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ET Healing, February 17, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Tonight's Show:  "Seeing through the Eyes of Oneness"

We will be on air Thursday night to do this show.  Unfortunately, last week we had to cancel at the last minute.  Looking forward to speaking with all of you......

  We are receiving lots of information these days......Mental Body will get you there or the Cosmic Heart will get you there but what is the truth???  What will link us up to the truth....where do we put our energy and beliefs??  Perhaps.....more now than ever before we have the opportunity to see through the eyes of oneness....not separation.  Are we really a part of each time truly an illusion and if so....then can we connect with everything and everyone all at the same time??  

Is this the answer???  It's all so complicated and who do we believe??  So much to share tonight and The Team will bring their incredible humor and wisdom to the table as well.

ET Healing

ET Healing with Jackie Salvitti and Squirrel Rork, banner
Jackie Salvitti and Squirrel Rork

Where do you start with an adventure that is book worthy? Perhaps, to tell you that our Star Brothers and Sisters are closer than you know and waiting for you to become more empowered.

This sounds like metaphysical hogwash, but I promise you that it’s the truth.

Reunion with your Cosmic Family...Preparing for Contact! It's time to remember the truth of who we are!

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