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A Fireside Chat, May 8, 2010

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Guest, Christine Day
My Guest is author, healer and channel - CHRISTINE DAY.   Christine had a dysfunctional childhood, when her parents, involved in a cult, sold her to the cult and she was used as a sexual slave.   Many decades of shame, guilt and living "as if dead inside" ensued...   until she had a spiritual awakening, during a NDE and was led to heal herself of a terminal diagnosis.   In her near death experience, she was told by Mother Mary, while looking at her dead, cold body below, that "her contracts had all been fulfilled", and it was time to cross over.   She didn't care for that option, feeling as if there was "more to do".   So, Mary obliged her by enfolding her in a bright light of love, in which she "rewrote" a NEW contract, allowing her to return and continue.   In that contract, she meets the Master, Sai Baba and is continuously assisted by Mother Mary.   Part of her new life included having an experience of being contacted via a ship that lands near her, by the Pleiadians.   They offer to work with her to help heal humanity, through channeling energy and information.   She develops the "Frequencies of Brilliance" technique, and has been working throughout the U.S. and Internationally for the last 15 years.   This is a deeply profound and moving spiritual experience, which validates and uplifts all who listen!   Her book is titled, "Pleiadian Initiations of Light", and is available on her site and at Amazon Books.

A Fireside Chat

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Show Host
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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