Andrew is a talented artist and a leading expert in the field of using Distilled Liquids for Healing. The power of water, as Matsuro Emoto discovered, brought awareness to the Quality of water and the Consciousness of water and how thoughts affect it. It is living, breathing spirit which is meant to be a powerful life force. It can also be sick, diseased or even "killed", similar to all life forms. The quality of water has a major impact on us "water bags", being mostly full of it. We learn how to distinguish and discern, to make choices for our highest good, vibrant health and evolution. Andrew shares new information, building on our previous shows about the value of Distilled Liquids, their electrical charge, and in purifying cumulative poisons in our glands: especially the Pineal of Fluoride, Chlorine, and hundreds of other inorganic minerals. He breaks new ground in case studies of people who are currently healing themselves of lifetime disabilities.