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Guest Name
Dr Roberta Deluca
Dr. Roberta Deluca
Guest Occupation
CEO, Doctor/Owner/Founder RADicalReliefandWellness
Guest Biography

I am a retired doctor. I have always been an entrepreneur; founding my own unique healthcare IT medical concierge business in 1997 and successfully practicing all over the world until my retirement In 2015. After retirement and since I felt I still had time and business to do, I looked long and hard to find a “cause” worthy of my undivided attention. That cause came to light when the opioid crisis hit too close to home: a couple of friends of my children (whom I remembered as charming little boys in cubscout uniforms, little league unis and Halloween costumes), lost their lives to overdose. It became clear to me that “obliterating opiods and the opiate crisis, one step at a time” was to become my mission. Big Pharma drugs and synthetic compounds were being marketed at the expense of lives. I knew CBD would become the vehicle central to my mission, but to find a company with a combination of quality product, a solid philanthropic business mission, transparency, integrity and ethics while wanting to help the community find wellness, was a task. After due diligence I found a company with the best sourcing, quality control, production, packaging and reported OUTCOMES within the constraints of the law. I chose CBDBioCare. Now, I educate consumers in Wellness and alternative medicine, the potential benefits and proven results conferred by CBD. Since my business, RADical Relief and Wellness, partnered with CBDBiocare in October 2017, I have been delightfully rewarded with support of my mission, as well as personally rewarded with the proven benefits of CBD. I take CBDBiocare for pain and inflammation due to overly ambitious workouts, occasional bouts of arthritis, daily RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome) and insomnia. Every day in my research, I am amazed at what new discoveries are being made in which CBD can offer relief and Wellness. Join me and my team and help us fight to offer alternative medicine to those in pain.