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The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Biden's Cataclysmic Afghanistan Surrender. George Soros: Man Behind The Curtain

Subtitle: The consequences of Biden's sudden and disastrous US Withdrawal from Afghanistan will be felt Worldwide. New book coming out on influential leftist billionaire Soros

Tags: Afghanistan Surrender, Joe Biden, 2020 Election, George Soros

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg

Betty Kovacs & Kim Saavedra hosting Signs of Life talk radio today with guest Janet Mayer

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free, Terry Brown and Friends

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigms Shifters with Veronica Entwistle and guest Patrick Theut

Paradigm Shifters presents Patrick Theut and Your Health

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Many of you asked me if We had an update of talks with Patrick Theut ( when we recently ran his older interview. So, your wishes are heard.

Patrick will discuss new findings, how to deal with vaccine, a pandemic, misinformation, and you. How do we figure out what is truth, for you and others.

Talking Movies with John Barbour

Talking Movies with John Barbour

Guest, Eddie Muller is the founder and president of the Film Noir Foundation and is co-programmer of the San Francisco Noir City film festival.

Greetings From The Common Wealth of Kwanza Societies with Clarence Jones

Greetings From The Common Wealth of Kwanza Societies with Clarence T. Jones