Doctor of Spiritual Counseling, Holistic Heath Practitioner, International Sexpert, Certified Tantra Educator
I am a Doctor of Spiritual Counseling, Holistic Heath Practitioner, Certified Tantra Educator and Therapist, intimacy and relationship expert. I have studied sexual surrogacy and Tantric bodywork. In ‘love doctoring’ I facilitate sexual healing, erase dysfunction, increase intimacy, deepened relaxation and improve overall body/mind/spirit health. 25 years ago I wanted to heal my childhood anger over past issues. I turned to my first Tantra teacher, Charles Muir. I ultimately found such an inner joy, I KNEW I’d be fulfilled by sharing these teachings and this blissful JOY with others.
I’ve traveled to the temples of India, Indonesia, Japan, China, Thailand, Africa, and the Yucatan. I have studied sacred Tantric, Taoist and Hindu practices and continue to research ancient sex practice of other indigenous tribes. It is my calling to bring these teachings into the present day, where sexuality can again be lovingly and reverently celebrated as the art form it truly is.
I have studied with the top Traditional and modern Sacred Sexuality Teachers. I’ve also been blessed with many opportunities to actually teach with many of these Sacred Sex Teachers /Authors, some of the world’s most highly respected teachers of Tantra and sacred transformational healing. I offer ALL these ceremonies.
I love and have created these Tantra based rituals and Healing Ceremonies. My female ancestors all have gifts as intuitive healers. My own personal journey integrating sex with spirit has been one of healing, empowerment and rediscovery of my God-essence. It has uncovered many past lives and insights that continue to help as a Priestess and servant to Goddess. I am committed to the life I was meant to live and assisting others on this journey!
I believe women play an important extremely important role and education is essential. In 1994 I founded Temple of the Goddess Healing Centre in an effort to recreate the magic of the ancient sacred healing temples where people come for initiation, cleansing past karma that held them back, healing, awakening and learning.
I’m a powerful guide when it comes to teaching women, couples and men techniques for healing, awakening AND RECLAIMING the pleasure which is their BIRTHRIGHT. Unlock joy and limitless possibility! It is a divine gift to experience this at ANY age! Goddess Worship Ritual – make an appointment with me when I am in town or you can visit me or sponsor me to your area!
As a student of Psychology as well as Eastern Philosophy and religion I draw on and ancient practices and meditative techniques. I use integrative bodywork and Chakra balancing to align body, mind, and spirit. I take my students to new heights of wholeness and open them to limitless pleasure potential. I also employ trance healing through guided visualization, yoga, and chant to explore the subtle, deeper realms of the soul body. I accept serious new clients who are committed to positive transformation through regular Tantric practice.
Dr. Corynna Clarke is an international spokesperson for sacred sex and has taught workshops all over the world. She can be found on major radio and television stations in the US, India and has been featured in publications such as: the front page of the Wall Street Journal, Mirabella, Gentleman’s Quarterly, Maxim, Yoga Journal, the Orange County Weekly and Los Angeles Magazine, LA Yoga Journal. She is available for personal appearances, writing articles seminars and film work of a related nature.