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Pamela’s mission is to guide clients to reclaim sovereignty, end the repeated relationship patterns, for a healed recovery through the divorce process.
Guest Occupation
As an attorney, coach and healer, Pamela assists with the trauma – emotional, financial, spiritual and legal – surrounding divorce.
Guest Biography

Pamela Pacetti is known for her holistic approach to family law. Pamela works with women ready to move through separation and divorce empowered and aligned. Rather than being a regular healer and coach – Pamela offers something totally different and unique – she is a seasoned attorney who is a powerful see-er and healer for a woman’s separation and divorce journey. She integrates her legal career and helps clients through the emotional and spiritual aspects of the experience, using her training in Collaborative Law and Mediation, as well as her healing abilities in: Shamanic Healing; Energy Healing; Mediumship; Meditation; Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique [QHHT]; Transpersonal Hypnotherapy; and Life and Spiritual Soul Coaching.  Pamela received her Juris Doctorate, cum laude, and has concentrated on divorce and family law for 25 years. Trained in collaborative law and mediation, she served on the Board of two Collaborative Professional Associations. Today, Pamela is an intuitive medium and a certified life and spiritual soul coach. Using her intuitive gifts and legal training, magic happens for her clients. She coaches a one-of-a-kind program: Divorce in the Age of Aquarius – The Way of the Divine Feminine ™ providing women with empowering legal insights, as well as the spiritual insights that shift the drama of divorce into a sacred journey instead. Pamela helps her clients move through divorce to find true healing, make aligned decisions, and co-create the abundant life they are meant to lead. Pamela is the author of “Divorce, Holistically Yours: Learn Essential Knowledge of the Legal Process and How Divorce Can Be a Catalyst for Your Soul’s Evolution.” Pamela’s mission is to take the mystery out of the legal process, and to empower women to reclaim their sovereignty, discover enlightened concepts meant to shift their perspective, end repeated relationship patterns, and find true healing in the process