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Arcturian Ascension Process, October 22, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Walking Crop Circles

With Guest, Jacqui Callis

In this episode Sue is joined by Jacqui Callis, a musician and healer living in Cornwall, England. Jacqui shares her personal experience with crop circles and guides listeners through a meditation.

Arcturian Ascension Process

Arcturian Ascension Process with Dr. Suzanne Lie, banner
Show Host
Dr Suzanne Lie

All of us, whether or not we are in a relationship with another person can benefit greatly from an intimate relationship with our true, Spiritual SELF.

Most of us are using only about 10% of our brain and about 3% of our DNA. Through seeking, communicating with, and integrating our true, multidimensional SELF into our physical life, we can greatly expand our consciousness and regain latent skills that will assist us in creating our new reality. guides the reader through a process of awakening to their multidimensional Soul/SELF who exists free of the limitations and illusions of third dimensional reality.

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