School of Human Potential

Becoming a well-rounded person in our modern society is no easy task, never mind finding your true purpose in the process. Thus at “School of Human Potential” radio program we invite world renowned experts for a discussion on how to achieve both and lead a healthy, wealthy and fulfilling life. Topics are all over the Mind, Body & Spirit spectrum and guests range from Lisa Williams to Yakov Smirnoff and everyone in between. Listen live, call in and allow us to help you reach your full potential!
Guest, Dr Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz

Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz are renowned love and marriage experts and multiple award-winning authors. As the National Marriage Advice Examiners for, the Official Guides To Marriage for, and Marriage Experts for and, the Doctors provide inspiration and guidance to readers around the globe. Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz know that simple things matter in relationships. They understand what makes relationships work because they have conducted three decades of research on successful marriages on six continents of the world, as well as sharing personal experience drawn from their own 45-year marriage.
Together, the Schmitz’s have written the multiple award-winning books, Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage and Simple Things Matter in Love and Marriage, and are popular speakers and talk show guests. Their latest book, Building a Love That Lasts, provides more surprising insights on creating successful relationships (Jossey-Bass/Wiley).