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Claudia Clark
Your Pitch

Today, we know US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as two of the world's most influential leaders, together at the center of some of the biggest controversies and most impressive advancements of our time. But while their friendship has been the subject of both scrutiny and admiration, few know the full story.

In a thoroughly researched book, I disuss the highs and lows of the eight year working relationship of two of the most powerful leaders, and over the past few months I have written an article for MS Magazine online, and appeared on numerous radio and podcasts including Dan Snow's History Hit Podcast and SoCal Voices with  Angela Ross where I have discussed my book.

 Dear Barack is a story of camaraderie at a global scale, Dear Barack shows that it is possible for political adversaries to establish bonds of respect—and even friendship—in the service of the free world and I would like very much to share my experience of writing the book with your viewers and listeners


Claudia Clark is an author, speaker, and activist focused on social justice and democracy. In 2017, Clark and her husband moved from California to Germany, where she served as the national Get Out the Vote (GOTV) coordinator for the Democrats Abroad Germany chapter from January 2019 to May 2020. Clark has several advanced degrees, with a focus on social work, women’s history, and labor. She currently lives in Berlin, where she is conducting research for her next book about the rise of the alt-right in Europe.

Dear Barack: The extraordinary partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel book cover