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Guest Name
Michelle Sleight
Michelle Sleight
Guest Occupation
Author mentor coach activist
Guest Biography

An Empowered Survivor, Michelle knows the difference between being empowered and just surviving.

Michelle was the victim of 6 rapes and one sexual assault beginning at 5 years of age, has experienced the persecution and challenges of her permanent pain work-related injury, has been stalked and powerless, and has lost some close to her to domestic murder.

Now Michelle helps people to stop being at the mercy of their trauma and triggers.

When a 17-year-old girl in Europe was allowed to die because she was struggling with the trauma of sexual assault, it broke Michelle’s heart.

She decided to share her knowledge and offer a voice in what has been a sea of silence.

Michelle is an advocate for change in sexual assault culture, and for those who have experienced sexual assault, and in 1997 set a legal precedent around sexual assault.

In 2010 Michelle disempowered a sexual predator and stopped him from raping her because she didn’t respond like a victim.

Michelle authored: “Insight Up Close and Personal Profile of Sexual Assault” for communities to better identify sexual predators and respond in a more resourceful way to the trauma of sexual assault.

Michelle has the processes and knowledge that set her, and clients, permanently free of trauma, triggers, and PTSD.

“Together we safely and easily dig up the root the difficulties, and plant something that will bloom into happiness, peace, and security.”

Stop focusing on what you don’t want and follow a proven, safe pathway to live the life you do want.