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Why Am I So Happy

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail
Show Host
Paula Vail

I love sharing a smile or compliment with others and being a positive energy in the world. I am so grateful for the guests and listeners I come in contact with everyday through my shows. I wish to be a beacon of hope, light and Inspiration in a harsh world. A place where others can tune in to embrace the positivity of others, leaving them feeling uplifted and loved.

Paula Vail is an IAOTP Top Wellness Coach of the 2017 and​ IAOTP Top Female Professional of 2018.

Featured on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, The CW, Travel Weekly, The Tribune and many other major media outlets.

So Thrilled and Grateful! Thank you for all of your support!

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Guest, Cheryl Sherman

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Cheryl Sherman
Cheryl Sherman
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Guest Biography

My favorite saying is, 'Find Your Bliss!' That's what I've been doing as I write my Ocean Depths series. It's fun, like reading one of my favorite novels as it unfolds before me. I want to entertain my intended audience and take them out of their world into the fantasy fiction one I've created. How did the Ocean Depths Series start? I dreamed of Triton. It made me want to do a water color of him and the series began! The Ocean Depths series will continue into five to seven books, and I feel very privileged to write it! All of my art in Ocean Depths A Darkness was from life drawing models - real people and they inspired my story.  The plot in Ocean Depths is dramatic, humorous, conflicted, joyful and adventurous, and my endings are always cliff hangers! How fun! My hope for humanity is that we can find our bliss and be good to one another and our planet along the way no matter what belief systems we adhere too or what governments we live under. Is that simplistic? Yes, but often times the simpler an idea is, the easier it is to implement. Another great saying of mine is, 'What one man can do, so can another.' - the movie, The Edge. Why not? Each of us is our greatest asset. Turn off the TV, set aside the phone and invest in yourself. Take the time to learn and become, the rewards are incredible! As human beings, let's start out on our chosen journey, work hard at it, and along the way we will find our bliss!