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Dr Connie McReynolds
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Solving the ADHD Riddle: 

The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn

By Connie McReynolds, Ph. D.

Dr. Connie McReynolds Unveils That What’s Holding Your Child Back is 

The Brain’s Failure to Properly Process Auditory or Visual Information 

–And How to Easily and Measurably Improve Brain Function to Higher More Effective Levels!

Doctors, psychologists, administrators, teachers, and parents are treating symptoms, but not solving the problem!

#1 Amazon bestselling book in eight categories

So your child has been on Ritalin or one of the other ADHD drugs -- and you’re thinking perhaps even possibly for life. Or maybe your youngster has been diagnosed, but no amount of school behavioral therapy or special education is easing your child’s struggle. Or …and for many this is the case…your child is simply acting out, doesn’t seem to pay attention or follow through with what you ask them to do, and just can’t seem to keep up with schoolwork. And you are at your wits end!

Until now,  the interventions that have been proposed for children who are diagnosed with some aspect of ADHD, or that have been used to improve a child’s behavior or learning skills when they exhibit similar challenges have failed to get to the root cause of ADHD. In other words, doctors, psychologists, administrators, teachers and parents are treating symptoms, but not the cause—so the problems persist even if there is some improvement. And for many kids, they simply continue to fall behind and struggle.

But now, there is a known cause and a solution! Connie McReynolds, Ph.D., one of the foremost clinical researchers and experts in her field, illuminates why your child is suffering in her new book-- Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn. 

According to Dr. McReynolds, the real cause of ADHD is that a child’s brain has auditory and visual processing shortcomings. That’s not a hearing or seeing issue—it’s that the brain cannot fully hold or interpret the information coming in…thus, the child cannot pay attention or retain information enough to actually learn. And while often punished for willfully failing to focus, follow instructions or remember lessons, the youngster is actually incapable. 

But through years of clinical research, Dr. McReynolds discovered this key and her clinics have been providing a breakthrough solution that is consistently measurable and repeatable using Neurofeedback. By using 30-minute sessions of a specially-developed video game, new neural pathways are built and strengthened, improving the specific areas of auditory or visual processing that have shown to be an issue in an initial intake assessment. She shows that how identifying a child’s specific challenges and developing a brain training intervention to address those changes has allowed children to strengthen their processing abilities and transform their lives.

The results are astonishing! In her book, Dr. McReynolds cites case studies of children who were failing school and ultimately named to the honor-roll; youngsters whose families had lost all hope, see their children thriving without drugs or other treatments; kids who were angry, acting out and failing to socialize, become engaged, happy and functional with teachers, students, and family members. 

Notes Dr. McReynolds: “Regardless of gender, all children who struggle in school due to auditory and visual process problems are at risk of a negative path that includes a decreased likelihood of completing high school, a higher incidence of involvement with the criminal justice system, and diminished employment outcomes.”

That no longer is likely to be a child’s fate, with Dr. McReynolds’ Neurofeedback intervention. If you are wondering if your child is at risk, in the book she provides checklists that enable parents to identify behaviors and problems that point to auditory and visual processing problems.

Connie McReynolds, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, professor, certified rehabilitation counselor and podcast host of Roadmap to the Brain. She has a proven track record of improved symptoms related to ADHD, anxiety, anger, panic disorder, conduct disorder, depression, chronic pain, cognitive decline, trauma and PTSD using Neurofeedback. These corrective programs can be performed in clinic or remotely. She also consults with parents and schools on government or district-sponsored or mandated programs. Learn more at 

Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn, a #1 Amazon bestseller in eight categories, is available on for $19.99 and on Kindle for $9.99  

Title:  Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn. 

  • Author: Connie McReynolds, Ph.D.
  • Publisher: ‎ Educational Insights Press (May 3, 2023) 
  • Language: ‎ English 
  • Paperback: ‎ 242 pages 
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 979-8988075905 
  • ASIN: ‎ B0C2SG4SDJ 

What They Are Saying

“Dr. McReynolds has cut the Gordian knot of auditory and visual processing problems! This seminal work of applied technologies, tenacity, triumph and hope is as audacious as it is remarkable. Dr. McReynolds shines a beacon on the complex world of ADHD with real world examples and applications.” -- Jim Swanson, M.A. rehabilitation counselor, LPPC-S

“Dr. McReynolds, thank you for opening the doors to many students to rewire their brains and build success with neurofeedback and your many strategies.”— Dr. Jean Maddox, elementary school principal

“My son was diagnosed with ADD last year and the only treatment that his pediatrician offered was ADD medicine. We contacted Dr. McReynolds in hope of finding another alternative. He received over 20 Neurofeedback sessions and those were the life-changing moments for him and for our family. His change was really amazing. He is now able to focus at school. He is more productive than ever, being able to complete more complex projects. His teacher was surprised with the huge progress he made last academic year.” — Serena

“Jonathan has autism spectrum disorder.  We had been trying for Jon to pass his written driver’s license test 6 times prior to beginning neurofeedback therapy but he wasn’t able to pass.  Thankfully, after neurofeedback he was able to pass and is so excited.” — Caesar B.

Anxiety, PTSD, Trauma
“I can’t say Neurofeedback treatments gave me my life back because I’d never had life. It instead has given me a life I never thought was possible, full of emotion and joy, rich and fulfilling. My mind after Neuro has the ability to process and understand so much better. There is clarity instead of noise. I can concentrate. I can think about a problem, situation, whatever, and reason it through. I am not constantly having recurring thoughts. I haven’t had a major PTSD flashback (one that takes me ‘back there’) for more than a year. I like being the person I am. A huge change for me is this feeling of confidence I have in myself.​” -- Karla

“After completing my obligations with the military, my life began to spiral out of control, I suffered from panic attacks, seizures, memory loss, and irritability that caused me to lash out verbally against those closest to me. I could not get the violence that I had experienced and witnessed out of my daily thoughts. I tried everything from counseling, medications, biofeedback training and eventually discovered psychology’s best kept secret Neurofeedback. Neurofeedback has given me control of my anxiety and improved my ability to live a more meaningful life.” -- N. H. 1SG (USA Retired)

Connie McReynolds, Ph. D.


Dr. Connie McReynolds is an esteemed and accomplished professional in the field of rehabilitation counseling and psychology. With over 30 years of experience, she holds licenses as a Psychologist, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and Certified Vocational Evaluator. Her expertise and dedication have made a significant impact on the lives of individuals across all age groups.

As the visionary founder of prominent neurofeedback clinics in Southern California, Dr. McReynolds specializes in working with children and adults ranging from five to 90 years old. Her innovative approach aims to reduce or eliminate conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, anger, depression, chronic pain, learning problems, and trauma. Through her clinics, she has successfully brought relief and transformation to countless individuals.

Beyond her clinical work, Dr. McReynolds is an influential figure in the field. She is an acclaimed author, with her book Solving the ADHD Riddle reaching the coveted #1 bestselling rank in eight categories on Amazon. This accomplishment reflects her commitment to providing hope and resolution to those grappling with ADHD symptoms, as well as their parents and teachers. Dr. McReynolds is a sought-after speaker, captivating audiences with her seasoned wisdom and inspiring insights.

In addition, she hosts her own podcast, Roadmap to the Brain where she engages in thought-provoking conversations with parents and professionals who share their experiences of healing and improving their quality of life. This platform serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance and understanding.

Dr. McReynolds earned her Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she gained invaluable experiences in various esteemed institutions. Notably, she worked at the Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program at the Middleton VA Hospital, the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Neuropsychological Clinic at Meriter Hospital, and the Mendota Mental Health Institute. These experiences have enriched her expertise and shaped her holistic approach to rehabilitation.

As a Fellow of the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association, Dr. McReynolds has been a passionate advocate for individuals with disabilities for more than three decades. Her commitment to promoting inclusivity and improving the lives of those with disabilities is reflected in her dedicated service on the Executive Committee for 25 years.

Dr. McReynolds' contributions to the field of rehabilitation counseling and psychology extend far beyond her clinical practice. She has authored more than 40 publications, providing valuable insights and advancing knowledge in her field. Furthermore, she has delivered over 200 presentations on a wide range of conditions, showcasing her expertise and dedication to sharing knowledge. Her unwavering commitment to helping individuals overcome challenges and improve their quality of life has made her an influential and respected figure in her field.

Learn more at

On-Air Introduction

If your child struggles with attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, or other symptoms of ADHD, it can be challenging to know how to help them. Increasing meltdowns and defiance, having a hard time at school, difficulty with organization, following through on tasks, or remembering what to do are a signal that something is wrong and it may or may not be ADHD. Either way, you need to hear what Dr. Connie McReynolds says today!

Her new book Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn reveals why current diagnoses aren’t working and what you, as a parent need to know to guide your child back to a life that is fully functional, happy and successful.

Dr. Connie is a Licensed Psychologist & Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with more than 30 years of experience in the field of rehabilitation counseling and psychology. She is the founder of neurofeedback clinics in southern California working with children and adults to reduce or eliminate conditions of ADHD, anxiety, anger, depression, chronic pain, learning problems, and trauma.

She earned her Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison gaining valuable experiences in the Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program at the Middleton VA Hospital, at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Neuropsychological Clinic at Meriter Hospital, and the Mendota Mental Health Institute.

Dr. Connie’s whole-hearted mission is to bring hope and resolution to those who are struggling with the symptoms of ADHD, their parents, and teachers. 

Questions for Dr. Connie McReynolds

What is your background and what drew you to this work?
Why is it so important to you?
What is ADHD and why is ADHD spreading so rapidly in our youth today?
How is ADHD diagnosed, and is this working? Is ADHD being over-diagnosed?
Do children with ADHD need medication and does it work?
Do behavioral modifications work for children with ADHD?
What is the difference between traditional ADHD treatment vs. what you now know to be true?
What are auditory and visual processing problems, and why does this matter?
What are some of the signs a child is struggling with auditory and visual processing problems – even if they haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD? 
What is Neurofeedback and how did you develop your protocol using it? How does it work to help a child’s brain to rewire?
You say this is a noninvasive treatment—what does this mean and does that put parents more at ease?
Beside children with ADHD symptoms, who else can benefit from your Neurofeedback protocol?
Are there side effects?
Do children with ADHD need special services in schools? And are some children with ADHD being misplaced in school services? 
How do schools determine if a child needs special services?  Can a parent advocate for special services if they think those might be needed?
What can parents do to support their children? What tools do you have in the book Solving the ADHD Riddle that can help parents? 
What can teachers do to support children with processing problems?
Can people access your program from anywhere? 
What else do you want listeners to know?

Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn, by Connie McReynolds Ph.D.

Available on for $19.99 and on Kindle for $9.99 

Consultation, Assessment and Intervention Program

For ADHD, anxiety, anger, panic disorder, conduct disorder, depression, chronic pain, cognitive decline, trauma and PTSD

In clinic or by remote telehealth services (available in most locations, but some restrictions may apply)   



Connie McReynolds, Ph. D.
If your child struggles with attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, or other symptoms of ADHD, it can be challenging to know how to help them. Increasing meltdowns and defiance, having a hard time at school, difficulty with organization, following through on tasks, or remembering what to do are a signal that something is wrong and it may or may not be ADHD. Either way, you need to hear what Dr. Connie McReynolds says today!

Her new book Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn reveals why current diagnoses aren’t working and what you, as a parent need to know to guide your child back to a life that is fully functional, happy and successful.

As the visionary founder of prominent neurofeedback clinics in southern California, Dr. McReynolds specializes in working with children and adults ranging from five to 90 years old. Her innovative approach aims to reduce or eliminate conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, anger, depression, chronic pain, learning problems, and trauma. Through her clinics, she has successfully brought relief and transformation to countless individuals.

Dr. Connie is a Licensed Psychologist & Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with more than 30 years of experience in the field of rehabilitation counseling and psychology. She is the founder of neurofeedback clinics in southern California working with children and adults to reduce or eliminate conditions of ADHD, anxiety, anger, depression, chronic pain, learning problems, and trauma.

She earned her Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison gaining valuableexperiences in the Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Programat the Middleton VA Hospital, at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Neuropsychological Clinic at Meriter Hospital, and the Mendota Mental Health Institute.

Dr. Connie’s whole-hearted mission is to bring hope and resolution to those who are struggling with the symptoms of ADHD, their parents, and teachers.  

United States
Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn