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Guest Name
Science Of Self-Love. The Love Gym.
Guest Occupation
Trainer of Love Athletes
Guest Biography

Daniel Packard is a Trainer of Love Athletes. Daniel believes that in the same way a physical athlete can train their body for Olympic level sport, a Love Athlete can train their consciousness for Olympic level love.  For over ten years Daniel has been training Love Athletes to experience the triumphant joy of Olympic level love.


Fusing his passion of helping people create better love, with his passion of making people laugh (he was a professional stand up comedian for ten years) Daniel has created several projects (TV, Broadway, Radio) where he delivers his insightful lessons in a entertaining and engaging way.  ​


​Amateur To Athlete

Before Daniel was a trainer of Love Athletes, he was himself, a love amateur; meaning no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, his love life was always average.  After years of pain and frustration, Daniel eventually saw very clearly the source of his disappointment…the timeless adage “You can’t love somebody, until you love yourself.’ 

​Finding The How

Unfortunately, Daniel realized that while people talk self-love, nobody was really talking about how to actually build that self-love.  So with the courage of a spiritual warrior and the mind of a passionate scientist (he was a mechanical engineer from UC Berkeley) Daniel set off to discover the actual how of building self-love.

​Science Of Self-Love

After ten years of experiential and academic research and experimentation, Daniel has built a very precise and clear model of the mechanics of self-love.  This 'Science of Self-Love' he created, gives people a clear and practical understanding of how self-love works, how self-love effects our lives, and how to build self-love on a daily basis. 

The Love Gym

His book ‘Love's One Lesson: How One Thing Can Change Everything’ and his online training series ‘Next Level Love’ uses a proprietary process Daniel developed, where Love Athletes can use their lives as an experiential inner workout gym to build strong inner muscles that allow them to love themselves, and others, at the highest level possible.

​In over 1100 performances (colleges, churches, companies) throughout 4 continents, Daniel has been using humor to open people up to their potential for love greatness.

​LoveLab was a TV reality show Daniel created, that attempted to bring empowering concepts of self-awareness and personal responsibility to mainstream television.  ​

Backed by the producers of 'Book Of Mormon,'  'Live Group Sex Therapy' was a hugely funny one-man-show, that brought clarity and compassion to the battle of the sexes.

Created and hosted by Daniel, FlirtFest is a conscious singles event designed to inspire and encourage people to connect in a way that is more open, authentic and full of F.L.I.R.T.  (Free Love In Real Time).