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Your radio show (Everything Can Be Healed) helped me a lot in personal healing. That was to love every part of your body. It is the home of your soul! Love Mikey


I have been listening to you for years after first seeing you lie at a New Living Expo event in San Francisco years ago. Thank you! Miranda L.


Wonderful show! (on Claiming Chaos as a Gift) Your advice truly helps. Thank you!! E


Dear Sri and Kira, Thank you for your encouragement and support for the many steps of learning that has been challenging the last two years. Expect a wonder -filled year! Much Love Christy.


We love all your shows and are looking forward to hearing this guest ("Corey" on The Truth About Medical Marijuana). Your guests are always so interesting. We wrote in once, but we are kinda shy so have not called in. But we are out here in the California desert, listening to you for years (and saying “That’s for me!!”) Love and Light, Joe & Linda


Regarding: Is Mind Control the New Reality?

Interesting show today...... and I do have some comments:

One of the first is the following series of BBC programs about  the 20th Century and How Sigmond Freud's nephew helped shape them.....they are well worth spending the 4 hours needed  to watch them; titled "The Century of Self"

And as for comments made during today's show that artifical intelligence should be integrated into the human brain/body......may I recommend that you watch some current TV Shows above the etical issues these AI Technologoes present....  such as Marvel's Agents of Shield.....a now cancelled series on CBS title "Intelligence' etc..... media is presenting these issues to the world in an interesting way.

Also AI is already invading our bodies and minds through GMO tecnologies....I read recently when we eat these products we are 'making' glyposhate in our own bodies; just as insects do.....

AI is already presenting an opportunity for 'control' to  out into the nanotechologies ALREADY present in cosmetics, soaps, deoderants etc.....ready to be 'programmed' and put into water systems etc....I have read some psychologists want to do this already....

And you mention that the 4th dimension has collapsed......I would beg to differ on that....the 4th dimension is the "Baptism" dimension......the Bible in James Chapter 4...... mentions that "God wants to hear Yes Yes; not No No"......   and some interupt this to careful of the vows made and to whom.....I mention this as I have witnessed many who rush into atonements.... baptisms if you will with entities and 'movements' of a different kind; without understanding or even attempting to understand....and enter into a mind control agreement of a different sort......

One of the most astounding learnings of my life happened about ten years ago..... when studying the brain....and learned that we are NOT hardwired as I had learned years ago before the electron microscope discovered that our nerves have receptors and transmitters and are NOT connected.....which meant that we are a wide open vessel for those vibrations you describe...........this explains why new age affirmations, hypnosis, etc etc etc  and including witchcraft work...............we are a very suggestable species.....However; there is a missing ingredient in all of the new age stuff and most psychriatry these days and that is the 'normal' and 'necessary' role of 'pain' that is necessary to achieve true 'change'.

I think that is enough for today....

And thank you for your 'work'.

Bill Pratt


ON: Is Mind Control the New Reality?

Interesting show today...... and I do have some comments:

One of the first is the following series of BBC programs about  the 20th Century and How Sigmond Freud's nephew helped shape them.....they are well worth spending the 4 hours needed  to watch them; titled "The Century of Self"

And as for comments made during today's show that artifical intelligence should be integrated into the human brain/body......may I recommend that you watch some current TV Shows above the etical issues these AI Technologoes present....  such as Marvel's Agents of Shield.....a now cancelled series on CBS title "Intelligence' etc..... media is presenting these issues to the world in an interesting way.

Also AI is already invading our bodies and minds through GMO tecnologies....I read recently when we eat these products we are 'making' glyposhate in our own bodies; just as insects do.....

AI is already presenting an opportunity for 'control' to  out into the nanotechologies ALREADY present in cosmetics, soaps, deoderants etc.....ready to be 'programmed' and put into water systems etc....I have read some psychologists want to do this already....

And you mention that the 4th dimension has collapsed......I would beg to differ on that....the 4th dimension is the "Baptism" dimension......the Bible in James Chapter 4...... mentions that "God wants to hear Yes Yes; not No No"......   and some interupt this to careful of the vows made and to whom.....I mention this as I have witnessed many who rush into atonements.... baptisms if you will with entities and 'movements' of a different kind; without understanding or even attempting to understand....and enter into a mind control agreement of a different sort......


One of the most astounding learnings of my life happened about ten years ago..... when studying the brain....and learned that we are NOT hardwired as I had learned years ago before the electron microscope discovered that our nerves have receptors and transmitters and are NOT connected.....which meant that we are a wide open vessel for those vibrations you describe...........this explains why new age affirmations, hypnosis, etc etc etc  and including witchcraft work...............we are a very suggestable species.....However; there is a missing ingredient in all of the new age stuff and most psychriatry these days and that is the 'normal' and 'necessary' role of 'pain' that is necessary to achieve true 'change'.

I think that is enough for today....

And thank you for your 'work'.

Bill Pratt


Thank you So Much for in-fluencing in-credible in-form-ation to co-nsider!
This is simply my co-ntribution.
Cheers and ciao with great respect my friends!!

Most respectfully,
-allen steng


Thank you So Much for in-fluencing in-credible in-form-ation to co-nsider!
This is simply my co-ntribution.
Cheers and ciao with great respect my friends!!

Most respectfully,
-allen steng