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A Fireside Chat

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Show Host
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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Guest, Bernhard Guenther

Guest Name
Bernhard Guenther
Bernard Guenther
Guest Occupation
Writer, Film Maker, Shaman, Esoteric Researcher, Integrative Body Work and Holistic Coaching
Guest Biography

Bernhard Guenther grew up in Munich, Germany.  He moved to California in 1994 to study drums and percussion at the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology’ (PIT), Los Angeles. His exploration into rhythm and music became a journey of self-discovery and healing which led him to bodywork and the Healing Arts.

Being emotionally sensitive and battling depression throughout his early life, Bernhard faced his shadow and fears. His personal healing process inspired him to explore the mysteries and hidden knowledge surrounding our planet and humanity’s origins, questioning the roots of what constitutes “reality”, and how social (and spiritual) conditioning impacts upon our collective and individual search for truth, fulfillment and happiness in all aspects of life. 

Over the course of his life Bernhard has studied various healing modalities and graduated from the ‘Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing’ (IPSB) in Los Angeles and the ‘Esalen Institute’ in Big Sur, essentially developing his own unique style of Integrative Bodywork as a licensed certified Massage Therapist (Certified Esalen® Massage and Deep Bodywork® Therapist).

His journey over the past 20 years has also led him to the study and practice of Yoga, Qi Gong, Dance, Psychology, Astrology, Mythology, Shamanism, as well as various spiritual and ancient esoteric teachings. 

Bernhard feels that in order to make a shift in consciousness, we need to do the work to separate truth from lies, both within and without; and to bring the darkness to light whilst making the shadow conscious, so that we can truly heal, evolve, and grow, living up to our full soul potential and aligning with our individual purpose. 

All of these values are pursued in order to achieve humanity’s collective emancipation, which involves every individual becoming fully-embodied sovereign Beings, playing our unique parts in this evolution of the heart-space, anchoring a higher frequency of love and compassion for self and others.