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ET Healing, April 14, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Tonight's Show: "Did Someone say Retrograde??????????"

We are dealing with energies and ideas that can be overwhelming and are forcing us to look at ourselves in a new way and learn to love ourselves in spite of the flaws and shortcomings that we perceive in ourselves.  It can be a very challenging time and yet a wonderful time of self discovery as well.

With Mercury and Pluto in retrograde and Saturn sitting on our heads (or so it feels) some people are dragging through their day and others are flying high.

We all want to fly....everyone is feeling the pull to make a difference and others are feeling unsatisfied with their lives and contribution. 

ET Healing

ET Healing with Jackie Salvitti and Squirrel Rork, banner
Jackie Salvitti and Squirrel Rork

Where do you start with an adventure that is book worthy? Perhaps, to tell you that our Star Brothers and Sisters are closer than you know and waiting for you to become more empowered.

This sounds like metaphysical hogwash, but I promise you that it’s the truth.

Reunion with your Cosmic Family...Preparing for Contact! It's time to remember the truth of who we are!

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