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Guest Name
Elaine LaLanne
Elaine LaLanne
Guest Occupation
First Lady of Physical Fitness
Guest Biography

Elaine is a sparkling, vivacious, motivational public speaker, known and loved by thousands for her warmth, and spontaneity, and personal inspiration to others toward a greater joy of living. Even at 95 her appearances are vital, dynamic and life changing to people of all ages. She stimulates, motivates and educates! Since her early days as a television pioneer, and host in 1948, Elaine has lit up screens all over America. She was also an integral part of her husband Jack LaLanne’s television programs, speaking, and other public engagements. As a solo speaker, Elaine was sponsored by Post Cereal promoting her program and her book, Dynastride, a walk and exercise program for all ages. She also toured the country promoting her books. Elaine has invigorated the Jack LaLanne Power and Fusion Juicer infomercials and has made appearances on countless television programs such as The Today Show, The Early Show, Friends, Fox and Friends and Howard Stern. Her unique insight towards nutrition and staying in good physical condition is the reason Elaine commonly becomes a recurring guest at many places where she speaks. At 94 she still hasn’t slowed down and can still do full body push ups. Her years of experience combined with her contemporary business savvy provide an exclusive insight into Jack Lalanne as she answers everyones questions about her husband. Her presentations even include footage of some of his superhuman feats of strength! Elaine LaLanne, she looks young, she acts young, and inspires her audience to be young at any age! With infectious excitement, she paints a picture of the “YOU” that you want to be!

She has written 7 books since her 60th birthday. The last one was  2019,  with Jaime Brenkus, “If You Want to Live MOVE- Putting the Boom Back Into Boomers”  Her current book with Greg  Justice is,  “Pride and Discipline- The Legacy of Jack LaLanne - In His Own Words and Those He  Inspired.”

Lala birthday 2016- 5



Anonymous (not verified)

11 December 2024

To dearest Elaine, I grew up watching the Jack  show with Jack yourself and your white German Shepherd, Happy. In the late 90s I was sitting in the Tampa  Jack come walking towards us. My three young children were with me and I said holy cow here comes Jack LaLanne   As he got closer I yelled his name out loud and he turned and came to us. I’d say he stood there with us for about five minutes asking about the children, their ages their names and.just super super nice. When he left, I said I can’t believe I met Jack LaLanne and my son said dad that was just a little old man and I said he didn’t  to be. I said he was the guru of fitness and showed him some pictures when we got back home and he was amazed. What a great memory.!