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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 16 May 2021

Healing The Heart with Dr. Eric Love

Healing the Heart with Dr. Eric Love
Show Host:
Dr Eric Love

Spoken of by many as one of the greatest living masters of the Bach Flower Remedies, Dr. Love has the oldest ongoing classes in the Bach Remedies in the world, forty years, and has worked with over 100,000 people.

He has been a practicing Homeopath now for forty years and served as Founder and Director of the International Association of Homeopathy for 18 years.

Dr. Love has developed a new level of Healing using the Homeopathic approach to the Bach Remedies. His approach is much more effective, and helpful, and more powerful than all similar approaches.

His students learn how to heal dis-ease, understand emotions, and heal others. Dr. Love approaches all healing from the Spiritual, because “the curative power is in the Soul.”

Dr. Eric Love
Ph.D in Religion, Bach Flower Remedies Master, Certified Homeopath, International Association of Homeopathy Founder, Teacher, Herbalist, Nutrition Consultant, Natural Healer, Spiritual Healer, Speaker, Author, Talk Show Host

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Spoken of by many as one of the greatest living masters of the Bach Flower Remedies, Dr. Love has the oldest ongoing classes in the Bach Remedies in the world, forty years, and has worked with over 100,000 people.

He has been a practicing Homeopath now for forty years, although he is no longer in private practice.  He has served as Founder and Director of the International Association of Homeopathy, based in Montana, for 18 years.  And he has been honored to train many thousands of individuals from Hong Kong to Israel, and around the United States. who now use his healing approach.

The International Association of Homeopathy offers a one year Certification Program with distance learning, and apprenticeship with Dr. Love. You will receive your Certified Homeopath, Certified Herbalist, Certified Nutrition Consultant, and Homeopathic Certification in the Treatment of Animals.

Dr. Love has developed a new level of Healing using the Homeopathic approach to the Bach Remedies.  His approach is much more effective, and helpful, and way more powerful, than the way the Flowers are currently being used.  In the Certification Program he personally guides a student through the gateways and doorways and hidden gates, of their own individual Healing Process.  And then he teaches you how to Heal others.

A student learns how to heal dis-ease and how to understand emotions.  The emphasis is not on science but on Healing.  With a Ph.D. in Religion, Dr. Love approaches all healing from the Spiritual, because “the curative power is in the Soul.”

In the Natural Healing Movement today, and in our culture, no one is treating the Emotional Component and healing it, satisfactorily.  Most practitioners simply ignore it, and skirt around it. Dr. Love was honored to be asked to speak for each of the last three years at the Naturopathic Medical School in Arizona.

At the International Association of Homeopathy a student learns how to heal their Shadow, their Darkness, their Shadow Side.  They learn how to do the deepest and most powerful Inner Child Work, or Shadow Work. They learn how to heal the Emotional – Spiritual Conflict within themselves.  And they learn how to help other people.

Dr. Love has authored three books: 

  • The Art of Healing
  • Physician Heal Thyself
  • Personality Profiles of the Bach Flower Remedies

All available from the author Just call 406-585-0774 or email

Those who wish to learn natural healing, Wholistic medicine, or healing the inner self, give him a call.

A hot cup of tea, a cold and windy afternoon, might be just the right time to chat.

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Truly love your poetry . . . and that you share it - don't stop. Its the most truthfull poetry I have ever heard.


that was a beautiful poem Dr. Love - there are tears in my eyes as I hear you speak it...



I have been listening to your show on BBS radio and just wanted to send you a quick note to say how much I enjoyed hearing your poetry.


Thank you so much for the touching story before you shared the poem Hunger. More especially is the poem itself. As a widower myself I was deeply touched by the poem.

Once again, thanks.
