple great things happening if you visit the website there's a free boot camp coming out to help us kick off the New Year 2022 in just the right way is called earn like a boss five tips to increase your earning potential right now and then there's also tips on there another fee give tips to improve your self-esteem and your self confident so essential essential for 2022 and so don't hesitate and back bookmark that website ww.w doctor drayvon bookmark that website visit often as things are appearing to partner with you and your growth and development so we had a fantastic show last week we had two wonderful guests we start out with the author and speaker Jenna Banks who is on a mission to help with<br> Embrace loving themselves more I think that's a very worthy cause I think it's important topic for many women to really learn how to love themselves so if you're interested in learning more about that please visit the site and get more information on that and also she has a new book that's coming out intitle I love me more that comes out in the beginning of 2022 and I think it was March 15th could you get all the details if you go listen to that past episode I can't wait for that book to come out she shared some wonderful Insight next we had Sherri Fernandez I know I said that wrong I think you're wrong on the show as well my apology is because you are want you going to want to go get this book life Mastery personal progression to a potential so this book talks about how to master life and how to get onto your best Journey we had a wonderful conversation about how anyone can find<br> and your path to their best self so I encourage you to pick up that book listen to the episode get those tips so last week we also changed things up a little bit you know we always do it everyday peace moment for ending up the year and I want to talk about the importance of setting great goals for yourself as we head into 2022 so I strongly recommend you go back and listen to that show The Specialist first 15 minutes and you got to get those tips about how to how to head into 2022 and I gave everyone a little homework last week so I asked everyone to spend time making three lists as they think about their lives list number one was what is going on in your life right now that you enjoy that you want to take that into 2022 with you list number two is what is going on in your life right now that you want to change in 2022 you know I teach a lot of leadership courses and the ability to change something<br> the leadership skill so what's going on at you want to take a boss position that you want to change your take a leadership role in 2022 is going on right now in 2021 and you need to edit revised and may be eliminated for 2022 and then this number 3 R what are some new things that you would like to start doing in 2022 growth and development always now I'm going to assume that you all have done your homework and I want you to do this but I want you to do this week is the second part of that homework assignment this homework guys are so very important why because we're building toward the year that we want to have we're going to start right now to create that year so right now I want you to look at that list of three lists and I want you to short sort them into three categories ask yourself is this a health wealth or relationship category you know we talked about this everyday peacemakers right that's our pyramid of growth and development health wealth and relay<br> look at your list put it in pick up your items and categorize them and then pick the top one in each category and that's going to be your focus for the 2022 more on this to come and upcoming programs so with that being said I wouldn't go straight into our Fabolous guess today I guess it's Joyce Dale's she is the CEO of buzzer go go they make homeopathic remedies like cold be gone but I talked a lot about that cuz it's too cold in the cold and flu season and Allergy be gone she's here to talk to us today about home remedies to prevent and treat the common cold Joyce welcome to the everyday piece show your intro because it I felt very strongly that my piece got stolen literally the entire reason I started my company<br> oh my gosh do tell about 15 years ago we brought home a baby girl from Vietnam and in the middle of her adoption we were notified that she needed emergency open heart surgery because her heart was essentially backwards due to the legacy of Agent Orange on the farm lands where she was from so when I got her home to the states after a huge long drawn-out battle to get her home we were told she was immunocompromised and as a new mom nothing can steal your peace more than with your baby is unwell or if your baby is fragile or it literally energy it can be a cut on her hand every mom knows your pieces got right out the window and I was really living in that space<br> a feeling it would ease all the time and anxious and worried and so I decided to do something about that I wanted to empower myself and so I started learning everything I could about how we get sick<br> wow they love the fact that you use that potentially Hardware was hard was it was hard but potentially immobilizing situation to mobilize you to say hey we're not going to sit here and just be uninformed and victims I'm going to get him for me but I'm going to move the last myself towards something that is a corrective actions so kudos to you doing that know that you're right nothing nothing brings a mom's mood down faster then whatever children not being in top condition so you're absolutely right I know this is a doctor Pharmacy I understand that thousands there are thousands of effective remedies that predate modern medicine and I'm so delighted that you were in Courage through through the situation horrible situation to have to have but something good came out of it to pursue and start digging into the world of homeopathic and holistic and natural health remedies that you have a background<br> thinking that<br> course of study prior to the incident with your little girl<br> well not formally but I can say I grew up in rural name was I lived in the country in Maine and as anyone that grew up world will know or has a grandmother you know raising them you get a lot of home remedies thrown at you like if there's anything wrong with you grandma has a home remedy my grandmother believed that dandy-lion wind could cure anything so I grew up in her skirts in her kitchen and I think that really impacted how I viewed problem-solving when it came to help so when my little girl was sick I took everything that I am the whole attitude my grandma. That whole empowerment that she gave me and I combined it with sort of this weird nerdy lifelong obsession with a therapy that I've had which is the study of the medicine Venom bee pollen propolis and the various types of Heinz around the world and I decided I'm going to tackle Cold and Flu from this angle and the first thing I did was go out into the world and try to<br> find anything that would suit my needs that would help me not just deal with symptoms but protect to prevent and I couldn't find anything that wasn't loaded with chemicals even honey products were loaded with chemical that was kind of where I jumped off from having my grandmother's upbringing combined with my own obsessive personality and nerdy knowledge of honey<br> wow and I love the fact that it was something that your grandmother introduced to you but it is a lot of times those those remedies or that come way back from our families that give us the encouragement really to say home there's something to this let just when you mention that about the dandelion wine I don't have experience with that but my grandmother always used to make a dandelion tea light for different things as well so again that that's great that you had that background you know again pointing to the wholeness of our life right that nothing from our journey should be wasted so that part of being from rule Main and it's almost that<br> Destiny knows it is whatever you want to call it that you were going to need this knowledge right to in order to promote health and your daughter so it's wonderful how the how the process works if we're paying close attention to it so you can you start studying bees and walk us through that process like how do you get from there to have in this fabulous a cold remedy product will be gone well it's a long trip I thought I was just going to sell my little remedy in farmers markets that I had if I had known what becoming an OTC pharmaceutical I mean I may not have gone on that Journey but I just happened so slowly and what you're already down the path you're on the path but I've always been obsessed with these since I was a little girl I don't know why I I actually don't remember the impetus to that but I just remember it being a solidly a part of my life and when I was older I began to research something called super honey which are Honey's around the world that have<br> something extra they can be Curative in a way that other Honey's can't do something about that particular honey and the pollen is collecting reacting with its saliva reacting with its enzymes reacting with the the tree and that creates various types of what I like to call B magic and one of the Honeys that I became obsessed with his Manuka honey and I kind of heard of that now and Manuka Honey is a little bit of be used in products like I've seen Dial soap with Manuka honey and I've seen products were I'm sorry but the Manuka Honey value is lost once you adult rated at that much but I became really obsessed with that and Manuka honey in particular is magical in that it can reverse antibiotic-resistant bacteria and they were starting to use it in the mid-2000s in late 2005 they were starting to use it in military bandages to reverse antibiotic-resistant bacteria save people's<br> let limbs from a horrible infections and allow their antibiotics to start working again and I was fascinated by that there's also Honey's in Brazil that they're studying for a lung cancer there's Honey's in Scotland that have the same properties as Minooka and their ability to be antibacterial an antiviral but they don't do it by the same mechanism at all and if I can't figure out why that just talking to you about it I get over-excited like I think I have an unhealthy obsession with this but it led to something good yes it has fascinated by that the Manuka Honey being used in putting it in the band aids in the military that is so much to healthcare that<br> the source of healthcare is nature right and we're trying to chemically Duke duplicate with nature provides so or enhance what nature provides it so you mentioned this Manuka honey and how it has the potential to reverse antibiotic therapy and which is huge impact on Health Care nobody's going back a little bit to the cold, cold which is the product that you have which is OTC product and its information at I think this show is so timely because there are millions of cases of of the common cold right adults have an average of two to three codes for the year and children have even more than that and of course you are living in this time of them you know the covid pandemic and everyone's afraid to even call for sniffle in public right right so fear of someone believing that they may be covid positive so<br> I think it's so tiny that you have a product that the cold be gone let's talk a little bit about that it and use it if you knew it was like you know if you had known previously how I guess I'll listen. Ott process where you would have gone that way we're very lucky that you did with blessed us all the promise of a couple of years I did a lot of research I spoke to a lot of expert and I went down that rabbit hole in the way that only a motivated mother and you and once I was told that you know there's no cure for the common cold my attitude is just give me a minute alright give me a minute cuz I'm going to take it and when I learned is what everyone has learned in the last two years and I believe even with covid this is downplayed but I believe that most of the time we get sick we get sick not just to aerosolized particles most of the time we get sick when we touch Our Eyes Ears Nose<br> mouth with her hand might transmission and common cold and flu almost 99% of time or when you've touched the surface and then inadvertently scratched your eyeballs trashed your ear eating with your hand scratch your nose and no matter what hole above the neck you have touched those pathogens will travel to the upper adenoids own to the back of the throat the upper part of the nose and that's where the receptors are for that pathogen to latch on and remain dormant for 12 14 days and then it passes its code on to yourselves and then with an H yourself will begin replicating that code millions of times over and that's when you start to feel the thing in your throat or the itchy eyes or whatever your trait whatever your signal is for your cold or develop a fever that's the colonization zones and that's where it begins to replicate but there's this long dormancy phase that I was fascinated with so it's all about the nose so I wanted<br> project from how are we dealing with this now so every product I could find for instance doctors use and I'm sure you noticed ampules of alcohol that they can burst the nose if somebody is calling us with MRSA or antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is living in the nasal passages all the time but in doing that they inadvertently destroy all the biodiversity and good Flora in the nose and when I learned all of that a huge light bulb went off in my head then nose is the first line of defense your immune system it is as critical as your got your got restored and maintained your whole body system but your nose is trapped and prevent and if your nose doesn't have the right buyer to her pH moisture everything then he can't do it. And on top of that is there an antimicrobial products we could put in our noses that could<br> decrease the colonization load without destroying all your beneficial bacteria and for me is it just a simple thing in the world honey a lot of money can be caustic in and of itself took me a couple of years to come up with this other super honey blend of all the super Honey's that I I could find and work with and it took forever but we finally found the perfect blend that felt good didn't burn did the job and then we embedded homeopathic remedies and it to deal with active symptoms so if you're already starting to come down with something that will help alleviate that information<br> Ann. And that's what I thought like I said I thought I was going to sell it out of my kitchen or at the Vermont Country Store and lo and behold I'm in CVS is today I am just still a couple things that you said we kind of know right we know that from our mothers and from Healthcare you know keep your hands out of your face like I see here that all kinds of kid no keep your hands out of your face don't go touching around your ears and out the Emoji nose email keep your hands on your face and then secondly be here all the time while she hands wash your hands washing hands you know really become obsessive about washing your hands I say that with the with the with as much love as possible but you don't hand washing is so very important what I wouldn't have gotten but I wouldn't have gotten cuz I would have never thought that honey I would have thought well I think about it but I think of honey I think of sweets sticky this and I think old breeding ground for bacteria you know I don't know maybe just my ignorance but I would have never thought<br> I'm that honey would be the thing to be to repel<br> germs from getting into the nasal passages I would have thought I don't know I just don't see how you make me feel he would have been nice all the we know that honey has healing properties we do know that but I would have got to go unless you increase the water activity of Honey like for instance if you find a honey remedy is he said read any store and you and it's it's been watered down to be a syrup for something that has had its what its water activity increased in order to chant make it into a start make it survival or change it to stop at once you do that then the honey can lose its ability to fight off<br> bacterial fungus virus has all of the pathogens but when you keep honey unadulterated you don't mess with it then it's a can live in a jar forever<br> nobody is there any population that should not use honey base remedy that you found or is it pretty much safer everybody allergic to bees in which case I would say speak with your doctor though I do know people that have had various be allergies it's very different from person to person that can successfully use this they can eat honey without it they can ingest honey without a problem but they can't get stung by a bee there's all these variety to be Alex the only you know what's best for you and speak with your doctor about that but children under the age of one should never ingest raw honey and even through the nose until ingestion they're still going to swallow it because of the risk of the word went out of my brain what is the word robot the baby at most Mom wearing at some point you can't feed your baby raw honey because of botulism and they develop the enzymes to deal with that by the time they're one years old<br> everybody else is fair game now in your product is now tell us again the name of the product is now available in CVS has an allergy be gone there's kids and adult version and is not much difference between the two is just in the FDA requires kid packaging versus adult packaging to be really clear about that who can have it and yes so we're in CVS is around the country as well as lots of little mom-and-pop wonderful little health food stores were also online and on Amazon<br> and it's a congratulations just it's it is a worthy product to have out there I thank you immensely for the work hard work you did to get this product out how how is how do we use it<br> well you take a Q-tip in it you have your own little cute if it doesn't come with Q-tips and then you put a tiny dot of the honey on the Q-tip and you swab in each nostril and it tasted literally 70 doses in this tiny little too because I don't adulterate the base honey and if you're doing it with a kid sometimes I like to put a little blob on the back of my hand and then wet the Q-tip and swirl it and the Q-tip and then you can do the kids really fast and start putting a little water into the situation actually I believe help deliver it quicker for the kids so that they don't wipe it all out of their nose and you don't have to swap very high at all just a tiny bit and then just cilia in your nose they do the rest of the job<br> oh I love this listen guys is not like in the covid test we're talking about right there at the tip of the nose and get that coated well oh my goodness thank you so very much I can't thank you enough so right now you have a 25% discount for the product has a little bit about that I have a coupon code for the website right now and it is let me look it is Buzz b u z z December DEC 2021 so Buzz DEC 2021 and now that will give you 25% off I think there's also a sale on Amazon and if anybody emails after ever has questions about the product I personally answer every email so if any moms have questions about how to use it with your kiddos or anybody has concerns about their parents are themselves I love to talk about this stuff so please reach right out<br> yeah and I absolutely adore the fact that the the kick-off it for this product was your love for your own child and concern for your own child Legend to do this great good in the world so right there is some wonderful principles about having a heart of service and servitude and I wish you the absolute best thank you so much for coming on the doctor babe on James show to talk to us about this phenomenal product cold be gone<br> is available on Amazon and and CBS This is a jail bond James will be right back after this break<br> We Are Spiritual Beings having a human experience<br> welcome to Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> create and build the life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with Doctor dravon James<br> welcome back I'm dr. Dre Bond James this is everyday peace and we are with our second guest of today elhariri is a number one international bestselling author in Twin Flame and Ascension expert who helps people overcome fear pain and self-sabotaging limitations in order to guide them toward their true nature of bliss and Perpetual happiness did you know that your true nature I love the fact that she reminds us of that After experiencing her own twin flame Journey L left her career as a lawyer to help others navigate their own path towards Ascension now as the founder and CEO of elhariri universal LLC and creator of the be with your twin flame and Mastery of Ascension Alchemy Brands El helps her students learn to unconditionally love them<br> and manifest their greatest dreams permission is driven by a passion to expand people's awareness of the truth of the Twin Flame journey and a cyst Humanity's spiritual Ascension on the global scale L has written for best selling best-selling books including twin Plains exposed who should I be talking about today and so I am super with the other books like before I get to them so excited love expose yes I can and Saturday spirituality the sophisticated fun and Fabolous person's Ultimate Guide to Everlasting happiness L I'm super excited to have you in our show today Welcome to our show thank you so much I'm so excited to be here<br> as I mentioned to you before we came on air I have been talkin this topic twin flames to all of my girlfriends and some believed some don't Summer and the ones who don't I could tell you what to believe but you know how you've just been your heart has been broken so many times that you're afraid to venture forth the thought that there is a twin flame and that there is this<br> Bosch This Love that is just designed for you it is they don't want they don't want to venture into that world of hope so I'm sorry excited to have you here today and have you talked to us about the Twin Flame journey and what Drew you to this topic and thank you for that by the way I was a lawyer and I had just gone through a contentious two-year-long divorce I am and it just ended it with me having full custody of my kids they were very young at the time they were on the school-age and all the sudden I met someone this guy who was a young hot thing together for the most amazing regulus close relationship neither of us has ever experienced at the time for six weeks and then all the sudden he ghosted me and Iowa<br> just left a shattered puddle on the floor I couldn't function I couldn't I couldn't do it again I couldn't be the mom my kids needed me to be I couldn't focus on my way I just got up every day late on the floor and cried for 10 hours straight and it was it was just I couldn't understand why I was being like that I didn't recognize myself anymore you know I was I've been married I mean I gone through a divorce and you know I've been had other relationships before that and then all the sudden I was 146 weeks I can't I can't get over it I was just completely shattered and so I was like that for six months six months and I had turned to so many different sources to just try to help me try to even help me explain understand what was going on with me you know everyone from therapist to psychics of spiritual advisor to Voodoo Mambo<br> all sorts of things that no one could understand what was wrong until finally six months in the final psychic I spoke with on a psychic call in line she mentions complains to me and it was eight years ago and wasn't even traveling even in and spiritual circles that it wasn't a really common thing yet then either but I Googled it and the time only two entries shut up on Google when was the first one was this lady in Australia her name is Leora and I went on their website and I buy paper sessions right away and I spoke with her that night and she like literally saved my life within two weeks I was functional within a month I was happy within 3 months my phone flame is magnetized back in and you know that so I worked with her and I continue to work with her for two years after that even though you know I was I was feeling great again but you know the true thing during is really part of the Ascension process and so I just wanted to work with her some more<br> and then two weeks after I started work or two years I'm sorry after I started working with her she passed on and I knew that the you know other people had to have been dealing with this and going through this and now they were devoid of her help so I wrote something to expose and I put on Amazon and it just like Gru from their people try to find him and begging me to help them ask me to help them coaching program download featuring YouTube channel podcast and all of that story is fascinating and my heart goes out to you was all worked out well cuz I can only imagine after going through to your divorce and then find someone that you're bonding with and then getting ghosted as you said you know probably the trauma in the pain from the divorce couple with that would put anybody on their back so and searching for answers and wanting to know why and what's going on<br> you know am I going to be able to to find true love but let's just back up just a little bit what is a twin flame a flame is two bodies to physical people that share the same Soul put another way one soul with few physical bodies everyone has and is a twin flame if that were all created on its you know people like to romanticize on and sensationalize the whole notion of twin flames as being just a romantic relationship and that's not what it's about yes that can be the Catalyst and you can end up with a real romantic relationship with them but you don't have to but really what it's about is a twin flame shares your souls of the Twin Flame is you in order to understand this we must resonate with the fact that were always so that's what we are not our bodies are not our minds we are our souls are basically energy<br> and it's the strongest energy that exists in the whole universe next to Source energy and so we share the same energy with no one and nothing else in the entire history of the cosmos except for our twin flame and to-the-point the Twin Flame journey is when is the other two twin flames shows you a part of yourself that you normally wouldn't be if you do not need part of yourself energetically that you normally don't see and that you're meant to see and then accept without judgment which then is loving yourself so it's really about self-love dismiss the whole twin flame Journey<br> oh I think you put that so beautifully and when you said that you know about their energy right there is always here We Are Spiritual Beings having a physical experience right thing back right than just the Flesh and we see they do the face the legs that you know all that we're more than that we are actually Spiritual Beings that are having a physical experience and to be mindful of that and so this quest for I guess it's something just said who's being able to see more of our self and self-awareness right being able to to see into oneself cuz so often I find it especially when you know is I work with my coaching clients always a bit is such a revealing process to me to be able to see more of myself through helping them through their coaching them through their experiences so this whole journey is always has a journey any words right we look like we're traveling alone out with past but we're really getting to know more of herself into hopefully develop<br> that relationship so thank you for that explanation of what a twins of twin flame isn't that it in that year it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic I think most people think romance automatically twin flame romance with you saying that it doesn't have to be romance it's just that part of you of self-awareness so how do you know how do you know if you've met your twin flame great questions so if you Google that like Signs you've met your twin flame or something like that there's going to be Pages upon pages are going to come up with all these things like I feel like you you you found someone that you met before or you found if you feel like you found home or you're with someone that you've never felt so close with or some of that guess you so much are you can you know you can like think each other's thought we got a census the best sex of your life all of these things right and that's going to be a course exist with the Twin Flame<br> doesn't have to and that all of those things can also a car with a very close resident soulmate so that's not what really determines twin flames at all really what happens is is that so in order to really answer the question actually I just kind of going to a brief summary of what the Twin Flame journey is so to distinguish between everyone has no playing until we're all created everyone is cross path of their twin flames and most likely knows their complaints to thing is not everyone knows that they're twin Queens because they are not yet on the Twin Flame journey to Twin Flame Journey happen at a particular moment in time when the Soul on the deepest level of the Soul nothing conscious nothing that were aware of nothing we can intentionally have happen or what had happened to Soulja at one point will decide that it's ready to recognize itself on this energetic level the soul within the physical body of the Twin Flame and at that moment that's the Twin Flame energies there<br> there's one and one polarity energy Co hex here to begin with and have to have two twin flames is because the soul is energy like I said and it comes from 5D which is The Fifth Dimension so the physical world is 3D it's the third dimension in 3D we have opposites and Duality like you have up and down hot and cold in and out like dr. Rights to his everything's in opposite during the physical world inside the were our soul is gone that's not the case everything just is so our Soul's Incarnation during the physical in the physical world they have to assimilate energetically into the same energetic Paradigm of the third dimension which is one of opposites and dualities so the soul looks one of its opposite or do Audi and energetic the one polarity in one of the twin flames physical body and the other polarities in the physical body of the other twins light until the until the rain happen<br> planes can work together grew up next door to each other be friends even married to each other and have no idea that's right but when the soul decides to recognize itself and that one moment within the physical body the other Twin Flame the two polarities within the two twin flame start become activated and they start to build up and this build-up causes them to be drawn together like Madness and that's all the great feelings that I described earlier that can also have them with a soulmate that you keep reading about or hearing about what's translate but after certain. Of time the Pilates that college shipping point and then lose polarity start to manifest and how they manifest physically is in a push-pull dynamic so once when flame is a push energy and pushes all of their energy and focus on to the other Twin Flame the other twin flame is a pole energy so wild and post energy is pushing on to them the pool energy pulling away from the other push energy at the same time<br> glad you can imagine and make it almost impossible for the two twin flames to physically be together for any sustained in our time if one is pushing and the others pulling away in Tanda right so the way you can tell you on the Twin Flame journey is once that happens once the push pole goes into effect and the one twinkling pulled away from the other twin flame to push twin flame is left there Feeling Just devastated and this this energy this push energy it's your base and a controls the mind and it's all so addictive energy so this push energy it can only focus on that the other twin flames and so the person has obsessive thought because of energy controls my obsessive thoughts about their translate they can't get the kids seem to quit get over them or move on they can't focus on anything else they become they don't recognize itself if they start like stalking them on social media you know looking up their friends on social media<br> not normally do with any other break up so that's the first one the second sign is that there's usually some sort of physical pain and that's usually takes place in either your heart your solar plexus or your sacral chakra one of the three and by pain it is on a spectrum but it can range anywhere from like a tightening or clenching almost like a butterfly feeling tight nervous paint nervous feeling all the way to the end of the Spectrum which makes which feels like your Soul's been literally ripped from your body and even disembowel there and you have like this huge gaping hole and everywhere in between so there's the obsessive thoughts and my pain is called Corwin pain so there's leaves that's a thought there's a corbel and pain and then there's a third sign which is doubt doubt that even as you're going through this and you know or possibly teach people to help them you know get through this and and move along their Journey it causes them to witness the Miracle of Miracles happen is like magic and it actually becomes an amazing journey I described it as pain<br> that's just because that's the wake-up call to it then once you know what you're doing if it's a beautiful miraculous and it's such a gift but you don't even have these people are seeing eye center twin flames are coming back and you know you always have this little Vestige of Doubt there because doubt is fear and do a Latias fear so these two polarity polarized energies within the twin flames is fear-based energy and so what we're doing what you do in the Twin Flame journey is you recognize this year to base energy within yourself that you normally wouldn't even recognize and you accept it you understand and accept it without judgment you don't resist it and in so accepting it you end up alchemizing it and it gets alchemized into and so what you're doing is your transmitting your fear base energy and to love within you and your soul is love energy the flow of the energy as a foal is and so each time you do this when you got more and more love within you your shift in closer and closer into alignment with your soul which is your truth but<br> peace and love in abundance and happiness and everything you desire your perfect your passion and he's such a thing as people who help with further everything that you desire such showing up in your physical world and it's including or something and it's just so it's just over Oculus for me was coming through for me is that spear blocks love attracts right and so late so if your twin flame but you start to draw other things into into your life experience right because whatever we focus on we are unattractive Hatter we re attract more of that into our life so we focus on you no fear base. Lost lacking in it and things of that nature then we attract more things that will feel like loss and lacking in Warsaw<br> directions to be fearful of it is this this wonderful Journey called love and then and self-love is in there and that draws all these wonderful experience to our self and I'm wondering you know as you're working with people who are coming to you looking to have this very wonderful experience was absolutely belongs in a torrential we talked about that I love the fact that this know I wrote a book called freedom is your Birthright but also love is your Birthright the states that were supposed to live in but so often and I know you see it in your practice I definitely see it in mind that we we do not live in the space of love and so how how do you say<br> how do you work with people to get to that space cuz they're they're wanting to attract your twin flame they're wanting to attract these creep life experiences but for lack of a better phrase they're sort of blocking them self because they have not<br> become<br> attached to the concept of love and and of self-love we're not our bodies were not our mind our bodies reminder of the physical world so they are for your Beats all of the physical 3D world the whole Paradigm of Duality which is lighter than carnate here is your Basic Energy on our soul which isn't of the 3D physical world and isn't totally hear you know it our full strength dimensional omnipresent all power and even while a little bit of it is here while we're carne de during his lifetime but our soul really is a bi bi Rite store soul is love it's not of this year based. Dimension and hair down and so but the mind is so we'll see what we first teach people have to do is get out of their mind and you know when you're when you're caught up and by that I mean I don't mean you're crazy<br> I think you are your thoughts you're believing your thoughts and the thing is our thoughts are just judgments and filters and limiting beliefs and and you no expectations or whatever that we place on to everything in our physical world and everyone but everything and everyone in our in the physical world is actually neutral there's not one good thing or bad thing the only thing that makes it so is a personal perspective by piece on you know how many different things how we think you dishion door but we believe or whatever but we're going to judge everything in our life as good or bad cuz he love doesn't judge there is no good or bad in love love just it it's neutral and so when you can get out of your thoughts when you're thinking you know something's bad you're believing that something has happened that's happening is that I'll give you an example of a woman of girl on her wedding day<br> a bride on her wedding day say it's like torrential downpour and she's been up an outside wedding will she might think that's bad right and from her perspective it is but that's her judging the rain is bad but the former on the other side of town whose crops have been in a drought might be doing a rain dance right you might think it's amazing because he needs this rain so it's not the rain itself that's good or bad it's it's the the individual a person's mind that's judging something up that are bad and that's the same with everything and so you know that's what we really will try to instill and start with actually is is having people get out of there so they can look at them from the third third person almost objective perspective and be like hey you know I'm I'm having a thought and I'm thinking it's bad thing or a good thing but really it's neither it's just neutral and to remind themselves and really I'm going to train themselves into realizing that that's not that it's not the case everything just as neutral and if you believe that your soul and you love yourself you trust and believe in yourself as a<br> and our souls orchestrating everything in our lives and so is our birth everything and if you believe that it is and our soul is the most powerful energy I just next to Source energy at the love energy love conquers all the most powerful thing and then we know that it's perfect we know that our souls ourselves are perfect and so I'm safe here but if you can believe that anything that's happening it's working trading it for a reason and it's perfect whatever that reason is even even if our minds can't conceive of that then you know that's kind of like what where you got to when you get to the point of loving yourself and really loving everything<br> oh I love that you is because you're really talked to me there's so many ways to say and so many words in different words to say what you are saying and it's what I call universal truth right and you talk about the soul right this is it this is what connects us to be on this world right that is our connections to Source energy or you know this are so other than that we're just we're just flesh right and you know it in the body does not operate a move without the souls of operation this world operates in the other world and it connects us and being able to disconnect from the mind that love that being able to disconnect from the world of effects is what I call that right because it'll help picturing of this and that in this judgment everything is good or bad instead of everything is all of the creator for some purpose<br> and being able to live in that space I believe is you're so right is<br> getting rid of judgement and moving into a space of love and moving it to space of acceptance because so much of what we do in the course of a day is built on rejection right I'm having this Regina living from a place of rejection and still a place when accepting that this is this is what's happening and so it is meant to happen and I have the ability to perceive it as part of the solution<br> and not tag at Layla is it's the problem is knowing that it is if I want to cross the street the street is not part of the solution because part of the problem is the solution to get to the other side of the street so wonderful conversation and I talked a little bit about the book tells the title where we can find the book and what we can expect to be changed from our life once we go through this magnificent work<br> thank you for the princelings exposed is the name of the book it's available on Amazon and it basically just really basic Ali breaks down and and and kind of explain what the Twin Flame journey is by I went through and I I took some the most common myths out there that you'll find it all over the place about what fun things are ninety-nine percent of the information by the way like out there in the internet or something is either made up not true misconstrued what alert you know just completely like a mess it's just it's not not conducive to anything and so this I just really wanted to explain and I'm not some of the most common mess and in so doing it kind of explains what what the journey is by dispelling the myths you know you are a size tell the truth of it that I learned from my teacher and we were on to her but also to help people so confused<br> fusion with uncertainty and doubt and decisiveness a selfie or Bass energy and so you know the more clarity you can get as well you know the easier the more the more clear we can get on a type of humor is the easier of the journey gets and the more pleasurable the journey is so we can live beyond chaos and Beyond the mind are fabulous guest with us today is El Hari we're talkin about twin flames expose I highly recommend that you read this book because you're going to find yourself there but I believe you're going to find you're going to find more a self-awareness there and you're going to help to relieve yourself from the from the from the cage of fear I'm dodging Trevon James this is everyday piece I encourage you to get on board with getting off to a great start in 2022 I absolutely love you will talk soon<br> you've been listening to Everyday teeth for dr. Avon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that leads you to your next level of greatness and I would love to hear some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let Dr Graber on enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International in role of the brilliant life 9 weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at chapter 21 purchase my book Freedom is your first break from Amazon thank you for being at every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thanks for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> are so I knew that conference by people of African descent will be August 11th to the 14th 2022 at Unity Village Missouri this event will celebrate the contributions people of African descent have made the new folk movement join us as we hear from rev dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith Bishop Yvette flunder and rev Dr celebrities in early-bird registration is open now through March 5th with a p a d a n t g. Org for more information<br>

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