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The Super Power Of Forgiveness, January 20, 2014

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Astor Torres the interview!. My other half!.
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with Perto Herrera

Happiness hasn't existed for me, I decided to be happy!, My other half!, Astor Torres interview!, entrevista a Astor Torres!, La felicidad no ha existido para mi, Yo decidi ser feliz!, Mi otra mitad!, 

Guest, Astor Torres

Guest Name
Astor Torres
Astor Torres
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Guest Biography

Astor Torres es un artista con un sonido fresco una fusion de generos como rock ,balada y un poco mas hace a este artista estar determinado a destacarse. Astor Torres proviene de un a vida muy musical, Torres a mantenido una meta desde niño el poder brindar su arte al mundo. Su sonido , alcanzara los oidos de una variedad de gente, desde niños hasta adultos. Con la abilidad que tiene de atraer a la gente con solo su guitarra y su calida voz, Gustara a cualquiera que lo logre escuchar!

The Super Power Of Forgiveness

The Super Power Of Forgiveness with Perto Herrera
Show Host
Perto Herrera

True forgiveness can heal broken relationships and help restore the person who forgives to emotional wholeness and physical well-being.

Herrera himself is a survivor of severe sexual molestation as a young boy raised in a poverty-stricken family in a small village in El Salvador. The personal lessons learned had led the author to fulltime writing, speaking, and philanthropic efforts to help sexual abuse victims and individuals trapped in poverty.

His message to victims is how to survive and escape from abuse through courage, faith, and concerted action. His message to parents is to believe their children and protect them.

"Aflter I made forgiveness a part of my life. God empowered me with a love for others that compels me to help the needy; that is the life-changing power of forgiveness.

Summing up his mission, Herrera says: “I want the needy ones and victims of abuse to know that they are not alone anymore. I am here for them as they strive toward the pinnacles of personal recovery.”

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