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Native Americans and Black People, and how they have been portrayed throughout the years! How movies are affecting our racial culture! The Culture of Slavery!

Olga Paz is experienced in reading Tarot cards which might not grant us a clear view of exactly what routes we will be taking but might provide us with some guidance. Ben Bressington, meanwhile, has made gamification or game mechanics his main talking point. It helps people apply game design thinking to non-game situations so these endeavors become more fun and engaging than might otherwise be the case.  Can virtually anybody succeed in business without really trying simply by following his guidelines?

Cathi Hunt joins in a discussion with Francine to talk about Paganism and Wicca. Cathi despels the myths of what the practices and traditions are and what they are not. She offers answers to everything you always wanted to ask a REAL witch!

The Lightship offers The Purification Process and Divine DNA Activations for Ascension for those preparing for their Ascension. These sessions are for those who are preparing for their Ascension. The Lightship's Divine Light Beings offer assistance to us through their Body~Mind~Spirit Healing Sessions.

A Divine Being from the Creation Lightship incarnated to Earth 2000 years ago, known to us as Ascended Master Jesus. He came to humanity offering them the Lightships' Ascension teachings and healings.

This interview is about how Sue Fries had to go through a phenomenal journey to save the life of her son and as a consequence, yours.  If you or anyone you know has asthma this is a must could save a life...perhaps your.

Rumors, tales and legends...this and more we'll be discussing.  Do governments hide discoveries, fearful people may panic?  Hm,m,m,m,m....well, we'll see what Nick Redfern has discovered and you'll decided for yourself.

Lawyers, and killers, and endangered birds.....this and more is the setting for this fascinating story, "The Condor Song".  History weaves in and out of the intriquing plot and the ending is a big surprise.  This is a wonderful novel to keep company with on a cold autumn evening.  Join us for a fascinating journey into the unexpected.

The power of negotiation...we all can improve on that skill. Tali Raphaely gives some excellent perspectives so you can feel secure in your negotiation skills instead of feeling intimated, making you vulnerable to uncomfortable situations.