Bringing together the minds and voices of authors across the country, author Teresa Hailey worked to create a volume that will empower readers through inspiring short stories. Her new collection of short stories, “‘Shining Stars’: Inspiring Stories and Simple Steps to Empower You to Achieve Your Highest Potential” (published by Trafford Publishing), was written to give readers the motivation to do whatever their hearts desire.
“‘Shining Stars’” consists of 12 motivational and inspirational stories told by 12 authors across the U.S. They are Paul R. Bryant, Shirley Clark, Teresa Hailey, Harold Parker, Sarah Bryant, Staff Sgt. Joshua Harris, Stan Harris, Joshua Schuler, Evelyn Bethune, Hasaan Rasheed, Jamal Rasheed and Katrina Ferguson. They come from a range of locations across the country including Texas, Colorado, Illinois, Florida and Maryland.
Each author contributes one chapter to the book. The book shares the message that people must learn to work together and that, regardless of life’s challenges, drugs and alcohol are not the answers. These themes unite the variety of voices present in the book. Hailey designed the book to empower others to reach their highest potential.
A Colorado businessman paid for the book to be published. Because of this, Hailey wanted this book to be a blessing for others. She will be giving 1,000 copies of the book to her church, Scott United Methodist Church of Denver. The church will sell the books and keep the proceeds. Books will also go to the United Way of Greater St. Louis to benefit a business owner that lost their business to the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri.
Teresa Hailey discovered her organizational talents at an early age. At 14, she founded and directed TWIGS, Tiny Workers In God’s Service. TWIGS members, ages 5 through 15, sponsored various fundraising activities for Scott United Methodist Church in Denver, Colorado. As a teen, Teresa was First Vice President of Thomas Jefferson High School’s chapter of the Distributive Education Club of America. Denver Public Service Company recognized Teresa as Student of the Month in October 1977 and awarded her a cash prize. In September 1979, Teresa began laying the groundwork for a Denver youth chapter of the NAACP, and served as President of that group until 1983. Under her direction, the chapter initiated numerous educational and youth-oriented programs. Politics is a very important part of Teresa’s life. She has worked in political campaigns from the State Representative level up to the Presidential level. Gaining her most rewarding experiences while living in Atlanta, GA., Teresa traveled throughout the state working on Rev. Jesse Jackson’s 1984 Presidential campaign. After an incident during a voter registration drive, Teresa calmly faced down five Ku Klux Klan members dressed in full KKK regalia. Her will and determination to stand-up and fight for justice rewarded her with an opportunity to travel with the late Rev. Hosea Williams, a renowned leader on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s staff .
"Shining Stars"
Inspiring Stories and Simple Steps to Empower You to Achieve Your Highest Potential
(5) Star Reviews
Shining Stars is a must read, 11 different people from all over the U.S. came together and wrote one chapter in the book. The book shares the message that people must learn to work together and that, regardless of life's challenges, drugs and alcohol are not the answers. These themes unite the variety of voices present in the book.
As a co-author of Shining Stars I had no Idea what the other authors were going to submit. I can attest that it has been a pleasurable experience reading their personal stories, testimonies and receiving wisdom through their many varying walks of life. An inspirational piece that anyone can connect with!!
A book of hope and determined passion. A delivery of person hood in the face of life and being human. A book that will push you to keep reading with a better understanding and appreciation for struggles and break - outs despite the expected situations and circumstances.
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