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A Fireside Chat, August 20, 2011

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Guest, Inelia Benz
My guest today is INELIA BENZ.  After 2004, Inelia was involved with assisting light workers and warriors on their path, while discovering what the Dark Side is doing on our planet.  Her main focus has been the development of effective tools and practices to raise the awareness and vibration of individuals and the planet.  In January 2010, she received a request from Source to go public.  The first thing she did was to establish an information source at ascenscion101


Many have been deeply moved and triggered by the paradigm shifting video first released and her subsequent interviews on a variety of different radio shows.  Since going public, she has continued to work behind the scenes with other light workers and public figures to raise the vibration of the planet.  
In this show, we discuss in depth the nature of ascension, what it may look like, and the various timelines possible.  I was blessed to meet Inelia at her first "Meet and Greet" which took place in Grass Valley on October 23rd, 2011 just prior to our "graduation" from the Mayan Calendar on October 28th!  Inelia is truly a remarkable soul whose loving presence is tangible.  Watch for more shows with this very special incarnate gift from Source... including one to follow with Inelia and onw of my other favorite guests, Lucia Rene', who wrote "Unplugging from the Patriarchy".  

A Fireside Chat

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Show Host
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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