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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Lets Find Out Guest, Madalyn Suzzo October 07, 2013
Medical Clairvoyant, Teacher, Healer, Seer, Sacred Biologist, Consciousness Researcher, Workshop Facilitator, Energy Healer, Intuitive

Madalyn Suzzo, Medical Clairvoyant, Teacher, Healer, Seer — The closest definition I’ve come up with for myself is “Sacred Biologist.” I’ve spent my life trying to understand the emanations of energy and signals I see in people and all life around me. This led to being a lifetime professional Seer able to pierce the veil of separation most people seem to live with; allowing me to access mind-body wisdom and to become a Vibrational Medicine expert. My 30 years researcher of states of consciousness, the brain and how the body regenerates has led me to some very interesting and revealing trails. This unique ability to intuitively see inside the cellf™, as I call it,  and create healing resonance has led me to discovering practical and scientific uses of quantum physics. I am continually having uncanny insights into the naturally occurring wave particle, cellular and subtle body dimensions of life. By understanding there is no separation between self and cell, mind and body, science and spirit, much more information about the true you can be revealed and utilized for your benefit. With energy medicine, transformation practices, deep nutrition, atomic physics, your intentions and awareness, many imbalances can be and have been ‘miraculously’ corrected. My work, often astoundingly, catalyzes positive change and has been mentioned in the books “Montauk Revisited: A Look at Synchronicity in Time” by Peter Moon, “Contagious Optimism” by Dave Mezzapelle and “Fifty Algae Stories of Hope, Health and Freedom” by Lisa C. Moore, DC. I  teach workshops and practiced energy healing techniques across the United States and Canada, for those who see beyond the surface, like I do.

Lets Find Out Guest, Marilou McIntyre September 09, 2013
Metaphysical Researcher, Expert of Occult, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Philosphy, Psychologist, Counseler, Humanitarian, Author


The author, Dr. Marilou McIntyre has investigated metaphysical concepts and the occult for decades in her search for God and spiritual guidance and wisdom after raising four children. She traveled the world testing and verifying principles of truth and experimenting with their uses to discover how to create longevity, happiness and opulence in ones’ life.

During this time she achieved a Doctor of Divinity degree and because of her love for people and desire to help those in need or who are striving for a better life-style, she studied for years and finally achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, a Master of Arts in Sociology, and a PhD in Philosophy with minors in Psychology and Counseling. She has lectured across the United States and other countries for over thirty years sharing her concepts on how to assure one’s life is most fulfilling and achieving the highest potential.

In 2011 she published two non-fiction books about her search for God and developing the ability to help people heal phobias and addictions. Life Is Forever-Get Used to It reveals thirty years of research in psychic phenomena and provides scientific proof of survival after physical death. Fast Road To Happiness details steps she used through conscious past-life regression to release irrational behavior and problems carried over from past lives, with affidavit attesting to the benefits. These books are sold internationally and serve as How To manuals to improve and control the quality of life here and here-after. They can be acquired through Amazon or an autographed copy through her Website.

Her next book to be released soon is a fun rendition of her communications with a spirit guide who reveals her concepts of life here and hereafter. ‘Forever’ has been one of her spirit guides for decades. Their ability to communicate developed over time and now from this expanded level of consciousness she can share what angels think and do. This book is thought provoking and fun to read. You decide if situations are true or not and how it can help you.

She is now retired and living very comfortably but she continues to serve others by giving past-life readings via the telephone to those who request one and radio or internet interviews. She wishes all to be free, think big, and serve others to be fulfilled. Life is beautiful and forever, her books provide road maps to help anyone achieve health, wealth and happiness. Dr. M presents how to enjoy your life forever.

Lets Find Out Guest, Stephen Lewis August 26, 2013
Co Author, Energetic Balancing Researcher, Acupuncturist, Energetic Healer, AIM Inventor

Stephen Lewis, Developer of The AIM Program, Co-founder of EMC², and Co-Author of the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness has been exploring energetic balancing for more than 25 years. His path began with an interest in oriental philosophy combined with German psychiatry, specifically the work of W. Reich who believed energetic imbalance was the cause of all pathology.

Eventually Lewis was led to the healing arts. His degrees include acupuncture and homeopathy, both of which are forms of energetic healing. Lewis' extensive studies and research led him directly to the insights upon which EMC² 's spiritual energetic balancing technology is based. Lewis' energetic balancing technology, called AIM, has been used by thousands of individuals worldwide and has earned the endorsements of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rev. Michael Beckwith, author Kevin Trudeau and many others.

EMC² 's purpose is to find imbalances in consciousness and offer energetic balancing as a way to assist living beings in the clearing and release of those imbalances in order to increase their well-being. Lewis has always made an explicit distinction between the healing that is the natural result of a shift in consciousness as compared to the medical trio of diagnosing, treating and, hopefully, curing. That medical trio is the work of medical professionals and is done TO you. Healing, on the other hand, is definitively in the realm of spirituality and must be done BY you. Lewis points out that true healers don't actually heal you, but rather teach or inspire you to find the healing power that you naturally possess. All healing is a result of your consciousness directing your Life Force. And, in that realm, because everything is energy, anything is possible! The character of Max in the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness by Stephen Lewis and EMC² co-Founder Evan Slawson is based on the life and work of Stephen Lewis.

Galactic Connection Guest, Jill Mattson September 24, 2013
Musician, Communicator, Educator

Jill Mattson has long made a study of sounds and their most basic components. She reasons that everything is vibrations, motions, noting that mystics as well as physicists and others who are attuned to the material world agree with that assessment. And because of this fact sounds which are vibrations can have a great influence on our lives. 

Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing. She has written four books and produced six CD's that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award).  The CD's consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.

Her cutting edge music includes: Frequencies of Flower Essences (emotional catharsis & virtue building), Celestial music with Tones from ancient Egypt and Celestial Bodies, Solfeggio/Reverse Solfeggio & Fibonacci tones, Sound Based Beauty Treatments, Binaural Beats & Meditative Music, Countering Negative Astrological Energies, Ascended Master & and Angelic Channeled Energies, Ancient Languages of Light and more! These multilayered, multidimensional, deep soulful works will uplift your heart - while offering a myriad of benefits.

Jill lectures throughout the North America on "Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing" taking followers on an exciting journey revealing the healing power of sound.  She unveils secrets from ancient cultures as well as the latest findings of the modern scientific community showing the incredible potential and healing capabilities of sound. Jill draws on her extensive research of modern research and Sound Healing, and over 20 year study of ancient civilizations and secret societies in her music, lectures, workshops and writings.

Please visit her websites where you can learn more about her in-depth studies and work.  Also available on the sites are additional free mp3's of her Sound Healing compositions, including healing and uplifting music with Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones.

Shamans Keep Guest, Brooke Medicine Eagle August 09, 2013
Maker of Beauty, Santuary Creator, Spiritualist, Love Motivator, Oneness Expressionist

I live, love and make beauty at FLOWERSONG - an exquisite orchard garden retreat sanctuary in north central Washington – in a quiet and sweet fruit-growing, ranching valley. FLOWERSONG is dedicated to the expression of love and light which supports the flowering of our two-legged family and All Our Relations.

Please note that I am making available for download some wonderful teachings and music. I’d love to support your life with them, and be supported in turn!

It’s wonderful to be clear, awake and open-hearted at this amazing time on sweet Mother Earth, as the love and light comes in assist her movement into a new and golden time – Lady Gaia at her most beautiful! We passed into this new Age at the end of last year, and are now being showered with the high energies that will help us begin to move ourselves joyfully into a harmonious and abundant way of life. Since this Golden Age is prophecied to be 1000 years long, we are just tiny newborns in it.

One of the Mayan groups speaks of the people of the new time as “people made of honey”, and I love that image. It means we will be SWEET, deeply connected with flowers and creating wonderful, nurturing, healing things for all around us! It’s a practice for me to ask myself, “How can I be made of honey today? What kind of being and doing will help the flowering of life on Earth today?”

My home is named FLOWERSONG, which comes from the teachings shared by the wisdom teachers of the Americas who studied the Dawn Star’s ways in the central American temples and then came back north, spreading loving wisdom about the flowering of the Earth and All Our Relations. We will built the new world on these ways.

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr
Out of This World Radio - Spanish, January 22, 2022 with Ted Mahr and guest Amanda Newearth
Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr
Out of This World Radio, January 22, 2022 with Ted Mahr and guests Aage Nost and Nori Love
Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr
Out of This World Radio - Spanish, January 15, 2022 with Ted Mahr and guests Dr. Carolyn White
A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Tara Green & Rama Arjuna, and Micah Green
A Night At The Roundtable, February 17, 2022 with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, Penny Christoffersen, and Vinayak
The Author and Artist Hour with Kez Wickham St George and Toni Lontis
The Author and Artist Hour, February 15, 2022 Guest, Karen Connell, Survived severe domestic violence and used her experience to become an award-winning speaker