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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, April 5, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Harmonizing Your Spaces Using Feng Shui with Patsy Balacchi of Zenotica

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Harmonizing Your Spaces Using Feng Shui with Patsy Balacchi of Zenotica

Dravon talks with Patsy Balacchi of Zenotica about how to create vibrant visual brands and harmonious living spaces. Use the ancient art of feng shui to create an amazing business look and brand as well as your own personal space.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

are you ready to experience the rich interconnection of spirituality orientation and identity if so plan to attend liberating Your Divine Identity or retreat at Unity Village during pride month June 9th to 12 this Soul filled Retreat is facilitated by lgbtqia plus Unity ministers with workshops and ceremonies to cultivate a deeper awareness of our spiritual nature register at Unity Village. Org forward slash I am Divine 2022<br> we're glad you found us this is Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peace with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm Dr.Dre Bond James and this is everyday a piece<br> I'm super excited because we haven't had a fabulous show today about one of my favorite topics ever went talking about feng shui today and this of course is the everyday Peach show where we Define pieces holness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality on this program and throughout my life and everything that I do I work under the philosophy of Peace being a system that shows us how to leverage everything that occurs in our life and I know you are so accustomed to me seeing The Good The Bad and everything in between but as I've been talking to people and then and I relate to so many different people I also want to tell you that there's another way to say that if you're working on your language is the wanted and The Unwanted right thing so fat I like them and some of those things we want and some of those things he's like oh my gosh I didn't want this right but no matter what shows up in your life I want you to know<br> did it showed up for one reason and that is to bow down and serve you as you consciously create the life of your dreams so this year you know we've been focusing on it's time to improve our life and it most definitely is I have a fabulous guessing I want to get straight to that topic but before I get there I want to talk to us a bit about our everyday peace moment today which is embracing change you know as I work with Executive coaching as an executive coach and with life coaching clients I hear a common theme running through most of my sessions I got to tell you the years I've been doing it at some point in our time we come across the topic of change<br> I don't want this change that's happening I wasn't prepared for this change that's happening I've done and prepared my whole life not to be going through this and it always takes me back to a quote from Einstein Albert Einstein once said every day we must make the decision<br> do I live in a hostile universe or friendly Universe we must make that decision every day we wake up you got to make that decision again right as we're going through our day and that's were facing so much change I want you to join me and knowing that we live in a friendly Universe those things that show up in our lives that we are not wanting we didn't know that we needed those things to show up embrace the truth is that this thing has not come to destroy you whatever it is it has not come to destroy you but has come instead to strengthen you and to prepare you to receive<br> the greatness that you are working towards so our everyday peace moment is that lets you choose to bind together and knowing that we live in a friendly Universe it all change is meant for our good with that being said I want to that's our everyday peace moment I want to introduce to you Patsy Malaki that is our guest today she's born in El Salvador and raised in the Northeast United States she is the creator creative director of funk shui and in feng shui expert and founder of aagosh here's my tongue you guys for give me Zillow Tikka a design studio and platform for holistic healing and it's based in Houston over 20 years experience in graphic and web design and an equal number of fengshui and energy balancing modality she is experiencing that as well I'm super excited to have us have her on the show<br> voice heard about feng shui happy books on phones way but I've never asked you talk to someone about it so Patsy welcome to the show<br> my pleasure thank you for letting me be a part of this magnificent show oh we're so blessed and honored to have you so how did you get into Funk shway and it might saying it properly you are saying to properly what how did you leave I would say to waste the more I went to college for architecture and of course we get to dabble a little bit and I'll different types of architecture all around the world and it was fine it was okay what about fencing the most proper way to build your own property<br> for example but later on in life I contracted hepatitis C virus when I was very very young right after I gave birth to my first born and just turned 32 and lo and behold unfortunately the blood transfusion were contaminated with the virus<br> . Basically turn my life upside down if you can just imagine back<br> but in a way like you were staying at the beginning of your show that everything in life is for purpose always has that I'm going to create a better quality of my life given the circumstances no matter what they are and that's what I did have to be taught me how to improve different ways to coexist with a virus for 26 years and during that process during the whole journey I came across to a book by my mentor and the sense of Pietro call Fung shui for help the anatomy of your home in order to optimize a better quality of life within your environment that's me ring a lot of signals and I started diving more into what is it that we at myself am I creating my life and my Creator more discomfort in my create a more and balance or how am I how am I contributed to my own<br> pattern looking at all the different patterns in life where there they're emotional or career who am I at track thing in life and those things that I didn't have a control which it was basically an incurable disease of the time and that is how I got into Funk shui for help and it's been I will tear complimentary process of my own life Journey something that I practice every day myself my clients my family and of course in Twining bag with the design system now that I have the opportunity to work more closely with clients I help them we assess their environment by looking within at what is it that they are finding discomfort in their lives so it's about energy energy research that we continuously have to do kind of like we taking a shower every day we have to do as well in order for us<br> create an Embrace a more harmonious shift in our lives<br> oh I am so connected to everything that you're just saying and what a wonderful story about how you took the situation you know of no fault of your own you get a blood transfusion we all hope that the blood transfusion be believing in that the source and everything is going to be fine and then you find yourself unfortunately contracting hepatitis C from this blood transfusion and I can imagine it turns your life upside down in so many ways but one of the most important things that I that I'm taking from this for myself and I know a lot of listeners are probably here to is emotionally is once once something starts to tear it my insides and our insides and in in starts to shake our foundation well that's that's our foundation and the our external world<br> begin to start to crumble because the foundation is shaking right the air we have this internal fear in the evening to go with mine is it is is running rapid it's scared and you know something unfortunate that our fault has happened and being able to stabilize that energy enough to keep yourself healthy but then to go on to build this amazing company it's just I'm in all right it's a say in all but I am I am a believer in what you do I'll say it that way I'm a Believer what you do and and the magnitude which it can change people's lives the thing that<br> I find interesting for myself too cuz I mention I have several books on Funk shway and get started and then you stop and think I never really even get started myself I I love to look at the picture pictures and everything looks so Serene and then I look at my own environment of my car and my house is older I can't do that I can't do that you know Adam but it how do you how do you just get people started before we get into all of the other stuff but I know that there are lots of people out there how do people just get started with phone so you know that you need to change the energy around you you know that it would be positive you know no one has the sell you on that part but how do you just get them to get started<br> pictures of a great question because ultimately the answers within I always say that the 16 start asking questions for example something that doesn't feel right in your space you can have a really nice relationship with your spouse or your partner and probably thinks I'm going on K at home but there's something like you fix you clean up you organized but there's still this little Thorn that is kind of just bothering is like you don't know how to pinpoint it and I would say you know you stupid and medication or anything in a closed space will you just find a little bit of other call secret space<br> and say what is it that I need right now and usually look Santa right now we have been surrounded by so much uncertainty this past few years the what is out of balance what is his that is feeling out of balance in your life and ultimately all comes back to Center and that Foundation Center that you pointed out earlier if that's what you have to look at our emotions and our heart what is this out of balance their what is the disconnection between your spiritual self and your material self in the connection with higher power and authority.<br> and then and then how do you connect that materialized in that Vision that you want to fulfill in your life what is it that you want to experience in life and start from there I would say is just really pay attention what is it that is bothering me right now it said of a lack of confidence just relieved you're dealing with business if you would have me working from home or not what is it that it's impeding opportunities coming into your life and I would say pay attention to your bedroom the bedroom is where he'll start consumption of what is your bedroom door<br> squeaky or do you have things behind it that are not giving it a space to open freely is your bed<br> comfortable if it has a headboard are you in a position that you feel like you're in command of their life for example not primarily having to the back door if that's too much energy feel like you're in command of your life<br> how is it that you are becoming that Creator being in being master of your own Universe in that environment you can also pay attention at the front entrance of your space if it's a squeaky it's a door if it needs fixing I just repainted I just refurnish my my front door because after reading all these crazy storms that we have in Houston it was looking a little bit dull and that's not the way I want to invite energy in my space I want to welcome spring I want a welcome unit I want to welcome a sense of fresh air definitely pay attention to the clutter in your life every single space where that's at I'm leaving pay attention to that because that's telling no story miss a lot of clutter that we have also in our minds so how do we start detoxifying and clay<br> just really paying attention and say this no longer serves me I'm a strong believer that everything that we have in our profession must have a purpose<br> from my crystals in my pen and my glass of water and the papers that I have everything has purpose Imma have a lot of things but everything has a need for me<br> oh you said to wait to take a look at that you said so many things I know you have so much more to say but I just want to go back and revisit some things so I guess I got to go back to the fact I don't know a lot of poetry books and I can't let you know you pick up things from looking at things but some kind of way I've always gotten the notion that as you said the bedroom is the primary<br> place to start I guess it's because whether you are single or in a relationship or not I would suppose that is because that is the most intimate of sanctuaries right in your home is is your bedroom because that's where I pay for me at you know where your most vulnerable right you you sleep there right so you know yes when you're at your most vulnerable to two energies and things that nature because you're most relaxed in that room there for most of us anyway that's what we take our primary rest but it's not there because the metronome puncture correlates to health but they hadn't imagined that when you go there to rest you go there to sleep you go there to dream you go there to help her have some have some fun loving time however you treat that space is Steve be your most sacred environment like you said<br> you could also medicated so what is it that you were inviting in this environment for you to be in the Celine space It should be all about you this bedroom suit should communicate everything that you enjoy about yourself in your life so I would say it should be have a lot of natural elements there where there is some fresh bouquet of flowers or a potted plant colors that are really invigorating you not not nothing wrong because you want this place to be a place of calmness and serenity<br> at the same time I would save you right now if you are in a relationship have motives or elements that combined to write and balanced a pair of things. A couple of flowers or inviting inviting the energy that you are creating balance and harmony with a partnership or if you're looking to get to have a relationship if you're single I would highly recommend that you also in there to that aspect of yourself and really Place photos of you or the things that you want to invite in your life positive thing I'd recommend not to have anything that takes away from your essence from from yourself as the brics sample having pictures of your family or ancestors<br> or perhaps even an offer to pay attention while you have there because God this place should be all about you you and your partner if someone is at I got a trip here in a couple you want to make sure you have things in pairs if you're single you wouldn't have things that ever sent you but if you're single and you don't want to be single you know you'd like to be changed your status then should you have things a absolutely you have to put yourself in a position in this is what it is that you want to create<br> I love birds so you can have a pair of birds looking at each other in a painting or little statue was a little decorative items that's a really nice way to do lighting a couple of candles red candles and candles<br> very nice way to invite that in Gold candles in pairs when you decorate if you use artwork A know that's like a dipstick really simple way to create<br> Harmony are bringing in Partnership<br> that's beautiful or 10 because you know they made for life to work with<br> oh that's something I didn't know that so yeah if you if you're looking for that that seems to offer to for a right it's it's inviting a spouse if that's what you're looking for you know differently<br> edit correct meat to life that's interesting<br> there's so much that I want to add I want to add five people on because my my oldest son is he reads a lot and I asked him do you know what is it that you are bringing into your bedroom at night what is it that you're bringing in so I will recommend not to have any distractions like a TV or watch what you're looking at your phone before going to bed and who are you bringing to bed with your books that's also another ways I can pick away from your dream time the White Dream time to be very very special because that's you were saying earlier we are living in a place where we are so interconnected I hear I think I heard the previous podcast we are so connected right now we still owe them now when we are vulnerable when we're sleeping When We're Dreaming we have a way to connect to<br> hire source for this is what I'm trying to say is that when you go to bed just make it a ritual to invite your higher self to commune with you<br> that way you can really take your life to the next level treat your body at the temple treat your mind as far as this beautiful light source that is connecting you to this physical body for you to materialize your vision<br> yeah I love that you write did you connect to something and there's so many ways to do that I think the universe offers are so many ways to achieve what we are looking for it's only that we have to have got to be open to it right there so many outlets in so many ways I think this one way of using the elements of our environment you know I heard you talk about clutter and you know all of us I think I have that drawer right you try to keep everything in that one step in that drawer right in in you hate to go by that drawer but then I think sometimes the energy that that discomfort has you know you don't want to open that drawer cuz you know stuffed to the gills is hard to open it you're afraid to break your nails digging in there or what have you and then that energy is in you write what you said in your home so the best way is to try to<br> to make these spaces so that energy flows better around as I think into it as I'm listening to you talk and I'm as as you're talkin your voice is very I hear that it's not you're welcome with that so much of mine thing right because you were talking to go with us into it if you would just know just to go and get rid of that stuff up sometimes it's difficult because we get so attached to things that you don't know if you're ever going to need that piece of paper again tonight or that that sweatshirt at Varsity sweatshirt that you got no High School in your just can't you been dragging around from house to house from state-to-state you just can't part with it and we have so many things of that nature how do we deal with that as far as getting rid of clutter and I'm being open to the funk shui<br> yes and the way I see it your house should be a temple to harness your divinity<br> everything's there should really pay attention to it why is it that you don't want to open that drawer that's full of stuff and just because it's taking time from you because it's just a drag it's boring you have better things to do but pay attention why is that because everything is good that's creating more stagnation and of course it's giving you a sense of like like I don't want to do that so it's at Manor G drainer that's exactly what it is a little portals of energy draining places in your home<br> yeah I think that's right so that that's that makes such good sense right because sometimes you know. We talkin about our home and I know that we could do this at our office that I had a funk shui for my office at work but in our home especially and we may not be able to control the entire environment in her job place but in our home I love how you said that a home should be a temple to house our Divinity and we think about that is this really a temple that house is yours available right then and there I can just stop talking right now I'll just clear this whole shelf that's in front of me it really is about is this house in my Divinity it's not about needing that many pocketbooks if I can't store them properly where I feel that it's energy-giving instead of energy-sapping right b a<br> energy saving message it's it's a it's a dead ringer for that Scott to go or at least it hasn't even moved right so that's a great framework is always great to have someone on the show who you can dialogue with it's it's so so much I think it's more life to the to the topic so so how can phones we positively influence and infect our overall health. Heard that that it could be part of the health Journey back the way back to hell for the way to maintain health and how can we do that in addition to your talk you tell us what kind of help can I do want<br> you know energy is and everything or everything is energy<br> and whatever attention goes that's way too close it's not good it's not bad but you have the power to wheel it so how does this influence health and wealth when we talked about our environment we'd see our bodies are physical bodies carrying all this multi-billion trillions of cells that and organs that give us life and help us continue with our life and as we are absorbing all this energies from the universe that are coming down onto the planet that are circulating throughout the continents and countries and cities go all the way down to your neighborhood and coming into your space how is the body Temple<br> take a break I hear a thing so I'm going to come right back we're discussing fengshui today will see you on the other side of the break<br> practical spirituality positive messages this is Unity online radio. Org<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to every Dave East with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back on Doctor Dre Bond James this is everyday peace and our fabulous yesterday is Patsy Malaki were talking about feng shui how to Fung Shui your space and we right before the break you were talking about fengshui and its impact the influence on our overall health and you said something on the during the break which I absolutely love was as within so without<br> in relation to the energy and feng-shui relation to fengshui in our space and just getting our life in alignment<br> yes I love it. Because this is really how I got to understand the value of energy balancing when I when I came to understand that this energy this Prana we breathe it in we please the energy of life right through when we agree with bringing that in and it circulating in our body and it's touching in all of her organs and if there's something there in our bodies that is misaligned or is going through some kind of health issue or anything like that that's a vulnerable spot so what do we do about that that's the physical part but imagine taking this note and seeing it when you're not paying attention to your emotions in your spiritual<br> your spirituality usually when we pay attention that we want to create a shift in our lives when we need to change it because something to Moltres has happened in our lives could be a Health crisis could be a loss of a job or somebody that we love and our luck that's the way I mean there's so many things that have happened you know covid-19 and people are still going through a lot I know a lot of people going through a lot of emotional turmoil a lot of mental health issues a lot of lost ants of Abandonment you shouldn't let this. We're not paying attention to our emotion so what happens when we don't our heart a physical heart will start hurting<br> and most likely those other vulnerable spots in your body will also be giving you some kind of signal to take care of it somehow so every single part of our bodies an organ or foot or hair or eyes correlate to a particular area of our outer environment so would say you know if your tooth is hurting and that correlates to how the help of people in your area<br> the benefactors in your area in your life so if there's something there and also the father issues<br> put it that way so every single part of your body correlates to a particular area of your house that correlates to lift a health career family relationships wealth or abundance recognition usually and self-reflection introspection which we called knowledge and wisdom or career opportunities for example a perfect example I'm going to pay for you I had with the hepatitis C issue that's deliver that I had situation with that due to it now very vulnerable and of course the emotion that was attached to that was in<br> I have to pick pay attention I don't like to deliver as an organ but also what it is that it's happening around that why it was feeling that way and it's correlating to the fire element so you could imagine so much of this energy happening in the area that was very vulnerable due to the hep C<br> and I have to basically take pay attention to all of that the feelings of incompetence I'm not ever going to be healthy all my ice also expensive I would say feeling less than an unworthy because I felt that nobody would want me being sick right because I care if it's by I have to specially when it came to relationships who want me right I also had the idea that I wasn't able to go to have any more children<br> because of the because of their had said that was not able to be treated at the time but all these different aspects of my life that was happening around it because of the hepatitis also showed up in my life on how am I welcoming opportunities in my life and my open to receive goodness or different ways that I can cope with the disease or can I can I actually hate Eustis energy to concentrate on other areas of my life for example learning to forgive myself and that's all about the heart area that's all about self love and compassion how to forgive myself for those things that I said well maybe I deserve to get sick right back. Cross my mind as well but then I also wanted to at the at the time I was going to school for graphic design and visual art<br> I concentrated my last night parts of my life and my energy into creating a better space for me to create my graphic design and all this and all the relationships in my life as well so everything is interconnected it didn't look up entrees kind of like acupuncture for the home that's the easiest way to to perceive how this works because you may be having let's say relating if we look at that when we when we talk about when we talk about wholesome Wellness or overall well-being that is in the middle area of the center of your of your face of your environment in the funk shui map<br> and<br> and so is this area is some<br> misalignment what else is it costing disharmony in that because if we if we point that out it's connecting to it's connecting to recognition it's connected to relationships<br> connecting to yourself<br> everything everything is interconnected<br> wow and soul and I think for most of us<br> the idea of trying to<br> unpack all of this can be overwhelmed<br> it could be overwhelming and that's why I say just focus on that priority what is it that you want to change right now one thing that I'm saying is<br> we are creating our present or future right now I want to I want to memory<br> I can hat so I can have that later on and what is it that I also want to do what is it that I want to leave behind<br> I want I want at least for my for people who say yeah she was able to help or she has some good service at least creating harmony with my family and that's you know what that's what happened that's what Integrity is it's like who are you behind the scenes behind the curtain<br> how to do are you with yourself<br> what is it that you really want to know an alternate Lee you come back to having the sense of belonging and being worthy of except the greater good or goodness to happen in life the universe is infinite<br> but we are so accustomed to believing that it's really hard to get something good because she would have eons of life I'm living in density or we had now have the opportunity to take A New Perspective of life and seeing things in a different way and conflict can be one of those tools that you can start seeing how practically and they probably 5,000 years ago and it's still gaining recognition why because we are part of it and as we involved we still have the elements that we can work with our place our home or environment should be secure should be a place of Refuge you should be protected<br> that's openly what country is on YouTube live in harmony no matter what circumstances no matter what life is throwing at you you have created this beautiful environment as harmonious environment that can sustain your energy right now<br> yeah I love that something you said a little bit ago about being and knowing what you were feeling and it's such an interesting topic because I had a conversation with a client earlier today about being in a space for so long will you denied your feelings for whatever reason I find that a lot of people are in that space as well we are they are not connected to their feelings because they have not ever been allowed to<br> be connected. Maybe they were criticized for not being strong about this a lot with with my female clients and I do have a number male plants as well but I find this a lot with female appliances that they are not connected to their feelings because they've been taught that while that is a sign of weakness or it's a sign of selfishness so they've gone so long with suppressing what they are feeling too they're almost on autopilot is a human are as a human Droid or something and so I'm wondering if they'll listen to you talk that the funk shui of having this flow and creating this because our emotions are part of flow right you're part of that driveway there there's a whole rainbow cacophony of emotions and we are meant to experience all of them not to dwell on them but to let them flow through us<br> thinking that with Feng Shui could be a way for people who are so disconnected from self to reconnect in A Gentle Way by creating them flow in their environment environment know what is it Life Is Life as soon as you step out of your door vulnerable to and you taking a risk right so why not have a place of Refuge these that it could be your bedroom and then if you're sharing an apartment or whatever is if their bedroom that you should concentrate in all ways because that's where we're talkin about the start of harmonizing and nurturing Bethany is probably something that I learned along the way with Mom said because I like you said I was one of those women that I never stopped I was very independent there was a single mom for 10 years it was go go go and I have to do it<br> making myself very great at it I'm very good at doing that but you know what I came to understand is that I could do I could do it better if I have support<br> that is the key and honestly asking for help with you a moment for me<br> no one to like really ask for help to me was a sign effect that a sign of weakness but know if people around you are willing to support you they will drop anything you say how can I help I am here and I learned that the hard way because I didn't give myself the opportunity to ask until very recent years ago maybe<br> creating more more difficulty in my life because I I didn't know how to accept or receive help what I was going through my Pepsi recovery I was I had to pick us about achill for almost 18 months because I couldn't move I was completely energy drain I slept for days my body couldn't move I mean I went through a very interesting detoxification. After the eradication of the hep C and all I remember asking my husband was take care of our son please I never asked him to bring me water and never asked me to bring me a cup of tea I never asked him to check up on me<br> yep and I'm sleeping for a two-tier sharing this with you because it was that simple<br> it's crazy how hard I was on myself and you didn't understand what he was doing the right thing cuz he knows I'm strong but if it didn't occur to me you know it's not about us it's about what I was asking for nothing about that so often is too it seems like it's a gentle correction of wrong thinking and buy wrong thinking about Associated the wrong word wrong with judgement because I think what happens for a lot of people is that we become super independent as a way of not inconveniencing anyone else or not putting someone else out right now and but the truth of the matter is that we are here to one another each other that is Art that's her mission in life right and it and I subscribe to that in my maturity what I've realized is that your you're<br> service to the world is not something that makes you feel pain right that's not your place of service it is something when you have an abundance of it gives you this abundantly good feeling like oh my gosh I could do it again and again and again so that is where your service isn't and I think for a long time a lot of people including myself felt like well I really wasn't being a service unless I was miserable while I was doing it right and I'm so we're giving her a place of pain right with how is that going to be received right answer we're giving from a place of pain and we begin to shut down because you're not receiving the flow that you need to to recharge yourself<br> ended<br> yes<br> they are very thoughts are very powerful indeed<br> indeed and when we can all my goodness and I believe the phones were honestly believe that helps with all of these things so we talked we talked about so many things with our guest today if you're just joining us is Patsy Malaki we're talking about feng shui how to feng shui your space and you got a few things coming up let's take a quick moment here to talk about a few things that you have coming up that our audience could possibly take advantage of our special guest to question myself including my sister who is cancer conqueror we are creating a beautiful retreat at the Art of Living Retreat Center in Boone North Carolina this October at the end of October I'm going to be sharing more about how to cook create a special Harmony in your life<br> latches from the exterior aspect but also how to kill rate your bodily Temple out to be able to receive and get you to the next level of your Human Experience a door when Chris is going to be talking and sharing about how to heal the psycho psycho emotional trauma it's a beautiful meditator the wonderful expert in aromatherapy all the combinations will be set there for will be creating an environment everybody has their own unique formula to take home with them my sister Carlos you will be talkin about nurturing your body through breast yoga breast nutrition and balanced movement is slowed the wheel have all this different modalities look at to experience all these different ways to improve your hug your life<br> in practical ways and Nick ways that you can compliment them and take them back home but you can really practice and it's all about the practice right like anything else but you will have us keep going in our with your spiritual journey and your healing process all this way it's that the retreat is just the commencement of a new community what we call Quantum community of what we're building here and I just can't wait to share more about that<br> Quantum Community yet that's going to that's going to be amazing it's a wonderful time to reflect in a safe environment and be guided through some very difficult times in our life to come out on the other side of balanced and ready to build an achiever next level of greatness so we talked about a few practical tips you gave four for the bedroom which is as you mention is the primary place to start so if you're if you're like me and starting fengshui a good place to start is in the bedroom so I'm if you just joining us you'll definitely get the replay of this and get those bedroom tips<br> cuz they aren't they were amazing so what are some practical Funk shui tips but we can incorporate for a more calming energetic environment throughout our whole Xavier you mentioned the front door being the second area and what are some things we could do at our front door and threw out our home that secrete calming into energetic and I might add inviting of Love An in into our home<br> front entrance is how it's basically how people are seeing you recommend that you treated with love and kindness bring a lot of flowers out of wearing Springtime really clean up that area so you can invite more opportunities into your life I love working with plants and flowers if you feel like you need to paint your door if you can think of whatever color you like it's not specific to read some people made it may say it's got to be something that you feel comfortable with I also recommend working with the element of water water is if this year's element actually if you're doing a little bit of funk shui the tiger is also the symbol of this year and tiger seal of water tigers and great communicator and very expressive and passionate individual in creature<br> Majestic think about that how can you create Majestic environment in your life with the element of water water is also the symbol of abundance also a symbol for emotions so if you working with water pay attention what kind of water you going to work with if you want something that is you really need to rent a car in your life a beautiful impression or visual of a lake like something very Serene and spill if you want more opportunities let's hear and slow and perhaps even money work with a river flowing through or waterfall<br> now if you can talk about the ocean where the ocean is very nearly as well it's actually a feminine element that would say so that's about creating that going diving with in diving deep within yourself and really working on your emotions so the ocean can symbolize that you are getting ready to dive in and dig deep in your life to create more stability in your heart and your mind that something really great to do also work with the colors black navy blue gray in the front area of your of your space could be your house it could be your bedroom but again make sure that nothing is squeaking that everything is clean that your windows are also really clean and in can open them if you can if they're supposed to open that should be able to open without the strain<br> 2nd string that's what's a really great way to do it and make sure that make sure that everything like you feel good in your space create an aromatherapy the wonderful way to elevate the space Patrol smell lavender Rosemary any things that elevate your senses my sense of smell very very nice cute and Jasmine is one of those that not only in bigger rates me but it also counts me more than lavender lavender to for cleaning stuff. So that's another thing that I highly recommend if you're feeling a lot of drawers and a lot of negativity around you think I sold by tonight just a little bit of your lavender oil Epsom salts anything like God and then afterwards you can actually bring in if you don't have lemon essential oil or<br> blood orange or anything like that<br> smell one can you cut a lemon and just mail it and then of course squeeze the juice and drink that because it's really helps to continue detoxing your liver which is all about what I'm what I'm sharing all my bras did feed them all about healing and nurturing the liver and you know that is a very special stuff yes I'm sure it is based on what you've told us you've given us so much great information our guests today it again passing a Lockey talking about fengshui she does so much work passing weird can our audience find how can I connect with you<br> lovely that you can make with me through my website is a is b e n and on Instagram at my Nautica I'm there and I'm also on YouTube you can find me at taxable Aki I'm always sharing a little bit of funk shway of some design and how to harmonize your life now that's for me it's like how do we live in harmony and there's and during our present circumstances and just creating more Harmony within in your heart or heart it's the fourth chakra I would say it's a New Foundation Center and if that's out of alignment and feeling in Balance then that's what we need to work because it's the collective spirit with matter<br> you're absolutely right in this as we closing at our show today I do want to say that Harmony in this in this sense of balance is what we're all really looking for I believe it is ways to do that and what we're offering to see you today via the way of our Fabolous guess today passing the walking is we're talking about another way to create to assist in creating that harmonious environment that you so so sick no trying to do it through our jobs and our relationships to hang out and that's all great and here's another tool to use this phone shui to have the energy in your home and partner with that to create the life of abundance from the inside out I'm Doctor Trevon James I absolutely love you will talk next week<br> you've been listening to Everyday teeth with Dr Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that leave you to your next level of greatness and I would love to hear some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me and info at Dr Graber on enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the brilliant life nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at the back to Cleveland purchase my book Freedom is your Birthright from Amazon thank you for being and every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening to Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> are you ready to experience the rich interconnection of spirituality orientation and identity if so plan to attend liberating Your Divine identity a retreat at Unity Village during pride month June 9th to 12 this Soul filled Retreat is facilitated by lgbtqia plus Unity ministers with workshops and ceremonies to cultivate a deeper awareness of our spiritual nature register at Unity Village. Org forward slash I am Divine 2022<br>

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