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Ken Rusk
Your Pitch

Hi Don,

I think  Tony Robbins says it best here about my client Ken Rusk.

Rusk’s book Blue Collar Cash: Love Your Work, Secure your Future, and Find Happiness for Life (Dey Street Books) lays out in straightforward and accessible ways a path to success and happiness that doesn’t require a mortarboard and gown.

Student debt is at an all-time high. White-collar jobs are being threatened by AI. Economists have estimated that at least four-fifths of the jobs created by the infrastructure bill and the broader economic plan would not require college degrees. Add in the Baby Boomer retirements, and the nation is primed for a blue-collar resurgence.  With his experience from the trenches to the boardroom Ken can speak to not only the raw monetary value of blue collar work, but the fulfillment and joy inherent in it.

Ken will bring insight to the following:

· Real-world examples of lives well lived in the trades    

·         Education Reform: Why we need shop and vocational schools more than ever.

·         Why we have a shortage of blue-collar workers and what it means for the economy.

·         Why college is not a prerequisite for a successful life.     


Please let me know if you would like to schedule an interview with Ken Rusk.

BLUE COLLAR CA$H: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness for Live 

Interview Ken Rusk, Author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller: 

Blue Collar Boom is on the rise. There are thousands of jobs opening up for skilled tradespeople as older workers retire in these fields.

This is happening in many of the major trades.  For people willing to work with their hands, there will be many opportunities to make a very good living! 

Here’s a powerful segment idea for the many young men and women deciding on this career path. 

Interview Ken Rusk, Author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller: 

BLUE COLLAR CA$H: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness for Live 

“The 4 Steps to a 6 Figure Career as a Blue Collar Worker” 

1)     Make a Vision Plan for what you want out of life and physically draw it out 

  1. What do comfort, peace, and freedom look like to you? 
  2. What do you love:  The satisfaction of seeing a job done to completion? Working outdoors? Working with your hands? Being your own boss? 

2)     Identify a trade that appeals to you:   

  1. Electrician, carpenter, welder, plumber, painter, landscaper, crane operator, beautician, glazier, etc. There is a great need for all of these people. 
  2. Talk to people who are successful in these fields 
  3. Monitor some related classes in a trade school 

3)     Get training in that field by: 

  1. Jumping right into a job and earning money while getting training on the job – many small companies are desperate to have job openings filled right NOW 
  2. Attend a vocational school and get specialized training if needed 
  3. Apply to a formal apprenticeship program in your field 

4)     Why am I doing this?  Establish the mindset to reach short term goals and ultimately your life’s vision 

  1. Create a savings plan so you don’t fritter away money but save some of it directly into an account.  Make enough money for that new truck, dream vacation, the perfect wedding, down payment on a house… 
  2. Invest in yourself by advancing in your field with additional training 
  3. Learn all aspects of the business so someday you can have your own company and live according to your plan – not someone else’s.  There is an entrepreneur in each one of us! 

After all, who do you think receives more desperate (and lucrative) phone calls, a philosophy major or a plumber! 

Ken Rusk has been featured on many media outlets, including CNBC, Stacking Benjamins, Newsy, as well as in The New York PostForbes, and more.  For more information, see 

Thank you, 

Please let me know if you would like to schedule an interview with Ken Rusk or a copy of Blue Collar Cash.




Ken Rusk is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and blue-collar advocate showing that there’s no degree required for comfort, peace, and freedom.

Ken spent his younger years digging ditches and working in construction. He never went to college. Instead, he made goals, planned, and worked hard for thirty years. Now, Ken is a very successful entrepreneur with multiple businesses and revenue streams.

Ken Rusk specializes in mentoring and has coached hundreds of young people in areas such as short-, mid-, and long-term goal setting, life visualization, career paths, and sound financial planning. He is passionate about helping people achieve their dreams regardless of their educational background or past.

Blue Collar Cash