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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 28 April 2021

Live from Ordinary Miracles with Jan Cercone and Matt Kramer

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Jan Cercone and Matt Kramer

Live from Ordinary Miracles hosted by Jan Cercone & Matt Kramer

Join us and our guests, leaders in alternative Health Modalities and Sound Healing, every Wednesday evening at the Ordinary Miracles Store in Cotati,California. We love call in questions!!!

Jan Cercone, RN, MA, Healing Sound Practitioner, Certified Music Practitioner, Voice Bio practitioner, Voice Teacher, Author

Matt Kramer, Mediator, Voice Mapping Practitioner, Story Worker,owner of Ordinary Miracles, Cotati, California

Jan's Website:

Sound Healing with the Voice

Matt's Website:

Voice Mapping for Emotional Release and Healing

Living life from a new perspective... from ordinary to the extraordinary.

Living in the Light.....moment by moment

Sound Healing with the Voice

Jan is a Voice Bio practitioner

Matt is a Voice Mapping Practitioner

Healing our Relationships

Matt is a mediator, listener

Jan is a empath, healer

Spirituality and everyday miracles

Jan assists people to align with the divine

Matt lives what he teaches…compassionate consciousness

Jan Cercone

Jan Cercone
Radio Talk Show Host, Sound Practitioner, Nurse, Mother, Teacher, Author

Jan Cercone is a Sound Practitioner, Nurse, Mother, teacher, author, and leader in using the voice for healing and spiritual ascension has found that Music is the path to grace. More than just enjoying listening to music, life-giving tones can ultimately lead you back home to source. Music, sounding and toning provide the path for the ensoulment of your body, back to your true state of beingness known as Christ Consciousness. Our voices hold the key. Jan's mission is to take us home with frequencies.

Utilizing the “Voice Bio”, a cutting-edge diagnostic tool based on the frequencies within the voice, she can establish and plot the underlying imbalances held within your body, expressed in musical terms. Our voice holds the whole picture of our being, and by singing and toning we can re-set our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Certified in teaching the Werbeck Spiritual Scientific Method of singing, (anthroposophical in origin) she has learned how to intentionally focus the voice to create a bath of pure frequencies..which re-set the electro magnetic matrix of perfection within the body!

As a RN and Certified Music Practitioner she offers healing sessions using her own pure voice and works with your voice to clear and harmonize all bodily systems. Her body and yours become tuning forks for attunement, bringing light through together in joy, with tone, bowls and gongs. Your spiritual path is ignited! She loves to work with women who are ready to open their voice, and her Womens Sounding Circles are healing and powerful. Jan is part of the Music Care team at Palm Drive Hospital, sees Hospice patients for music visits, teaches at the Psychoacoustics Institute in SF, and provides workshops/inservices/clinics for medical staff on how to use music in health care settings. As a professional singer in SF and Sonoma County, she has recorded and worked with mainstream and visionary sound healers. Her initiation has taken her to Kilauea volcano on Hawaii, the Great Pyramids of Giza, and finally to Chartres Cathedral. Leading Sacred Sound Tours is next: a long held dream. Jan is an Avatar master, holds a masters degree, a Public Health Nursing certificate,and has attained level three of the Person Centered Expressive Therapy Training. She has written two inspirational books, Find Your Voice, Find Your Life, and Kelly's Song. She was ordained a Planetary Priestess in 2006, and has chanting circles at the healing vortex on her home property. She produces visionary, educational events and is co-founder of the Sound Collective of Sonoma County. She co-founded "The Sacred Well", a gathering place to work with the Divine Feminine Energies of ascension for female avatars.

Her recent recording, "As Above, So below", with her visionary partner Randy Masters, is a culmination of a vocal/spiritual birthing and it is truly a path to grace...divinely channeled with Divine Mother transmissions. The ancient tunings, bazantar, chimes and harp make this a profound sound journey. Available at

Matt Kramer
Radio Talk Show Host, Mediator, Voice Mapping Practitioner, Story Worker, Owner of Ordinary Miracles

Through a chance meeting, Kramer was hired in 1969 to work on the production crew for Bill Graham's first concert in Los Angeles. It didn't take long for him to observe the schism between the business moguls and the musicians they used to acquire their wealth. At the age of 20, he decided to devote his career to helping musicians succeed as much as possible. From 1970 to 1998, Kramer rose through the jungle of the Los Angeles music scene to become a personal manager, nightclub owner and concert producer. After Graham was run out of town by then Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty, Kramer began working as a lighting and sound technician at Doug Weston's Troubadour in West Hollywood. In 1973, he became the producer the Monday Night Hoot for the Troubadour where such musicians as Tom Waits, Rickie Lee Jones, Kris Kristofferson and many more legendary artists made their introduction to the Hollywood music scene.

Matt Kramer's career changed course in seemingly unrelated ways as he transitioned from profession to profession in his life. However, in hindsight, each transition made sense in the way that it served to help Kramer learn and grow to become the healer he is today.

In 1981, he opened his own club, At My Place in Santa Monica, which became the premier showcase club for independent music on the west side of Los Angeles. Among the thousands of wonderful performers who graced his stage over the next eleven years, he remembers a young backup singer named Sheryl Crow calling often to play showcases while she worked to get her own record deal. Other powerful performers included Dianne Reeves, Kenny Rankin, Richard Elliot, The Manhattan Transfer and the effervescent Billy Vera & The Beaters whose #1 hit record, "At This Moment", was significantly helped by Billy's monthly appearances at the club.In 1993, in an effort to salvage a personal relationship, Kramer discovered the field of mediation. While the relationship did not survive, the impact of the mediation process was so significant that he immediately signed up to become trained as a mediator. As a club owner and concert producer, the innate solution oriented work ethic he used with his staff deepened and matured through the training and discipline he received in his study of mediation. At My Place had closed at the end of 1992 in large part due to differences of opinion between Kramer and his former business partner. If Kramer had learned mediation skills a year earlier, maybe the club could have survived. Maybe his second marriage, which ended in 1992, could have benefitted from mediation as well. Either way, we'll never know.As a mediator, Kramer worked for the Los Angeles City Attorney's conflict resolution program and also served on the panel of mediators for the Los Angeles County Superior Court. After he mediated about fifty divorce settlements, he noted patterns in common that contributed to the failures of all those marriages. Using the lessons learned, in 2001 his first book, "Conversations Before a Marriage", was published - a self help text that has helped hundreds of couples either to build stronger, healthier relationships that have a better chance of surviving the challenges of married life, or, after having had the suggested conversations, to realize that they may want to reconsider their commitment.2001 was a significant year in many ways. Kramer married his third wife, Treya Palmer, a naturopath who introduced him to the world of alternative medicine. He began to help her run her practice; in the process, he met Vaughn Cook, the founder and CEO of Zyto Corporation, a biotechnology company that invented and manufactured the equipment that Treya uses to help educate and inform her clients so they can understand the nature of their health challenges.Through Vaughn, Kramer met Calvin Young, the inventor of Voice Mapping. Voice Mapping uses the frequencies in a client's voice in a biofeedback application that helps them to process and release buried memory that contributes to emotional distress in their lives. It turned out that Kramer's background as a mediator was a perfect foundation for his current work as a voice map practitioner. He began his training in 2004 and as soon as the equipment completed beta testing in March of 2005, Kramer received one of the first generation of voice mapping systems and began helping clients release and heal from stress that had been compromising their physical and emotional health all of their lives. Looking back, Kramer can see how his three careers are connected.

Music is one of mankind's oldest vehicles for telling and sharing stories. Kramer created club and concert environments in which musicians were treated well and supported to perform at their best. In mediation, he learned to create environments in which parties in conflict felt safe to reveal their stories and, in turn, were encouraged to hear and empathize with the stories and needs of those with whom they were in conflict. At this stage of his life, he began to understand how important it is that people are able to tell their story and hear it be unconditionally accepted by the listeners. In order to be a master of conflict management, one has to also be a story worker - a facilitator who helps people surface and share their critical stories.In a similar way, a voice map practitioner has to be a story worker - directing his or her clients to get in touch with stories that they may have forgotten, or that they use unconsciously to keep themselves trapped in emotional distress. When people surface and release the suppression of these stories, they release the power that the buried emotions have been exerting. Freed from the consequences of the unresolved stress and trauma, people can be more relaxed, more present and exercise their capacity to enjoy life more fully. This works towards Matt Kramer's ultimate goal: to live in a world where everyone has the opportunity and ability to live a live they enjoy.