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Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"
Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"
Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"
Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"
Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"
Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"
Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"
Doug, the Archive setup is absooooooolutely great!!! Thanks for the effort.
Anndell V. Banks
Host, "Wish Upon A Star"

Dear Kira, In my heart and Soul,I am with you. In March 2013, I began my waking up to the signs of a break down of my health, a deep fatigue came over me that would not go away. Even though I would go to bed early I would wake up tired. I have been in the field of holistic health for near 30 years. I began my learning steps way back in 1968. I, too,was urged into a western medication program. It caused symptoms, rashes. I was too sensitive,it was 'no go' for me too.I had to withdraw carefully. Now, I am on a herbal program and seeing a energy practitioner of Resonance Repatterning --I am blessed to have her her in my residence town. Thanks to God! Blessings and much love to you both. Christy


Sri and Kira,

I send this message to you today with a heart that is full of love,gratitude and light. And I arc this energy to you both from my Holy Christ/Buddha Self. Count thy persecutions for joy knowing that as the Master was persecuted so shall those who truly believe in the Light and have desired to share this Light with the rest of the world be persecuted. But know this that for each persecutor there will be at least 10 if not more lifting up their heart in gratitude for the ministry and service that you both give everyday through your Authentic Selves.

Love and Light- Namaste, Karen