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Kristin Bruce
Your Pitch

How To Be Happy successfully empowers teens to experience their true goodness and unlimited power!  Teens are loving it as they overcome fears, experience relief from anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts.  They learn communication skills they need to speak their truth confidently, feel their feelings, make positive decisions, and find their inherent worth within themselves.  Teens who have started with severe anxiety are finding calmness within their body and are smiling!! 


I taught in the public education system for over 20 years.  During that time I saw students could not concentrate on academics because emotional issues and low self esteem got in the way.  I decided to write a curriculum that helped students get out of this struggle.  

I am currently a school counselor and my curriculum is being used in the school system.  I also work with teens online to help them find their happiness.  This is my greatest acheivement.  

In my free time I enjoy my cat Co-Co, traveling, and spending time at the beach!

How I Got My Wings by Kristin Bruce