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History and You, January 22, 2013

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On Being Married
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with Jorge Rodriguez-Walling

In what condition is your marriage? How is your marriage doing, really? Is it a bit flat? Have you taken each other for granted enough times already? Are you married for companionship? Financial interest? Are you already so dependent on each other that there’s no room for anything else? The institution of marriage is dying: do you really care?

Being married is an adventure without end. It used to be that getting married and starting a family was the most exciting thing in your life! It was the ultimate ride to take! But today, the sign of our time is “approach with caution.” Marriage is perceived as a conditional experience, where one is never trapped into anything or anyone, where alternative forms of marriage, as divorces from traditional ones, are quickly becoming the order of the day, and where young people who still fall in love are trying to decide what to do with their love?

The success of a marriage first starts with the model that parents provide, and the consistency and stability of that model will determine for their children the values to look for in other people for making the right choices, and learning the work ethic necessary to make a marriage work and last.

Today, people don’t care as much because marriages, as with home life, are fractured institutions, which are by and large, dysfunctional in providing vital roles to guide young people with future decisions. Some would argue that there are too many choices out there, and too many liberties that only serve to enable the young and the old as well, to embark on commitments without thinking them through more carefully.

Are they wrong? Is the opinion too conservative? Look around you? What do you see? What are the signs of our times telling us? As for me, well, I have my wife. I talk about her; I write about her; I sing to her; I do all I can for her because, I love her, more than anything else in this world. She is my soul mate. And when coming home from what remains of the day, my best moment is to see her happy and listen to her laugh; just to see her is enough for me. And so it is, with all my heart that I can say: I am a happily married man! Are you?

History and You

History and You with Jorge Rodriguez-Walling, banner
History and You with Jorge Rodriguez-Walling Picture

Capturing the importance of the individual and how the past can put you in a position to make a difference in the present. History, as we have come to know it, is a collage of choices made, created, and driven by all of us. Our understanding of it only helps to measure how far and with what level of sophistication we can see the world and our individual place in it.

The individual, the everyday hero, who wakes up to work his day and returns home at the end of that work, is the focus of this show. People today live in an environment they seldom know because so little is known about history. Therefore, the variety of topics and history surrounding everyday people will be made current and relevant through insightful discussions. Topics for the show will include, but are not limited to, an informed and considered view of:

• Politics
• Sports
• Art and Culture
• Philosophy and Religion
• Ethnicity and National Identity
• Science and Technology
• Psychology
• Education
• Social and Cultural Issues

In short, the show will delve into the issues of human nature and how history can assist us to better understand and cope with these issues in our modern day world. With visits from professional guest speakers, as well as "call-ins" and emails from folks contributing their insights to the discussion, the show aims to provide the public with thought-provoking moments about the quality of life we are currently living and how to contend with it. The supporters of "History and You" feel that the volume of listeners will steadily grow given the variety and interconnectedness of topics presented in a way that appeal to a wide range of age groups, income levels, and demographics.

"History and You" will provide audiences with a reason and a forum from which to reflect, revisit, and renew thoughtfulness about their lives. This informed and discussion-oriented format tends to build loyal and passionate listeners. This is a show that creates a positive difference for every individual through its passionate and introspective look at people and their lives.

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