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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 17 May 2021

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon
Talk Show:
Show Host:
Marcia McMahon

Our special topics include the Holy Grail Mysteries, investigating the life of Jesus, past lives with him, and the truth of his mission, which is vastly different than the story presented in religion.

The Ascension Series is another topic of interest for our listeners and we bring world teachers to this forum to discuss the personal and planetary aspects of ascension as it is ocurring now on the planet!

  •  Ancient Mysteries and Sites
  •  Goddess and Divine Feminine
  •  Angel Messages from Marcia & readings for our audience
  •  Peace process in the Middle East
  •  New Revelations from Spirit
  •  Authors from all walks around the world
  •  Creative artists and musical talent

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Peaceful Planet , August 11, 2018 Guest, Heidi Bright, an aggressive end-stage cancer survivor knows the terror and powerlessness of a difficult diagnosis
Peaceful Planet , June 30, 2018 Guest, Mysteries of Jesus and the Magdalene with Margaret Starbird
Peaceful Planet , June 16, 2018 with Marcia McMahon
Peaceful Planet , June 2, 2018 Guest, James Murray
Peaceful Planet , April 21, 2018 Guest, Dr Linda Seger - Reflections with God while Waiting to Be Healed
Peaceful Planet , March 24, 2018 Guest, James Murray
Peaceful Planet , February 24, 2018 Guest, Patricia Cori
Peaceful Planet , January 27, 2018 Guest, James Duignam, author of Solar Return
Peaceful Planet , January 13, 2018 Guest, Richard Gordon, author of Quantum Touch
Peaceful Planet , December 30, 2017 with Marcia McMahon
Peaceful Planet , December 16, 2017 Guest, James Murray
Peaceful Planet , November 4, 2017 Guest, Esther Clyne aka Queen Ladybug
Peaceful Planet , October 21, 2017 Guest, Catherine Corgorno
Peaceful Planet , June 3, 2017 Guest, Tricia McCannon
Peaceful Planet , May 6, 2017 Guest, James Murray
Peaceful Planet , April 8, 2017 Guest, Joanna Prentis
Peaceful Planet , March 25, 2017 with Marcia McMahon
Peaceful Planet , March 11, 2017 Guest, Dr Carl O Helvie
Peaceful Planet , February 11, 2017 Guest, Dr Laura Derr
Peaceful Planet , January 28, 2017 Guest, Rose Campbell and James Murray
Marcia McMahon
Taylorvile, IL
Angelic Intuitive, Reiki Master and certified hypnotherpist

Marcia McMahon BA, Ursuline College MA, Case Western Reserve University and The Cleveland Institute of Art Marcia is an accomplished artist and author and has her art in numerous private collections throughout the US, Europe, and Canada. She was named in Who's Who in America 2002,  2003, 2010, up to 2012 for her accomplishments. Marcia's newest release, Notes from John, Messages from Across the Universe, highlight John L's latest messages from the afterlife and his new musical lyrics!  Marcia's older book titled With Love from Diana, Queen of hearts, Messages from Heaven for a new Age of Peace highlight messages from Princess Diana that can, if implemented save the world more terror, particularly the United States and countries in the Middle East. Princess Diana in life knew most of the world's leaders, and it should not come as a surprise that she chose her channel to assist our planet as it transforms to ascension. In fact, as Diana says, without peace in the Middle east there can be no mass ascension!

Mother Teresa, Jesus and John Lennon also speak on peace within Marcia's latest book, as well as two other well known Princess Diana authors! To order the book visit Diana's predictions have proved chilling and accurate; her plan for peace sound. Her words have great power and grace; and are healing for many who are seeking a message of hope and upliftment now. Marcia gives powerful lectures and readings of Diana's messages. She brings her artwork to accompany the reading of Diana's words. Marcia also does radio and TV interviews. Marcia's vision is to create a Peace and Healing Center in central IL.

Marcia is an internationally recognized psychic, author and radio show host, and has her art in numerous private collections throughout the US, Europe, and Canada. Marcia is a gifted Angelic channel for the Angels and does Angelic Reiki, Angel Readings and Aksahic readings, at . Marcia is nationally certified hypnotist, N.G.H.and specializing in Past Lives regression. visit  Marcia also works with Cancer patients in side by side wellness nutrition and reiki healing. Marcia was a stage 4 breast cancer patient and with the help of  Her Angels healed herself using alternative therapies and traditional modalities . Peaceful Planet. Marcia channels Archangel Michael and the Ascended Masters. She offers excellent reading with the Archangel Michael! Here is what one client said about Marcia's reading  with AA Michael: "Marcia is an evolved soul who is attuned to high level spiritual beings, so the wisdom and power she and I have tapped into together continues to be a source of amazement and joy!  Her presence has proven a powerful catalyst for the on-going development of my own spiritual gifts, and with her support, I am feeling confident to move forward in bringing them further out into the world.  Marcia’s confidence, joy and gratitude for her intuitive wisdom are infectious -- she clearly delights in her work.  And all this has been done over Skype! DR. Laura, Boston, MA."

Marcia has a Diana Gallery online consisting of paintings in watercolor of Diana, Princess of Wales. Marcia is a retried  art history  professor. She continues to reach audiences on both radio and TV with her awesome and inspiring messages from Diana, Princess of Wales. Her work continues to be inspiration to those who both loved Diana, and those who are concerned for world peace in the troubled Middle East. Marcia has the gift prophecy concerning earth changes and what we as American’s need to know to truly bring peace to the planet and America!

Announcing Readings with the Archangels! Through the grace of The Archangels, Marcia is now offering readings from the archangels! She will answer three questions via channeled information from the angelic realms. This is a wonderful opportunity to find out your spiritual mission and purpose. email for reading is

Donate to the Peaceful Planet show and World Peace!

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Dear Marcia,

As the music still plays, I must tell you that this episode with James Murray as your guest and John Lennon channeled by each of you was my favorite one of your shows. It flowed and made me smile.  In fact, I’m still smiling, and I thank both you and James!  The music stopped before I finished typing, but I am still smiling.  Your music selections seemed very fitting tonight.

Happily and In appreciation,




Also, I enjoyed your program a lot last night. I hurried home to catch it. Your publisher is so sweet and interesting. Her discussion of her novels surprised me, but I am pleased at how readable she makes them with various warm inclusions. I’ll read one sometime and maybe more!

~ Judy



Your guest was wonderful to hear on the program while ago. I liked the angelic music that was playing when I tuned in to the station. I intend to look for his books, and I could listen to him more!  When he told of being in the tomb, I felt special chills of appreciation for his experience.

Going back to your email on Diana, I didn't notice the part about the Sunday time. I'm afraid I cannot squeeze anything more into this week. I need my helper but have been too tired to call him, and I want to get something ready for my brother. I'm also busy praying for a number of people and situations, including the concerns in her message.

I'm so glad you found Ed Martin for your program!

~ Judy


Very Nice show today Marcia - You and your guest were in your element!

~ Rise H


Have listened to the show tonight it's just ended it was awesome to hear my friend and Dr Helvie so interesting and so very helpful to so many who suffer cancer. It is wonderful your story, and Dr Helvie so.  The hemp sounds a good topic for another show and how interesting apricot kernels.  Cancer is in my family, sad, but it's a fact.  To be armed with this knowledge Sent powerful in a choice of treatment, well done look forward to the next show !

~ Michele xx



Thank you for your interesting program. I was distracted here briefly and missed the first nine minutes. Just as I finally got the sound, you were saying that that message was from ......  I'm so sorry to have missed the message and really did want to hear it.

I enjoyed hearing your guest and the concept of attachment to a new soul that is completely new to me. I was shocked to hear that we are not all healed in Heaven! I thought we were.

It was good to hear Diana's message. I have been worried about the Queen since she had to stay in due to a bad cold. I felt like it was more serious than indicated.  I'm also curious to learn the truth of everything but not at anyone's expense.

I was listening to you and eager to hear more. Then all of a sudden I woke up to find that the program had ended as I was still holding the phone!  I'm so sorry to have missed the very beginning and the end.  What I heard was a good program. Thank you!

Is there a way I can catch a replay of the message I missed?

Have a happy new year!  It is something that you got to give your program on New Year's Eve!  

Have a good New Year's Eve.





Thanks for your program tonight. Rose sounds optimistic, doesn't she? It was good to hear both of you.

I know I have my plans for this year in terms of goals. Like you I share the perspectives of needs for peace and precautions. I also like Rose's relaying Diana's idea of following optimistic wishes and making a positive destiny. I agree that really we are all one in so many ways.

I wish people making decisions could realize that our water is all connected and that our land also needs to be preserved as does our air.

Just as you started talking, my cat jumped up on my lap. He listened for awhile.

I'll be interested to know what responses you have about the thoughts for our country.

I know I have my plans for here and hope to make steps toward accomplishing them. I have felt dismal about doing anything in the wake of drastic changes in our country.

One friend today sounded so joyfully full of belief in the county's future because she has a completely different perspective about the election from mine. Somebody last night made a comment to someone else and surprised me apparently with that friend's perspective. How could they!

I am especially thankful that you share many of my views.

Talking about the new year tonight was especially appropriate and welcome,not that I want this one to end by any means.



I heard it all... very nice
your voice isn't breaking at all.. and you were very relaxed..
he did a good job, but I wish you both would have gotten into the StG part sooner...
one has to remember that time flies on the radio too!
I was hoping to ask my question but not pressing = just to participate : )
the images above your site \, of Diana, John and M. Teresa are fantastic - who arranged that?
CONGRATULATIONS ! I hope St. G. is happier and that this connection will help many others and deepen your relationship w Dr. Werner.
you are so gracious
~ Catherine C.