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Imagine what it would feel like to understand the method behind the madness you’re feeling in life right now.
Guest Occupation
Internationally recognized Researcher, Teacher, Author, and Past-Life Therapist.
Guest Biography

Would you like to Unleash the Wisdom and Power of a Thousand Lifetimes through Past-Life Therapy to discover your soul's design and purpose? My guest is Joanne DiMaggio, MA, CHt, who is a respected expert in the field of reincarnation and soul writing, which she describes as a written form of meditation.  She has been actively involved with Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) since 1987 and has been the Coordinator for the A.R.E. Charlottesville, VA team since August 2008. She earned her Masters in Transpersonal Studies degree and her Spiritual Mentor certification through Atlantic University. Joanne is a much sought-after lecturer and has given talks about past-life exploration, life-between-lives, and soul writing. Joanne has been professionally pursuing past-life research and therapy for over 30 years. She is a graduate of the Eastern Institute of Hypnotherapy, completed additional training in hypnosis at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, IL and studied under Dr. Irene Hickman, a pioneer in the field of non-directive hypnotherapy. The years she spent as the head of her own past-life research center outside of Chicago enabled her to interact with some of the country’s leading past-life professionals. In addition to Soul Writing, her other books include Your Soul Remembers: Accessing Your Past Lives Through Soul Writing and Karma Can Be a Real Pain: Past Life Clues to Current Life Maladies. Her latest book is: I Did It to Myself…Again! New Life-Between-Lives Case Studies Show How Your Soul’s Contract is Guiding Your Life. Her new book soon to be published is, Edgar Cayce and the Unfulfilled Destiny of Thomas Jefferson Reborn.