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Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
Elizabeth started her professional career as a Physical Therapist after getting her Master’s degree at Duke University. It was then that she realized that every goal we have, whether it is related to our bodies, relationships, work or life, requires a significant mental edge in order to achieve it.
In her quest to help people actualize their dreams, Elizabeth went back to school to get her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Wanting to help people “before they need a couch,” Elizabeth now coaches, consults, and speaks to groups about how to achieve their desired results.
Elizabeth is a highly sought-after speaker and media consultant. She has been honored by giving a prestigious TED-x talk. Elizabeth is frequently interviewed by today’s top media outlets including Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Health, MSNBC, USA Today, CNN and National Public Radio. She has made multiple appearances on The Today Show.
Her book, “A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness” is a national bestseller. Shaquille O’Neal says, “Dr. Lombardo is my head coach for happiness.”
“I was born Mark Block in Boulder City, Nevada on September 20th 1953 at 4:35 a.m. with conscious memory of being aboard a Starship. I knew I was from a more advanced planet and had many conscious memories that I did not want to share with anyone until I was older. My parents moved shortly after my birth to Vista, a small sleepy town in southern California just 7 miles from the ocean where I grew up testing my father’s “Parasails” along with my older brother on the beach. My parents Paul and Arlene Block provided for the most part a pretty normal childhood. My mother was a schoolteacher and my father in addition to designing and inventing the “Parasail” and appearing on the cover of LOOK and LIFE Magazine in the 1950′s, was a professional Stage Hypnotist, pilot and a follower of the famous Channel Edgar Cayce.
When I was a child I began to have many spiritual experiences that are compiled in my book, Prepare For The Landings: Are You Ready! The interesting thing about the book is when I was a young child I had a vision showing me I was going to publish a book much later in life, as well as knowing the title. It would not be published until several years before the events described in the book would actually happen. I finally published it in early 2009 and it does appear that the events described are indeed about to occur right on time. My father knew that Cayce was activated by a hypnotist that Cayce had gone to about a problem he was having. So when I showed signs of being a Channel, my dad began working with me and helped me develop into the Channel that I was destined to become today.
At age 15 I was doing Readings for people up and down the west coast of the US by word of mouth. At first my Readings were much like Edgar Cayce’s, in that they were Karmic in nature. Then in 1979, I was physically beamed aboard for the second time (my first contact occurred at age 6) to one of the Spiritual Hierarchy’s spacecraft known as a Merkabah Lightship. During this visit I was “activated” as a “Direct-Voice Channel for the Spiritual Hierarchy.” From then on I began exclusively doing Readings for the Lightworkers or Star People.
I have also been a guest and interviewed on thousands of radio, TV and newspapers as well as spoken at many Universities, Churches and Centers throughout North America and Great Britain.
Since 1979 I have done thousands of Readings for people all over the world, helping many to achieve a Greater Destiny. Meanwhile assisting Lightworkers help Mother Earth finish up the Planetary Ascension that is now underway and ultimately bring in the Golden Age. I have had the privilege and honor to Channel many Key Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Lord Ashtar is a higher inner dimensional being in charge of the Ashtar Command that oversees the Volunteers in Earth embodiment’s Missions. These higher beings come through during your Reading to bring insight into some of your relevant Past Lives of importance now, your present Mission and Purpose, along with Future Opportunities so that you can more consciously take advantage of these opportunities when they come your way.
During the Reading special ‘Higher Light Encodements and positive Cosmic Subliminals”, that are unique to each Light Worker or person are “harmonically interfaced” onto the CD by the Masters. This is designed to open-up the neuro-pathways and synaptic centers of the brain along with activating and restoring the original 12 strand DNA each time it’s played. This also helps activate the new 24 strand DNA and new information will be heard each time the CD is played.
Environmental Engineer
Dr Edward Close is a PhD Environmental Engineer with 40 + years experience, a Distinguished Fellow, and Senior Research Fellow with two International organizations, He is one of the nation’s foremost experts on environmental engineering and hazard mitigation and a favorite guest on many radio shows including Coast to Coast. He and his wife, Jacqui, are recognized pioneers in the elimination and prevention of toxic mold, and have co-authored a book, Natures Mold Rx, and produced a video, Toxic Mold, A Breakthrough Discovery.
Pursuing an active research program in environmental remediation, Dr Close has made a series of breakthrough discoveries in using non-toxic compounds in mold research that have benefited millions. He is a charter member of the internationally known Integrated Health-Care Professionals Council. He has authored numerous technical papers and five books, including the groundbreaking "Transcendental Physics, Integrating the Search for Truth". He also developed the mathematical "calculus of distinctions", and described a brief (several pages), but never refuted first published proof for the famous Fermat's Last Theorem 3. . He has also developed several new theorems of consciousness, and contributed important engineering applications.
Memberships include: A Charter member of the USGS WRD Systems Analysis Group. A Charter member of an Integrated Health Professionals Council, Senior Research Fellow of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE), Distinguished Fellow of the Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (ECAO), Degrees in Mathematics, Physics and Environmental Engineering, Registered Professional Engineer, Kappa Mu Epsilon, Honorary Mathematics Society, ECAO, and other high IQ organizations and several professional organizations.
His Current positions include:Director of Research and Environmental Engineer at EJC Enterprises, LLC and Physical Sciences Consultant to the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute, Seattle, WA. Current Research includes” Elimination of Toxic Mold and other harmful micro-organisms, The Mind –Body Connection, Transcendental Physics and related Mathematical Methods, Quantum Physics and Brain Dynamics, and The Origins of Life and Consciousness.
Any global solution must naturally neutralize the psychopathic evil behind Gaza genocide, Ukraine conflict, Ebola bioterror and systemic "DUH" (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless). See: The Cosmic LOVE solution.
The last show on Cosmic Love I interviewed Stefan Vestappen on the subject of psychopathy as we've seen amply demonstrated in the Gaza holocaust and the world's response to it. Since that show I've published four articles that reference the urgent global context for needed global solutions as you can read with embedded videos at: (1) Overcoming Evil for Global Healing, (2) Truth-tellers Versus Warmongers, (3) Take Heart: It's Darkest Before the Dawn, and (4) The Choice: Global Golden Age? Or Global Tyranny?
Beyond the contagion of insensate violence, epitomized in Gaza, there is a global awakening to capabilities for interactive media solutions in 2014. There's no security without social conscience purity in our ubiquitous social networks.
Imagine what a Whole Systems Upgrade of Global TeLeComm will look like... and consider how Quantum Computing will reboot our collective conscience as the Family of Mankind in our All-Connected Global Village.
Realize that world peace patriots now represent the Global Netizens of Earth Uniting! And that our common enemy is willful ignorance and "cherished illusions" (BS in Belief Systems) that keep us divided and subservient to psychopaths who want WWIII with demoralizing in-our-face genocide in Gaza like a boot stomping on the face of our humanity, our sanity... our conscience.
Dawning Reality: Global Enlightenment
This show goes beyond faithless fear to fearless faith in the power of global humanity to wake up, wise up and rise up with social conscience in our global social networks.
Discussing on the show:
(1) Voting Solution: What voting will look like; interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm with a universal interface for culturing conscience in one's personal and social network 'holodeck'.
(2) Wisdom Solution: How 'Information's Ecology' will recycle knowledge in the way that empowers wisdom; organizing information IN FORMATION framed by the Constitution of Conscience.
(3) Love Solution: Why heart coherence is a universal standard that resonates with the harmonic order of the holographic universe and right brain thinking when in your heart.
(4) Healing Solution: How the synergistic integration of the first three solutions naturally leads to Universal Self Care and a global TeLeComm process for involving and evolving our individual and collective conscience.
Serious devotees of this peace process realize how global rEVOLUTION is optimized with a Cosmic LOVE Solution at: 'Our Choice'.
Healer, Psychic, Life-Coach
Luisa Rasiej’s aspiration as a child was to become either a pirate or an explorer. She has achieved both by travelling many seas around the world and exploring the inner workings of human beings, that connection between the inner world of thoughts and their outer manifestation.
Raised in Italy and Switzerland, she is fluent in 6 languages and founded the Inner Contessa to specifically mentor women to get out of their own way and reach their goals in record time. She is gifted at unearthing subconscious belief systems, identifying how they are interfering with the achievement of desires and guiding clients to break-throughs.
Luisa brings a unique blend of expertise, culture and life experience to her work. She combines careers in the diplomatic service and in corporate America with 15 years as a body psychotherapist, mentor and facilitator and has worked with hundreds of women around the world. She is affectionately called “the Contessa” by her clients who say she creates magic in their lives.
Luisa has been leading workshops in Japan, Europe and throughout the United States for the past 10 years and has been featured on radio shows and magazines nationally. She is the author of "The Contessa Journey: Seven Simple Practices for Experiencing a Luscious Life," a contributing author to the bestselling book “Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude” and the author of the upcoming book “Just Ask! The Contessa Code for the Modern Woman: Confidence, Influence and Abundance.”
Luisa is dedicated to supporting women to step into their power confidently, break through fears and limitations and find the courage to say “yes” to their feminine strength, passion, leaderships and grace each and every day. This is a joyful life she calls “La Dolce Vita!”