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Guest Name
Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing
Guest Occupation
The Arcturians genetically engineered Viviane as a unique hybrid prototype. Her healing abilities are encoded at a DNA level to create a quantum shift in the Earth’s matrix grids.
Guest Biography

This episode features a Galactic Channel, Arcturian, and Energy Matrix Healer. My guest is Viviane Chauvet an internationally recognized advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar. Viviane’s healing practice and teachings inspire people to live in Universal Consciousness as sovereign Divine Beings. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade. In 2013, Viviane founded “Infinite Healing from the Stars” and did thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide. Her first collaborative #1 Best Seller book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is available on Amazon. She worked as a hybrid consultant on j3FILMS’ second documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding.” Viviane is also featured in j3FILMS award-winning third documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations,” which explores the historical significance of extraterrestrial presence in specific paradigms, including ascension. Viviane is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast.