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Stuart is a Nationally recognized Real Estate, Mortgage, Financial and Time Share expert. Vener is a pioneer in the “Second-Chance” property program which assisted thousands of satisfied clients walk away from upside down, negative equity, properties. Using this program, Vener established Wilshire Holding Group; a firm that has helped thousands of people avoid the devastation of foreclosure.

Vener is a Director of Community Housing and Development Corp., a charity that has provided over $100 million in down payment gifts for buyers.

The Beauty Files with Juanita Dillard - Show Topic: Making Money At Home

People cringe at the thought that they might become incapacitated, unable to make their own decisions about their medical care or their finances. But these things do happen, and people can protect themselves by establishing contingency plans as soon as possible.  They can ensure that their wishes will be respected even if they can no longer vocalize their thoughts.

Brad Greene, a guest on this show is an elder law lawyer who can fill us in on the details. He is a partner with BartimoleGreene in Ohio .

When one is laid off from a job it is devestating to say the least.  How can you manage your emotional upheaveal, fears and move forward. Damian, a Career Counselor, has some wonderful toos to share .. listen in and get past those fearful hurdles of the unknown.

What happens when you use the art of positive thinking and the freedom of spiritual well-being with the business of getting desirable results? How can one get out of the way and lead others, creating a culture of innovation and fearlessness?  Join John Murphy and me and find out.

Communication is at the heart of anyone's success regardless of the area of expertise.  Zach Friend will be sharing skills he has learned through his public service work and dealing with people who want to be at the top of their game whatever that might be. Listen in and tips will be shared.

Sweeping changes are taking place in the corporate and social cultures of today's most successful organizations. Dana Ardi identifies a pivotal evolutionary moment: the decline of the traditional Alpha-model that has ruled corporate environments for far too long. We'll find out how collaboration, connectivity and sharing of power goes a long way for a healthier business environment.

You have a wonderful, inventive and useful idea.  You want to patent it.  Great idea!  What is the process?  How long does it take?  What are the positives of getting a patent?  What are the negatives?  We'll ask those questions and more. 

If you are an entrepreneur, an inventor, you'll want to hear more from Leon Cooper.

Olga Paz is experienced in reading Tarot cards which might not grant us a clear view of exactly what routes we will be taking but might provide us with some guidance. Ben Bressington, meanwhile, has made gamification or game mechanics his main talking point. It helps people apply game design thinking to non-game situations so these endeavors become more fun and engaging than might otherwise be the case.  Can virtually anybody succeed in business without really trying simply by following his guidelines?