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ET Healing, August 19, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Tonight's Topic: "Toxic Relationships....Projections of Mom and Dad....the relationships that never give us what we really want!"

"Are you trying to get your father's attention? It may not literally be in the form of your physical father, but rather someone who acts like him, who stands in allegiance to people who are toxic to you, and who doesn't ever quite give you what you want. "

Tonight we venture into a very complex issue that creates such freedom for us all.  This is all about our freedom and finally our ability to claim our soverienty and make choices that support who we really are instead of acting from poisonous projections. 

ET Healing

ET Healing with Jackie Salvitti and Squirrel Rork, banner
Jackie Salvitti and Squirrel Rork

Where do you start with an adventure that is book worthy? Perhaps, to tell you that our Star Brothers and Sisters are closer than you know and waiting for you to become more empowered.

This sounds like metaphysical hogwash, but I promise you that it’s the truth.

Reunion with your Cosmic Family...Preparing for Contact! It's time to remember the truth of who we are!

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