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I just downloaded the new app on my iPod Touch and just had to send you a quick THANK YOU for a simple, easy to use app. (I will also do a glowing review on the App Store, for sure.) I have a lot of apps, and more and more it seems the user interface is overdone.  I used to work in IT, and know first hand how developers can get out of control; just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD!  Your app is a refreshing return to the old axiom, "KISS" - Keep It Simple Stupid!  I'd like to give you and your development team a big hug and kiss!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

~ Katie F.


I think your radio shows have been excellent! I want to direct this to Kira. I want to thank You for sharing with me how You lost the pounds You did. I am alright now, but for the last two and a half weeks I was kind of sick and I lost 25 pounds. This is something I wanted. Gratitude and Love Mikey


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!


LOVE the BBS App!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to make this available EVERYWHERE I now go!!