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Guest Name
Angelika Whitecliff
Angelika Whitecliff, Researcher in Consciousness, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Consultant, Teacher, Energetic Healer, Angelic Communicator, Medium, Speaker and Coordinator
Guest Occupation
Researcher in Consciousness, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Consultant, Teacher, Energetic Healer, Angelic Communicator, Medium, Speaker, Coordinator
Guest Biography

Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff is a multi-disciplinary researcher involved in the study of consciousness, multidimensional communications and humanity's extraterrestrial origin. A telepathic communicator with angelic, extraterrestrial, astral and other multi-dimensional entities, Angelika Whitecliff is a natural clairvoyant and has conducted private consultations for well over a decade. She has professionally taught classes and seminars in developing clairvoyance, the energetic healing arts, retrieving past/future life memories and communicating with spiritual guides, angels and extraterrestrial visitors.

Angelika began having physical contact experiences with angelic and nature beings in childhood, and then with extraterrestrial biological entities beginning in her early twenties. Interactions at all levels continue to this day, and all these experiences have assisted Angelika in acquiring a very strong vision of hope and confidence in humanities inevitable spiritual awakening. She has also been inspired as a painter, graphic artist and sculptor depicting some of these different entities. Spending several years as a public channel for the archangels, delivering messages and healings, Angelika now focuses upon educating people about their own spiritual power and about the myriad of multidimensional beings waiting to interact with us in loving, benevolent ways.

Her life¹s work so far has led her to become a highly effective interpreter and communicator for various multidimensional beings and races. In the past five years, Angelika has been called by the cetaceans of Hawaii and the humpback whales of the Caribbean to actively swim and forge a relationship of interspecies communication, DNA activation and mutually beneficial interactions regarding Gaia¹s and humanities shifting galactic consciousness. Currently living on the Big Island of Hawaii and swimming daily with the dolphins of the Kona coast, she has found the dolphins to be effective teachers regarding our stewardship of the planet and emissaries to other extraterrestrial civilizations. Especially those races interested in assisting the advancement of human consciousness and our responsibilities as we take our place as a member of the vast galactic community.

Angelika is a Director of the Exopolitics Institute and was Co-Organizer of the Earth Transformation Series of Conferences from 2006-2010. She is also Co-Founder of Galactic Diplomacy, and Co-ordinator of the Citizen Diplomacy program of the Exopolitics Institute.