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Guest Name
Cathy A. Corn
Cathy A. Corn, Author & Novelist
Guest Occupation
Author, novelist
Guest Biography
Cathy is a novelist who writes stories about the Fae -- supernatural suspense for adults, as well as children's books about the Fae.
She'll be discussing her novels, her experiences of the Fae, and her experiences as a healer. She is a former RN, and a Reiki master and craniosacral therapist, among other healing practices.

Author Cathy A. Corn has always loved animals and nature, which influenced her in writing her Lilith & the Faeries series, adult paranormal romantic suspense. 

Lilith's life blossoms with romance and adventure when she signs on to help the faeries.

Cathy's new children's novels, the Lilly & Sophie Fairy Adventure series, are yet to be published. Lilly’s becoming a wizard, led by her pet rabbit Sophie, and is destined to help unite the human and faery races with the help of faery co-walker Daisy.

Cathy lives in Pittsburgh with husband Alan and critters Cato and Cleo, retired from her work as an RN in Critical Care Units, and retired from massage and energy work as a Reiki Master and craniosacral therapist. 

She agrees with Donna Eden of Eden Energy Method, and other healers, that diseases can be healed, even those considered incurable. Cathy considers herself to be a healing geek, fascinated by all forms of healing.

She believes the faeries can help you transform your life. 

For her monthly newsletter with free books, healing tips, and news of the faery folk, and to sign up for a FREE BOOK of short stories, TALES OF THE WILD & SELDOM SEEN, visit

And don't forget to go outside and have fun with the faeries!