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Higher Truth Radio with Michael Bee - Episode #1 on BBS Radio

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Silby-Meadors and special guests, Steven Meadors and Okalani Jacob

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

PielleAyan starts this session out by speaking about the importance of Shusara's work and how it should seen as a gift to all of us. Shusara expands on PielleAyan's comments speaking further about the work that she does as a guide and how it differs from that of other teachers. The rest of the session revolves around the importance of the choices made every moment in one's life. You live today in your past and the choices you make today will determine your future reality. Discernment and vigilance is key!

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Silby-Meadors and special guests, Steven Meadors

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

For The Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe, Show #24, on BBS Radio!

Dr. Calleman interview on his new book, The Global Mind and Rise of Civilization

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

In tonight's session PielleAyan began the discussion with her experience around vulnerability and she recognized that she wasn't being vulnerable with herself much less with anybody else. Meghan shared her experience of being stuck on the "Processing Hamster Wheel" and Shusara addressed how this can be a trap in the work. The focus of the rest of the session revolved around the need for seekers to begin standing above the "karma drama" of the lower mind and to function with an open heart from right action.

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors and special guest, Steven D. Kelley

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and special guest Karlos Kukulcan


We welcome Timothy J. Glenn back for another riveting show!  Timothy continues to share his wisdom and humor through multi-dimensional perspectives.  He also speaks of the Proterrian view, which is a 12D collective that comes through him.  Don't miss this follow-up to our first show!