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Guest Name
Dr Randall Bell
Dr Randall Bell
Guest Occupation
Founder of Core IQ, economist and sociologist
Guest Biography


Dr. Bell is the founder of Core IQ. As an economist and sociologist, his research has taken him to 50 states and seven continents. His cases include the World Trade Center, the Flight 93 Crash Site, the BP Oil Spill, Hurricane Katrina, the Nuclear Testing on the Bikini Atoll, and tragedies such as Jon Benet Ramsey, OJ Simpson, and the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide mansion.

The media often calls Dr. Bell the “Master of Disaster.” This experience has given him unprecedented access and insights into the cycle of disaster, recovery, and prosperity. He is known for his ability to analyze complex situations and present his findings in an interesting, organized, and intelligent way. Dr. Bell’s work has generated billions of dollars for his clients.

In Dr. Bell’s own words:

Having researched over 1,000 damage cases around the world, I can say that the world is a tough place. I’m in a pretty good position to “tell it as it is,” however I rather focus on “telling it as it can be.”

I imagine a world where everyone has full access to the life skills we all need but are not always taught in school. I see a world where everyone has access to the skills of goal setting, time management, conflict resolution, leadership, personal finance, etiquette, stress reduction, and much more. I’m convinced that these skills could have prevented some of the disasters I have seen. More importantly, they provide the foundation for people to not just survive but thrive.

The problem is that historically training for these skills has been limited to executives and the super-elite. However, everyone needs them. I founded Core IQ as a non-profit, educational foundation with the goal of providing these essential life skills to all, and never at any charge.

With Core IQ, I see a place where people can get authentic insights from top experts on life skills that have a measurable, positive impact. Our team is committed to continually researching new topics, producing more episodes, and working to increase the Core IQ of the world.

All we ask is for your feedback on how to improve, and to help spread the word.