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KickAss Relationship Show, May 24, 2017

Angela Barrows, the Clairvoyant Empowerment Coach
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Angela Barrows, the Clairvoyant Empowerment Coach
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Guest, Angela Barrows

KickAss Relationship Show with Midori Verity and guest Angela Barrows

Title:  Angela Barrows, The Empowerment Coach & Clairvoyant
Angela Barrows is known as The Empowerment Coach. She is the Creator and founder of Rock till You’re Hot’, designed as a pre dating program to guide and support you begin to enter the world of dating. She just happens to also be a Clairvoyant Psychic. She has the ability to combine her skills to help her clients reconnect to themselves in order to live a soul empowered life!
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KickAss Relationship Show

The Kickass Relationship Show with Midori Verity
Show Host
Midori Verity | Speaker, Author, Kickass Marriage Coach

Join renowned speaker, best-selling author, media personality, and marriage coach, Midori Verity on, The Kickass Relationship Show,' as she shares intimate secrets and modern advice for couples, to elevate your relationship to live sexier and happier, to have WAAAY more fun! Midori believes success in life is better when mixed with excitement and love.


  • Feel more appreciated

  • End the screaming and start the thriving!

  • Get Re-connected on a higher level with your partner

  • Create the blueprint for success in all aspects of your life

  • Have the relationship & life you’ve dreamed of!

​Then Tune into my KickAss Relationship Show, and learn strategic tools to quit the B.S. and feel connected, understood and loved, and regain control of your future as a couple! So you can live life to the fullest!

Just come open, and receptive, and enjoy the transformation!

• Love deeper

• Live happier

• Communicate better

• Stop the fighting & start the thriving!

With Midori Verity

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