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Jessica Leia
Your Pitch

The What…?

Have you ever heard a song you really dug and wondered how somebody ever even managed to come up with that amazing piece of music?  Well, as it is in most creative endeavors; being able to “let it come” to you, ends up being just as (if not more) important than learning the mechanics of the craft, itself.  I believe that the art and craft of songwriting is not only a joy, a release, a chronicling of the times, a counseling session and a communion with Creator, but also, I believe songwriting is a great teacher.  A teacher because there are countless parallels which come in the actual act of songwriting that compare, in an uncanny manner, to that which comes in the actual act of living life.  And so, songwriting becomes an endless stream of: life imitates art imitates life imitates art imitates life….


The Why….?

Reach out and give me a holler and we can chat about capturing unseen energy from the implicate order and wrapping it up in the package of a song to be delivered to those who might not otherwise be able to access such an energy.  Or mayhaps we can discuss the brutal honesty which MUST come when executing a genuinely creative act.  We could grapple with how to find the necessary mindset that merges the art of “letting it come” along with the craft of applying the practical, mechanical steps necessary in order to create something tangible.  We could discuss how writing about an experience one is having absolutely requires a certain amount of objectivity that otherwise would never occur, if one were merely living out that experience WITHOUT the act of writing about it.  Or maybe you and your audience would enjoy discussing how - whether it’s messages from angels, invisible team members, historical figures or direct relays from The Divine - music acts as one of the finest mediums I have found in this reality construct with which to communicate to all life. The topics are endless because after all, writing songs is, often enough, simply about making commentary on all of what goes on in the living of life…


Jessica Leia…

Songwriter, musician, artist, comedian, director, performer and producer - you name, she does it.   Having created her own musical platform called, “Me and My Song”, Jessica Leia takes a lifetime of musicianship and entertaining and funnels it all in to this fresh and edgy video series. 


What Jessica Leia is up to…

Jessica showcases her original music in “Me and My Song”, which takes viewers (and listeners) along for a wild ride, twisting and turning through the many processes involved in music creation.  In “Me and My Song”, Jessica Leia escorts the audience through many of these music-making stages by: first, illustrating how and why a song was ever even born, by next, performing that song SOLO - showing the audience how that song sounds in its rawest form - and then finally, Jessica Leia takes the audience into a real recording studio to watch how her music is recorded, mixed, mastered, produced and digitally delivered to your favorite song list!  Enjoy the final studio version of each song as it is presented at the end of each month and played to the background of a music video, which Jessica produces; pulling in all of the pieces from the previous month’s hard work of music production!


The music of Jessica Leia…

Whether Jessica is courting you with a ballad or rocking you to your feet, you will hear a musical style that is a fusion of genres: with strong elements of Pop, Blues, Rock and even Funk.  It’s a music that captures the essence of what Jessica calls all the “good ol’ stuff”, but that also appeals to a modern world of music listeners who have acclimated to digital sounds and the SHUFFLE option on their music devices.  You will hear many different musical styles and themes come alive in the original music of Jessica Leia, but the common thread you will notice, as you experience Jessica’s work, is the authenticity and insight that goes into every single one of her heartfelt compositions.  What Jessica does in her songwriting can only be understood by listening, but can be rather succinctly summed up by saying that Jessica Leia’s music is powerful music!


In summation…

In a world of many trying to find ways to be unique, Jessica Leia just is.  In the concise words of Music Producer, Dean Kattari, Jessica is: “Brave and crazy. Funny yet sincere.  Fiercely independent but plays well with others.  Hard to explain.” 

Jessica is sure to impress you with her multi-instrumentation skills, 3 octave vocal range and an incredible capacity to make you laugh and cry all in the same few moments.  You are guaranteed to enjoy being entertained and riveted by this passionate, zany and talented woman!

United States
Jessica Leia presents Season Two of "Me and My Song"