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ET First Contact Radio, April 11, 2011

Geoffrey West
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ET-First Contact Radio
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with Dr. Brian O'Leary

ET-First Contact Radio with special host Geoffrey West

Geoffrey West was a guest host today. He interviewed a scientist specialized in free energy. His name is: Dr. Brian O'Leary, former astronaut and physicist supporting free energy.

Guest, Brian OLeary

Guest Name
Brian OLeary
Dr. Brian O'Leary, Author, Scientist, Former Astronaut, International Speaker, Researcher, Lectuerer, Writer, Teacher, Assistant Professor, Columnist, Environmentalist, Consultant, Advisor and Facilitator
Guest Occupation
Author, Scientist, Former Astronaut, International Speaker, Researcher, Lectuerer, Writer, Teacher, Assistant Professor, Columnist, Environmentalist, Consultant, Advisor, Facilitator
Guest Biography

BIOGRAPHY, 2008: Over the past twenty years, Dr. O'Leary has researched, lectured and written extensively about new paradigms of science and global transformation. His most recent book Re-Inheriting the Earth describes how we can lift out of ourselves out of our current path of global destruction. Much of his work is based on extensive international travels to some of the best and brightest researchers of new science, new medicine and "free" energy.

Dr. O'Leary has published internationally ten trade books on the frontiers of science, space, energy and culture, with sales averaging over 10,000 copies per book. He was a NASA scientist-astronaut, assistant professor of astronomy at Cornell University alongside Carl Sagan, and has also taught Physics for Poets and Princeton University and technology assessment at the University of California Berkeley School of Law and Hampshire College. He has published over 100 technical papers in the peer reviewed scientific literature and another 100 popular magazine and Op-Ed pieces worldwide. He has appeared frequently on American national television and radio, including the Today Show, Larry King Live, the Donahue Show and the Art Bell Show.(C.V.)

A passionate environmentalist open to innovative solutions, Dr. O'Leary was special consultant to the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment, wrote speeches and was senior advisor to environmental presidential candidate Morris Udall. He also helped presidential candidates George McGovern, Walter Mondale and Jesse Jackson on economic policies to convert from polluting and military activities to green initiatives.

He is currently on the faculty of the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles, teaching in the Masters program in Transformational Psychology. He is co-founder of the New Energy Movement (no longer President). He has recently completed the Sivananda Yoga Teachers Training Course and lectures widely at their ashrams and centers throughout the world. He is co-founder of the International Association of New Science and advisor to Dennis Weaver's Institute of Ecolonomics.

Over the past decade, Dr. Oleary has spoken or led workshops at the Esalen Insitute, the Findhorn Foundation, Oxford University, St. James Picadilly, State of the World Forum, the United Nations Youth Assembly, the International Conferences on Science and Consciouness, the International Forums on New Science, the Philosophical Research Society, the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences, Unity churches, Chuches of Religious Science, the Yuba Seminars and dozens of other venues worldwide.

With his artist-wife Meredith, Brian is founding Montesueños, a retreat center and botanical garden in the Ecuadorian Andes dedicated to finding deep peaceful and sustainable solutions to humankind's war on nature and to implement these at local, regional and global levels of action.  They also plan to have many workshops and residences in the arts.  Many international groups will be coming during 2008 to launch this unique new facility, known for its great natural beauty.

Personally signed copies of Dr. O'Leary's books and a recent video are available through the Books and Tapes web page.

Dr. O'Leary is also available to give lectures, workshops and courses based on his recent research. Speaking Topics

ET First Contact Radio

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst
Show Host
Maarten Horst

ET-First Contact Radio HOST MAARTEN HORST, Speaks every Thursday about the development of Disclosure, First Contact and the Changes that are taking place on Gaia to prepare us for the great Shift, leading us to Ascension. All related subjects like The Galactic Federation will be dealt with in depth.

Often Maarten will read and reflect on the messages from SaLuSa from Sirius (channeled by Mike Quinsey another host on BBS-RADIO) and the messages, including Sheldan Nidle.

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