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Richard Gordon
Richard Gordon
Guest Biography

Since founding the Quantum-Touch Organization more than 18 years ago, Gordon has been showing people the remarkable power of hands-on healing.  In his first international bestseller Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal, he chronicles the way that energy follows thought -- and the process of body awareness combined with  specific breathing techniques, directed into one’s hands can significantly impact a vast variety of structural problems, illnesses, emotional or mental disturbances, chronic diseases and or cellular or organ disruptions. Anyone can do Quantum-Touch with proper training, and can even use it on pets!

Gordon’s journey as a healer began as a skeptic, but experiences with the incontrovertible healings of himself  and others –- many at the hands of the remarkable  healer Bob Rasmussen, a friend and neighbor, opened the way for Gordon to immerse himself in hands-on healing and pave the way for what would become Quantum-Touch.

Today, Gordon teaches Quantum-Touch around the globe. Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal -- which boasts a foreword by Dr. C. Norman Shealy, President of the American Holistic Medicine Association -- has been published in 17 languages. Gordon is a sought after speaker.