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We often are trained to work in a certain way or for certain entities that can offer us the financial support to provide the life we want. This is actually just another illusion we buy into that leads us down erroneous pathways to depletion and fatigue. --→ In the next hour we will be visited by Dan Cunningham, MBA, and owner of a franchise ( Franchise To Freedom is one of a multitude of companies that can open your eyes and the doors to working for yourself doing something you love.

DEBUT of, Wish Upon A Star with Anndell V. Banks. Today's Special guest, Cheryl Slay Carr

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio - Redesign world system that supports life for all of life! Development of new systems of economics and governance that supports everyone! Guest Daniel Schmachtenberger, Founder and Research Director of Critical Path Global

InnerViews with Donna Visocky, and Special Guest Nik Askew

Floyd Wickman, Co-Author of “Lessons From My Brother Zig”

In the next hour, Linzi's guest will be Bobby Anderson. Bobby has worked for years in the corporate world and in a variety of roles. Bobby worked in the private sector of government and he has also worked as a high-level business consultant. Bobby has owned his own company supporting the rights of California workers and dedicating himself to Health, Human Services, and Community Projects. Bobby will talk about some of the most difficult challenges he has faced; these are vulnerabilities that many of you are currently facing, or have dealt with in your life.

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde, banner

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and Julian Lampert, and special guest, Kris Black, author, of Squarespace 6 for Dummies, a website designer and graphics artist.

Real Estate Answer Man Show with Tony Martinez and special guest, Sandra Edmonds

How to Purchase Tax Deed and Tax Lien Distressed Properties

South Florida Real Estate Market Update on the Real Estate Answer Man Show with Tony Martinez.