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Guest Name
Belinda Womack
Belinda J. Womack is a spiritual counselor, teacher and author
Guest Occupation
teacher, counselor, writer
Guest Biography

Belinda J. Womack is a spiritual counselor, teacher and author of Lessons from the 12 Archangels: Divine Intervention in Daily Life, Bear & Co. November 2015. She is also a regular contributor to OMTIMES Magazine.

A scientist by training, with dual master’s degrees in microbiology and environmental science (Indiana University), Belinda was called into service by the 12 Archangels while working in a medical university lab as she was doing a stem cell experiment. For nearly 25 years since that meeting, Belinda has had an active spiritual counseling practice, working with the 12 Archangels, to support individuals, couples and families with seemingly impossible problems to solve.

The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun (Soul) of the Universe are all-powerful and all-loving energies that pour forth from the Heart of God like flowing rays of singing sunshine. These energies are similar to the music coming from a perfectly tuned orchestra where it is difficult to distinguish one instrument from another. From the sacred music and light of the Central Sun, the 12 Archangels created Earth, an amazing schoolroom established so that Oneness (ALL THAT IS) can dream a dark dream and experience the reality of fear and the illusion of being separated from the Creator.

According to Belinda, “We are here to learn, through our experiences and choices, that we are children of the Divine.” Belinda’s new book, Lessons from the 12 Archangels is a treasure chest of channeled angelic wisdom that offers clear strategies for transforming the wounds trapped within the deep subconscious that block us from experiencing positive change. The guided imagery exercises integrate the healing-power from our batteries of spiritual energy (chakras), together with the unconditional love of the 12 Archangels of the Central Soul of God. This facilitates a vibrational super shift that moves us from focusing on our suffering here on Earth to receiving Heaven’s abundance and joy.